The three feelings that swarmed inside of me. Yea they had similar meaning but each word was much more intense then the last.
I hugged Rafael then Serenity waving hello to their little munchkins. I don't know what happened during that small duration of a few minutes but a small yet powerful little voice stood between Bras's gun and another mans head, his life.
"Daddy no..." Xoana tugged at his tux coat. He looked down at her his eyes deep with concentration not really looking at her but past her.
*Author's POV 25 Years Ago*
"I don't wanna look." 5 year old Bras whispered hoping Mama would understand. He never liked to see his father kill... it just didn't sit right with him. To watch someone, who couldve been a father, a son, a husband be remorselessly murdered in front of him . Bras knew his father was bad man, he knew he did things that could never be spoken of.
"LOOK!'' She yelled, his heart skipped a beat. She scared him. Mainly because if he didn't look his consequences would be great.
"I don't wanna!" He argued. He felt sorry for the man.
"If you don't look I'm gonna-"
"Raquel! He isn't ready and you shouldn't force it." His father spoke up.
"Fine... dear. Bras fetch Rafael." Raquel demanded pushing him to the ground.
"RAQUEL YOU WILL NOT TREAT MY SON AS AN OBJECT. YOU ARE THEIR MOTHER NOT THEIR SLAVE MASTER!" Bras's father raged. Andrade hated for his sons to be pushed around like some ragdoll because he didn't make them into some emotionless stick of flesh and blood. They felt pain and they felt the hatred of their mother towards them. He knew their pain. As for Bras, he didn't like his younger brother witnessing such gruesome acts but he knew sooner or later it was gonna be his turn. He had to get used to it.
*Aurora's POV Now*
"Bras... " I walked over to him. His gaze switched to me as he lowered his gun. Rafael seemed to be in a trance as well. A memory maybe?
"Baby." He whispered hugging me to him. His breathing intensified and his heartbeat quickened. He was going to cry.
"Dismissed." I flashed my hand. Everyone nodded and retreated to doing what they were previously.
"Whats wrong?"
At this point his tears seeped threw the thin cloth of my blouse.
"I don't want her to go through what I did." He responded squeezing me tight. I frowned my hand on his cheek moving to stroking his hair.
"She won't. She's going to have a choice."
A choice... something Bras nor I had. Freewill to do what you please. That was what I wanted for Xoana. Not entrapment, not to force her, but to let her breath. Bras nodded and kissed my forehead before kneeling to Xo.
"You ready to go home?" He asked. She smiled widely and nodded profusely ignoring the situation that had just occurred.
That really was daddy's little girl.