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Lauren he whispered, her name from his lips was like a soft caress as she looked into his blue eyes. She smiled seductively as she walked around the king size bed she test his binds making sure that they were secure. She felt his eyes following her. The fact that he was tied to the bed with only a black silk sheet covering his waist and upper thighs. Made her quiver with anticipation. A leather whip laid beside him. She smiled taking it from the bed. She ran the fringes along his muscular chest. He was totally at her mercy. She wanted his total surrender. Straddling him she felt his arousal. He moaned her name as she bit down on his nipple. Again she bit hard he raised his head jerking his restraint. “Lauren.”He moaned again.” Lauren baby where about to land.” As the haze of the dream faded Lauren woke to find her head resting on his shoulder and his arm around her shoulder. Straightening she looked up into the same blue eyes that had devoured her in her smoking hot dream.

“Was it a good one ?” He smiled wickedly.

“A good what ?” She felt for her bag reaching in she pulled out an mirror to examine her face. She looked sleep hungover. Fixing her hair and applying gloss she felt ready to land. Trying to ignore him.


“I wasn’t dreaming.” She lied avoiding looking over at him.

“Oh baby you where dreaming and it must have been very hot and steamy.”

“Shut up Robert.” She felt the warmth of his finger on her face guiding her to turn and look into his eyes.

“Lauren you called my name out three times baby girl.”

She jerked away from his finger feeling the heat rising up her neck to her cheeks at his revelation.

“I seriousily want to know what that dream was about.” He looked red face…

“You already know already.”

“ Do I ? “ He smiled finally realizing what she was talking about.Naw , the one where you had me tied to a bed. Did I surrender Lauren ?”

“What do you think Robert. I whipped out of you.”

“Oh baby we have to make that dream reality.”

“It will nerver happen.”

“Never say never baby girl.”

The woman literally stopped in there tracks as he walked past. She knew they couldn’t help themselves he was exceptionally good-looking at 6’5, muscular with messy blonde hair, blue eyes and a cute dimple in his left cheek He was a walking dream and to top it off he smelled good. And yet he was oblivious to the attention he was getting. At this moment he was pulling her along. He had grabbed her hand as soon as they exited the plan. She had no choice but follow since he refused to let her go. “Robert slow down please I have on four inch heels.”

“Sorry babe.” She loved when he called her babe but she would never admit it to him. The finally reached the conveyor belt she pointed out her bag and he retrieved it.

“What about your bag. ?”

“I only brought my a carry on. I travel light. If I need something I’ll buy it.”

“Must be nice.”

“It is.” He smiled. “ You know if you need anything I’ll buy it for you too.”

“ I quiet capable of buying what I need Robert.”

“I know you are Lauren, but the offer stands anything you need I be more than happy to assist you with. ” She knew that statement had a double meaning she chose to ignore him.

Lauren held tightly to his hand since he seemed to no the way without asking. They had reached the exit as a limo pulled up Lauren watched as an older version of Robert stepped out kissing him on each cheek. “Caio Roberto.”

“Ciao zio.” (Hello uncle) Lauren watch as the uncle looked down at their intwined fingers smiling. She tried to pull away but he held on tight “Introduce us Robert .”

“Giorgio this is Lauren.”Grabbing her free hand Lauren watched as Giorgio lightly kissed her hand.

“ Ciao bella Lauren.” He whispered in a thick Italian.

“Ciao Girgio.” Lauren smiled at the sexy older version of Robert.

“E lei la donna nipote ? Se non sara moi.”(Is she your woman nephew ? If not she will be mine.)

“Giu le mani lei, si e moi.” (Hands off her, she is mine.)

“Then I should have left Juliana home.”

“Who is Juliana Robert ?” Lauren wanted to know as she looked towards the open door of the limo as a tall curveous brunette stepped out.

“Roberto il moi amore.”

Lauren watch as the bitch threw her fake boobs on Robert. Smiling as she kissed every inch of his face. He released her hand to pull away from the woman. Who gave him a disappointed pout.

“Hello Juliana.”

“Why do you act so distant Roberto ? Who is this ?”

Lauren was mad as hell this witch had totally just disregarded her presence and kissed her man. Hello no. Lauren gave Juliana a very smug look .

“Who I’am to Roberto is non of your business.’ Lauren grabbed Roberts hand and pulled him into the limo he followed.

Robert knew not to protest. His Uncle Giorgio was laughing uncontrollably and Juliana he knew she was mad as hell. Really he could careless since she had been the first woman to break his heart.

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