Jimin's POV:
"FIRE!" "FIRE!" "Evacuate the department! There is fire! Go OUT!"
My eyes could only see the flames. They advanced majestically toward us. As if they were dancing a waltz in the middle of the duke's palace.
When people were screaming and running to save their lives, I couldn't move. I just stood in the middle of the auditorium, looking at the fire burning everything in its path.
The flames were of a color between red, orange and yellow. A color so beautiful that my eyes could no longer detach themselves from them. It was gorgeous yet too dangerous.
This scene was familiar. Very familiar.
"Hyuung! Our house is burning!"
"Hyuung! Let's go out!!"
"J-jihyun-ah...w-we don't have the keys.."
"B-but w-we can use the windows, r-right? " *cough* *cough*
"N-no..you know that appa closes everything before he goes out.."
"Hyung! What are we going to do?!" *cough*
"I..I d-don't know.."
"Hyuung I'm scaared!"
"J-jihyun-ah..I-I'm sure we'll find somet-Jihyun! Jihyun! A-are you okay? Jihyuun wake up pleaaase!! J-jihyun p-please stay with mee!"
"Jimin! What are you still doing here! Come on!!"
"Yeah hyung I'm com-"
Where are the flames? I couldn't see them anymore. I only saw...black.
3rd pers POV:
"He moved his finger!" The young guy who has been staying next to Jimin's hospital bed during two long days widened his eyes. "Jimin! Can you hear me?"
The blond slowly opened his small eyes with difficulty. He spotted a blue hair approaching his face. Blue. His favorite color.
It took him only a few seconds before realizing who it was. He lazily smiled and touched his soft hair. "Y-yoongi hyung." He mumbled with a broken voice.
"Aish you asshole! You scared the hell outta me!" The older shouted. "I thought you weren't waking up anymore! You idiot!"
Jimin chuckled staring at his best friend freaking out in the middle of the hospital room. "You look so funny hyung."
"Funny?" Yoongi frowned. "They called me in the middle of my keyboard skills exam!" He rolled his eyes.
"Who called you?"
"Your friend Hoseok. He said that I was the only contact you put as favorite." Yoongi stared sadly at Jimin after saying this.
"You shouldn't have left your exam hyung..it's important." Jimin mumbled, not looking at his best friend. He felt bad for always creating him problems.
"But I'm your only guardian." Yoongi sighed. "Anyways, it's good that you're still alive."
"Drive me home hyung." Jimin said, trying to detach the medical devices from his body.
"Let me call the doctor first."
The drive was silent and it was everything but normal. Yoongi was usually annoyed at his blond friend because he wouldn't stop talking or wouldn't stop singing with his noisy high pitched voice.
Yoongi kept staring at him from time to time, expecting him to do something but he was expressionless.
He turned on the radio and smiled when he heard one of Jimin's favorite songs playing. He squeezed the younger's thigh, signaling him to start singing along but nothing.
"Loser oetori cheokhaneun geopjaengi! Mosdoen yangachi geoul soge noen! Just a loser oetor-" He chuckled and left a heavy sigh, realizing that he was the only one singing like an idiot inside of the car. He never did that before. Jimin never let him the chance to sing along before.
"Jimin..are you okay?" He asked with a low voice after he turned off the poor radio.
The younger slowly shook his head. "Not at all." He answered with a calm voice.
"What's wrong? You still can't breath properly? You want me to open the windows?"
Jimin shook his head.
"Then what's wrong?" Yoongi asked, focusing on the road.
"I remembered..again." Jimin answered, in a voice almost like a whisper.
Yoongi felt his heart flinch after hearing the word "remembered". He knew what it meant.
"Y-you remembered everything?" He tried his best to stay calm.
Yoongi knew everything about Jimin's past. He knew that the younger suffered a lot because of his violent father. He knew that he had one of the most terrifying childhoods anyone can imagine and he knew that he had to deal with mental problems for years.
They have been best friends since high school. It's been almost six years now.
The older tried his best not to mention his past anymore. It wasn't easy to deal with Jimin because he was very sensitive but he was doing his job quite perfectly.
"J-jimin please..don't think about anything. It's all in the past, okay?"
"T-the fire.." A tear fell from the younger's eye. "I-it was too scary."
"I know..but you're fine now."
"Mmm." Jimin hummed and immediately fell asleep. The medicines were still affecting him.
"Maybe I'm really a loser." Yoongi sighed, thinking about the song. He stopped the car for a moment and took a light sheet from his car's trunk to cover his friend. "Hope that he'll be alright." He mumbled before continuing the drive to the university's dorms.
After five long minutes, Jimin started panting and sweating on his car seat.
"Jimin?" Yoongi turned his head to check on his friend. "God damn it you're hot!" He said before taking the sheet away from his body.
"J-jihyun.." he heard the younger mumble. "J-jihyun-ah..s-stay with me.."
The blue haired felt his heard exploding inside his chest. "Jihyun." He sighed. "He remembered his brother again."
"Hey Jin."
"Oh, hey Yoongi. Sorry I couldn't go to the hospital today, I couldn't skip work." The tall dark haired male smiled sadly.
"It's okay hyung, I was there anyways."
"Jiminie how do you feel?" Jin asked, while hugging the younger. "I was too worried about you."
"I'm okay hyung, don't worry." The younger smiled. "I'm hungry." He added.
"Oh!" Jin widened his eyes. "You could have said it sooner! I'll prepare the most delicious dish for my baby right now!!" He smiled widely. "Yoongi, you'll eat with us?"
The blue haired shook his head. "I'd really like to but I have to send some files before the afternoon so.."
"I see." The older smiled. "Ah! A moment." He said, before running to his room. "Give this to Namjoon. Tell him that I liked all the songs." He blushed handing the mp4 to the younger.
"Okay." Yoongi smirked. He was sure that his roommate will be too excited to hear this. "Well, I should go. Bye Jiminie." He smiled to his friend.
"Bye hyung."
"I'll come to see you tonight after I finish work."
"Hyung, please take care of him." Yoongi whispered to the taller guy who chuckled. "Don't worry about this. I'll treat him like my own son."
"You have a great potential Yoongi-ssi." His boss smiled to him after hearing some of his new mixes. Yoongi was working part-time as a DJ for the university's midnight radio show. Studying and working was very tiring but he tried not to complain too much because he was doing what he liked. Making music.
He also liked the fact that he was sharing a room with another passionate of music, Kim Namjoon, who was also a high school friend.
"I'd like you to play these for Saturday's party."
"Party?" Yoongi raised an eyebrow.
"The faculty of economics is organizing a party next Saturday and they want you to be the DJ." The boss said.
"Oh, I see." The younger nervously rubbed the back of his neck. He didn't like to be in the presence of a big crowd. He was more like the guy who prefers to stay alone or only with a few friends. High quality friends, not just any stupid cowards.
"I'm counting on you."
"Y-yeah sir."
"He liked my songs? All of them?!" Namjoon was smiling from ear to ear.
Yoongi nodded with a chuckle.
"Holy shit!" The light orange haired male started jumping like crazy from his bed to the floor and on his desk.
"Are you that happy?"
"You're kidding?" Namjoon laughed. "Kim Seokjin, the most handsome guy in the university said that he liked my songs! Of course I'm fucking happy!" He shouted, hugging his Ryan plush.
"Well, if you say so." Yoongi rolled his eyes. "Do you want me to tell him something? Cuz I'm going to check on Jimin."
"Oh, uhm, wait. Wait a moment!" The younger jumped from his bed and went looking for a paper and pen. "Uhm hyung? Do you have a pink pen?" He asked.
"The fuck?" Yoongi frowned. "A pink pen? You must be kidding me!" He chuckled.
"Because hyung likes pink." Namjoon pouted. "I should buy one."
"Tssk." Yoongi shook his head. "Ah." He remembered something. "Wait, I have one." He remembered Jimin letting one of his color pencils in his room. "Here. It's Jimin's."
"Yey! Thanks buddy!" Namjoon smiled and started writing something on a small paper. "Give him this."
"H-hey Yoongi."
"Wow hyung are you alright? You look so pale." Yoongi asked, looking at Jin's face.
"Well..uhm..I called you earlier, didn't you hear your phone?"
"What? Oh, shit, no. I put it in silence when I was at work." The younger said, checking his last calls. "Something's wrong?"
"Well..Jimin was kinda acting weird." Jin rubbed his hair.
"What do you mean?" Yoongi frowned his face, imagining all the scenes possible.
"After we ate dinner, he took a long nap and when he woke up he was acting so weird I swear I didn't understand anything."
"I see.." The younger bit his lower lip. "Where is he now?"
"His room."
"Okay, I'll check on him. And here." He gave him the paper. "From Namjoon." He said before heading to his blond friend's room.
"Hey Jimi-" He stopped right next to the door when he spotted the younger watching Tom & Jerry. "The fuck?"
He cleared his throat and approached him. "Jimin, do you feel better now?" He asked, watching his friend too concentrated watching the grey cat chasing after the mouse. He chuckled because he was looking too cute with his fluffy hair and his red cheeks. "Come on man, how can you be watching a cartoon at your age? And Tom & Jerry above all!" He laughed. "You're twenty-two man!"
"Uh?" Jimin slowly raised his head to look at the older. "T-twenty-two?" He laughed.
"Ahjussi! I'm not twenty-two!"
"A-ahjussi?!" Yoongi looked at the younger in disbelief. (Ahjussi = mister/sir)
"I'm eight years old!"
"W-w..J-jimin?" Yoongi's heart started beating very fast as he approached the younger more and kneeled in front of him.
"Jimin? I'm not Jimin. Who is this ahjussi?" The younger asked, with a pout face.
"U-uh..w-who are you?"
"My name is Chimchim!"