"Hey." Bras whispered kissing Xoana's forehead. Xo had always seen pictures of her father but never really met him so I understood her excitement.
"How did you get in here?" I shut the door knowing my brother was home and probably going to sleep so he could wake up for work at 12.
"I have my ways."
"Ok what are you doing here?" I asked crossing my arms my purse still in hand.
"To get you guys home." He smiled. I ran my hands through my hair before looking back up at him.
"That's not fair."
"I know I'm a bit late-"
"A bit?! Bras her birthday is next month! You think she's ready to make such a change in life?!"
"Aurora quiet down." He shushed me. Not because of my brother but because of Xoana who was fast asleep in his arms. God they looked so much alike.
"Come to my room." I beckoned. He nodded and set her down.
I rushed to close the door behind me as Bras stood in the center of the room. Eyeing me carefully.
"Baby... I missed you so much." He crossed is arms. I rolled my eyes as he walked forward his hands gripping waist tight pulling me closer.
"Wait... you think I've been infidelite. That's it."
"Well shit have you Bras. Despite being married we were separated... you could've done anything during that time."
"You think I would do something like that to ruin our marriage." He asked obviously offended.
"Bras you've done it before."
"But I wouldn't do it again." He tried assuring me. But I frowned.
He kissed me slowly drawing me back to him. I missed him dearly. I missed the way he spoke, the way he touched me, the way he fucked me. He was my hell but I loved him for it. We were toxic but it felt like I've been between worlds for so long... here was my redemption standing in front of me in a black and white Tux.
Before I knew it he was backing me towards my bed unzipping the back of my skirt.
Here we go again... the one thing that made sure I could never leave him, sex.
"You know we can't do this here." I tried to make an excuse to get from underneath him. He nodded and kissed me sitting on the edge of the bed. I crawled onto his lap, my legs straddling him gently.
"We can't leave so suddenly." I frowned. He nuzzled his nose against my own.
"Yes you can." He sighed.
"Baby this is the first life she's known. You think I'm gonna allow her to live in a warehouse with a bunch of harlots in and out of the place.
"Who said it was going to be at the warehouse? You really think I haven't thought about the wellbeing of our daughter? That is exactly why I want her in the suburbs. Not on the edge of MLK Boulevard. (Martin Luther King Boulevard.)"
"This is a nice house." I frowned.
"Compared to the 17 million dollar home I bought? Not even close."
"Bras I'm not raising her to be materialistic."
"No but we're raising her to know her worth."
"People that grew up in the projects knew their worth."
"You think if those kids parents had the option of living in a suburban area that they wouldn't take it in a heartbeat? I'm fulfilling our options here." He justified. I sighed.
"Like I said, we can't leave so suddenly. Tomorrow's her first day in school." I whispered.
"Well we can get you guys moved in over the weekend. How does that sound? The school isn't far from the house I bought so I will be sure Thomas drops her off every morning." He kissed me. I rolled my eyes and shook my head.
I rose myself off of him and walked him downstairs giving him a kiss just as I shut the door.
Slowly I crept back up the stairs and just as I turned the corner there was my brother. I knew it was past 10 and he had to go to work soon.
"You guys are leaving this weekend?" He leaned against the wall.
I nodded.
"You can't take my niece into that life Aurora."
"With all do respect Marcos let me raise my daughter. She won't be living that life until she's old enough to make the decision."
"Aurora, Bras Naves is a terrible man!" He protested.
"News flash! IM A TERRIBLE WOMAN!" I yelled to loud of course and I bit my tongue thinking I might've woken up my sleeping beauty. I pushed him out of my way and stomped to my room.
No matter what Bras did he was always going to be the true love of my life. No one could change that.