Seriously, I don’t think that’s funny Lauren both of your parents just threatened me. »
« You can’t take my parents seriously Rob. » Lauren watched him has he laid back across the bed.His long muscular body, taking up a good portion of the king size bed. Lauren couldn’t take her eyes off him he looked so good in his white tee and Levis . Her hormones where running wild. Would Rob still want her if she told him the truth. Making a conscious decision she slid up his body straddling him . He moaned with the unexpected contact. « What are you doing Lauren ? »
« I want to finish what you started. » She leaned down nibbled on his lip then sucked the spot. She felt his instant reaction moved up her thighs resting on her bottom. She could feel his resistance fading.
« Look Orlando wants to do some serious harm to me I don’t know if this is such a good idea. »
« He’s full of hot air. » She said sucking on his bottom lip. »
« Lauren ahhhhh. »
« Deluca just enjoy the moment. »
« Rizzoli I’m trying hard to keep control of the situation. » His smile set the butterflies off in her stomach. This was the time to tell him. Right now….
Before she could get a word he flipped their position her legs were now wrapped around his waist the weight of his body was cradled between her thigh. The intimate contact was making it hard for her to think. His had a wild look as the seemed to darken. She couldn’t help but purr at this male dominant side to Robert as he lowered his to her very erect nipple that he sucked on through her shirt. Suddenly she felt hot. Her skin felt on fire with every touch. Before she knew it her white tee was over her head and he was unhooking the clasp in the front of her bra. She felt embarrassed attempting to cover herself. « Lauren your beautiful don’t hide them. » She felt scared and excited as he took one nipple in his mouth lathering it with his tongue than the other . It was when he went to unzip her pants that she began to panic. It was now or never. « Lauren what’s wrong. »
« There’s something I have to tell you. »
« What tell me. » He was so calm. His hands brushed slight damp her back away from her face. He gave her a quick kiss. « Tell me what’s wrong. »
She swallowed knowing it was best just to spit it out…The only other person who knew her secret was Frenchy now she was about to tell Robert.. »Rob I’m a virgin. »
He laughed… »Yeah right Lauren. Stop joking. If you want me to stop just say so. »
« I don’t want you to stop. I just wanted you to know before we went any further. »
Lauren watched as he disengaged himself from her. She grabbed her discarded shirt putting it on.
He gave her a unsettling look that made heart plummet. « Your twenty eight Lauren and a virgin how ? Why ? »
« I never found the right one. »
« So, why me ? And now ? »
« I don’t know Rob it just seemed right. »
« Look I’m flattered but this changes everything. »
« So now you don’t want me ? »
« Lauren believe me I want you. I just have to think. » She followed him as he grabbed some shorts from a draw and sneaks from the closet and left the room.
She had just offered him her virginity and he had to think about it….would she ever get laid.
Rob headed for the beach he needed air and a long run. She was virgin a twenty eight year old virgin Lala the sexy temptress. He stretched loosening up his muscles doing jumping jacks and then lunges. It was amazing. He lost his virginity at sixteen. Starting off quickly he slowed it down to an even pace. The ocean breeze was doing nothing to help with his dilemma. She wanted him to deflower her so her parents would have her brothers beat him up and bury him alive. If not kill him they might even try a shot gun marriage. Which he definitely wasn’t ready for the ball and chain… Damn Lauren she knew how to get under his skin…Maybe if he would get Giorgio and go out and find a couple of chicks for a quick one maybe that would help …Shit then he would have to come home to Lauren laying in his bed…and feel guilty. No he would go out ….Shit who was he fooling…He wanted her bad and no other girl was going to do until he got Lauren out his system. He picked up his speed…maybe he could run her out his system.
Francesca had little Vinny lying on her shoulder bottle in hand. She was exhausted, She looked over at Angelo his hair sticking straight up he was changing their daughter Angelica’s diaper she was crying loudly. They had two down and two to go when the phone rang it was one in the morning. They both had dark circles under eyes and the both were snapping at each other due to lack of sleep. She rushed to the phone hoping that it wouldn’t wake their two sleeping babies and that it wasn’t bad news . The instant she saw the screen she realized it had to be either Lauren or Robert.
“Hello do you realize what time it is here.” She stated angerly without thought of which of them it was.”
“I’m sorry French. I forgot about the six hours difference.”
Francesca took a deep breath calming her frail nerves.“It’s alright we were already up.” She said bouncing the baby on her shoulder patting his back getting him to burb.
“I really needed to talk to you…”
“What happened ?”
“I told Robert I was a virgin.”
“ Why did you divulge that bit of information with him or should I guess.”
“I decided to let him be the first.”
“And tell me what did he do after you told him ?”
“He took a run.”
Lauren heard the laughter through the phone.
“That’s so typical Robert.”
“French I don’t want him to run, I want him to talk to me.”
“You know that’s how he thinks things though, he’ll be back.”
“Frenchy, I hope he doesn’t run away completely.”
“He’ll be back. What guy do you know would turn down a deflowering of a virgin.”
“You make it sound gothic.”
“Well how many twenty eight year old virgins do you find in this day and time ?”
“I guess I’m a rarity hun ?”
“Yeah you think ? “ Francesca laughed. “He probably was in shock Lauren you don’t exactly act like the typical virgin.”
“And what does the typical virgin act like.”
“A nun Lala, a nun.”
“You are so stupid can you imagine me a nun ?”She laughed. Laying back on the bed.
“Exactly my point.” Francesca laughed
“French besides that I have a bit of a dilemma going on.”
“What ? Is it serious ?” Francesca sat holding her now sleeping baby on her shoulder.
“I haven’t been completely honest about everything.”
“Don’t tell me you’re not a virgin.”
“No I’m a virgin French…The thing is that Liam..”
“Wait I thought you stopped seeing him awhile ago.”
“No I’ve been seeing him for a year now but he travels a lot with his job. And I haven’t even told my parents about him.”