Once known as a charming lover boy who proudly showcased every moment with Lisa on social media platform for everyone to see how deeply in love they were, however something shattered him beyond repair when Lisa walked out on him without explanation or remorse.
Since then, Deep immersed himself into meaningless flings trying hard not to let anyone get close enough to hurt him anymore. He created an illusion of happiness by protecting carefree imagines through endless party nights while hiding behind walls made up solely of self preservation.
Love sounds sweet but it is a mental illness, it is an evil poison cooked by a pretty angel , it fixes you up only to tear you apart later.
Josephine can't believe that she is standing Infront of the mirror in her room, doing her make up ready for the party.
she is both excited and nervous because it's her first of going to the party. Her friend in her former school always told her what students always do at the party, they will dance and got drunk while some will be making out.
Josephine's phone ring, picking it up she saw June's name appeared on the screen and she answered the call " I will be outside in one minute" .
She quickly carried her hand bag and ran outside the door, June was in her car waiting for Josephine, she exhaled a sign of relief when she saw Josephine walking towards her car.
Josephine settled into the passenger seat as June revved up the engine. The city lights blurred past them as they made their way towards the party venue. The anticipation was building inside Josephine, making her heart race faster with each passing moment. She glanced at herself in the rearview mirror, adjusting her outfit one last time before stepping foot into a world unknown.
" You are looking super beautiful, I can't believe that you are the Josephine I know at school" said June smiling, Josephine looks away shyly about June's compliment.
" You also look beautiful" Josephine comment. June just smile as she parked her car before they came down from the car to inside the venue.
The music was pulsating through the air as Josephine and June entered the party venue. The room was filled with vibrant colors, flashing lights, and a sea of dancing bodies. Josephine couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and nervousness as she took in her surroundings. She could see people laughing, drinking, and enjoying themselves without any inhibitions.
June dragged Josephine through the crowd on the dancing floor and she spotted Charles and his friends in their table.
" Let go and join Charles with his friends" June said as they walked to join them. The table is occupied with many teenagers , some from school June find a place for her and Josephine to sit down.
Josephine Felt uncomfortable as some are smoking while some were already drunk making her to feel like she is about to vomit.
Josephine's uneasiness grew as more people started crowding around their table, their voices merging into one indistinguishable sound. Feeling suffocated by the loud music and overwhelming atmosphere.
Deep and his friends are in their table drinking as girls surrounded the table, almost all the population of the girls in the party want to sit at the table where the handsome boys are sitting.
" Maybe you guys should find a room" Melody suggested when he saw how Deep and Mira are licking each other face and he felt disgusting with it. Mira is the school's popular cheerleader and also the most beautiful girl in the school.
" Haha we don't need that, we can do it here " Deep laughed out loud, he looks super hot with his dimples showing. Josephine was lost in thoughts when she a melodious voice, staring at the direction of the voice she was meets with a hot and sexy Deep but something makes her to frown her face which is the girl sitting beside as half of her body was on his chest.
Josephine couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy as she watched Deep and the girl beside him, their closeness and affection unmistakable. She quickly turned away, not wanting to let her emotions get the best of her. Instead, she decided to focus on enjoying the party with June.
" Hi Josephine, you have been quiet since you walked in" Charles said, trying to start a conversation with her. That is when she noticed him as she stared at him from head to toe and he looks super cute tonight.
" I am just trying to adapt to here" Josephine replied shyly, Charles noticed that Josephine is the type of girl that is shy and that means him to be interested in her.
" Wow , so you are trying a new thing" said Charles with a smirk on his handsome face. June said " Don't mind her she is Mama's girl" .
" Come on June I am not a Mama's girl, I just happened to love my comfort zone so much" Josephine said laughing out loud which draw attention of other people to the three of them " I am sorry" . Josephine apologized, looking away embarrassing.
A sweet voice of laughter caught Deep's attention, as he stared towards the direction of the voice and was surprised to see Josephine, the girl that have been on his mind since the day he saw her . He never expect Josephine to be the party girl because she looks so innocent and anti social person.
Suddenly, their eyes met across the crowded room. It felt as if time stood still for a moment as they locked gazes. Deep could see curiosity and intrigue in Josephine's eyes, mirroring his own feelings. In that instant, he knew that this party would change everything for both of them.
" Let play a game" Grace suggested as almost everyone immediately walked to a big table as they sit down ready for the game.
" Let go over there" Charles and June both said to Josephine as they walked to the table that was already occupied with teenagers, they find space and they sit down waiting for the game to start.
" Let play truth or dare " a boy suggested and all the students agree. Josephine have never played the game but her friend told her that it is a naughty game played by Brave and bold people that are not afraid to do anything that they dare them to do.
" I can't play this game" Josephine whispered to June's ear , she is not comfortable playing this game.
" Don't worry too much I am here " said June assurancing her that she has nothing to worried.
Josephine looked around at everyone's excited faces, feeling a knot forming in her stomach. She never liked being the center of attention and the thought of having to reveal personal truths or perform embarrassing dares made her palms sweat. But she didn't want to seem like a party pooper either, so she decided to go along with it for now.
The head of the bottle was pointed at Mira and a boy asked " truth or dare".
" I am not a coward, I choose dare " said Mira proudly nothing like fear in her eyes.
" Okay, I dare you to do a lap dances on the guy in that table over there for five minutes" said the boy pointing at the direction. Mira confidently walked to the table and sat on the lap of one of the guy and began to dance .
Everyone is cheering up for her , clapping hands for her while Josephine was just staring at her strangely, wondering if she don't feel ashamed doing it.