I remember that day as if everything happened only yesterday, I was nine years old back then...
"Mommy, where are we going?" I asked Mom as I watched her in the mirror fixing my hair. She smiled at me before she answered me.
"Forger's mansion, Baby..." Mommy gave me a soft answer and then she finished fixing my hair.
I frowned at Mom's answer, trying to remember who the Forgers she was talking about.
Maybe Mom and Dad's new business partners. I said to myself.
"We're going on vacation there, I'm very sure you'll enjoy their place and also the mansion is close to the sea." My eyes widened at what she said feeling very excited. I don't know what's in the sea but I love it when we go to the beaches. It makes me so happy just by seeing the waves touch the sand. Wearing the sound of the waves.
It didn't take long and Mom and I left my room followed by our helpers who were carrying the luggage we were going to take for vacation.
We spent a day and a night on the trip to the Forgers mansion. From the highlands, where we live we will travel for a few hours until we reach the port and there we will board a ship with our car.
A few hours later after travelling on that big ship next, we will travel again through our car and then we would arrive at a private place where only one mansion stood.
A white mansion mostly made of glass is in front of us. The front is beautiful, there's a large garden on the left side while in the middle there is a spacious car park.
Before we finally got out of the car, Mommy reminded me first.
"Don't act like a brat Kourtney that's going to be embarrassing, especially to the Forgers!" I pouted at what Mommy said.
"Hon, it's okay... Kourtney is young, just let her do things what she usually does and I'm sure the Forgers will understand that." Daddy answered immediately, to Mommy trying to depend on my actions.
Eventually, Mommy just sighed while Dad caressed the top of my head, so I smiled at Daddy because he is my protector.
We got out of the car and as soon as I set my feet on the floor, I couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of the Forgers' mansion.
I also noticed the line of helpers at the entrance of the mansion as they waited for us. And there I noticed that the lives of the Forgers are very different compared to the life we have.
Their lives are more luxurious than ours but I'm still comfortable with what we have so it's not a big deal.
"I'm glad you accepted our invitation, Franky!" The woman immediately said I think it was Mrs Forger. She looks a little older than Mommy though.
Dad nodded at what she had said, while Mommy also greeted the couple who were waiting for us with their helpers.
And then we walked to where they were standing. Mom kissed the cheek of Mrs Forger and shook hands with Mr Forger. While Daddy tapped Mr Forger's shoulder and a nod to Mrs Forger.
The couple asked how our trip was before their attention turned to me. My body was hidden behind Mom's leg while my hands were wrapped around her leg as well. And I just peeked in my head to see what was happening.
While we were travelling earlier, Mommy was talking about the Forgers and one of the things she said about the couple is that they have three sons but they didn't seem to be here in the mansion with them.
Maybe busy at work? I also remember Mommy saying that their youngest child was ten years older than me. Maybe he's eighteen or nineteen. Anyway, it doesn't matter if the children of the Forger couple are there or not, they are older than me and for sure they are not interested in getting to know me very much.
"Your daughter is beautiful, Kris." Mrs Forger said happily. Both my cheeks get hot from what she said and I immediately hid my face behind Mom. Mom thanked Mrs Forger and modestly laughed.
"She's a shy girl," Mommy added.
"Kourtney, Baby... What are you going to say to Tita?" Mom asked me as she gently pulled me away from behind her so I could face the Forgers.
I was like a robot standing straight in front of the Forgers and Mom and Dad after what Mommy did.
"T-thank you!" I said while stuttering at the same time feeling embarrassed. I still feel the heat on my face now so I'm sure your whole face is red.
Mrs Forger moved close to where I was standing and then she looked at my face, and stared into my eyes.
That made me more nervous because the kind of look she was giving me was like she reads what's on my mind, she sees who I am in the future. The looks she's giving me is really strange until slowly there's a smile form in her lips and she said,
"You're very young, how I wish you're a little older than you are. I'd love to promise you to Travis." She said however I don't understand what she meant.
Me to be promised to Travis? I am still confused however what Mrs Forger said was immediately lost when Daddy laughed and then said that I am too young for such matters, which Mr Forger agreed with and then they invite us to go inside the mansion. Because the weather is hot as per Mrs Forger, but for me the breeze was just right, neither hot nor cold.
As we entered the mansion, I was busy looking at every corner we passed. We are just at the beginning but you will immediately notice how rich the Forgers are.
The things they have here in the mansion are way better than the things we have at home, while I'm busy looking at their things I can still hear them talked about the couple’s children.
It turns out that their children are all boys and Mom is wrong. The three sons are here however they are busy I guest doing adult things? I heard Mrs Forger say their children were on the beach with female friends having fun.
Now I started thinking how it feels like having siblings? Since I am an only child.
Until we got to the Patio, my parents and the Forger couple sat while I remained standing and looked around. Almost every part of the Forgers' mansion is beautiful.
Until two helpers approached us with snacks and while they were unloading our snack to our table she would like her sons to meet us. Mom said that it was okay to let Mrs Forger's son enjoy their time first in the sea.
Then one of their helpers excused herself and said that the young Forgers had returned with their friends and were just preparing for a while before they went here to the Patio.
"Emilia, can you please tell Rush to move fast? I don't like it when they make our VIP guests just to meet them." Mr Forger strictly said that caught my attention, not because the sound of his voice was scary but only now did I notice that even though he is old there is something in him that would make you look at him.
And then Mom answered Mr Forger that it was okay for us to wait since were staying here for a few days and that we are not in a rush to meet the boys. Which I agree. Well, I'm a few years younger than them so I'm sure they would just say hi and they'll go back to hanging out with their friends.
Anyway, about the snack they got for us, there's a strawberry shake prepared for me, anything with strawberries is perfect since it's my favorite. While the old one's have tea and coffee.
There are also cookies and cakes with two flavors that they bought, a chocolate and then vanilla. That's why I enjoyed our snack so much that I didn't notice that the ones we were waiting for had arrived. The Forgers brothers.
"Boys! It's good that you got here right on time, we just started our tea! You can join us! Do you want me to ask our helpers to get you guys something you prepare?" Mrs Forger said cheerfully and tenderly to her sons, so I looked at them. Three tall men came, but Dad and Mr Forger were even taller than them.
Even though they are wearing t-shirts, their fit bodies are still visible. I watched as they kissed Mrs Forger's cheek one by one as they nodded to Mr Forger.
And then they turned to look at us. Mrs Forger smiled at us and introduced the three of us to her sons.
The eldest is Rush. The second son was Noah, who both gave us a welcoming smile.
Rush looks like a mix of Mr and Mrs Forger while Noah is the male version of Mrs Forger. When they approached us, Rush even messed up my hair and asked how old I was while Noah said I am beautiful.
The first time I looked at the two of them, I immediately felt like they are the coolest older brothers in town that I am looking for. That's why I gave them my sweetest smile.
And then it was the third man's turn to be introduced by Mrs Forger.
"By the way, this is Travis, my youngest child." I plan to look at them both, I mean Mrs Forger and her son, however when I turned my gaze to them, Travis and I, eyes immediately met.
I don't understand why my young heart immediately beats so fast inside my rib cage that I feel like any time now it will come out of my chest! Is it possible for that to happen?
My mouth fell open, I was trying to say something but words wouldn't just come out of my mouth.
Travis and I just stared at each other for a few minutes, he didn't say anything. He was just looking straight into my eyes.
The way he looks at me, makes me feel intimidated. I also noticed that there is no trace of emotion on his face or eyes. I couldn't help but be confused and think at the same time what he thought of me. Or for sure he doesn't care too much about me since I am too young.
And there before I could say hello, they went back to the business discussion they had earlier and this time, Noah and Rush are now included in the conversation.
In the end, I was the first to let go of our eye to eye contact and then continued eating the cake. After a few minutes, I was distracted when I saw on the side of my eyes that someone was seated next to where I was sitting. When I looked to my side, I immediately saw who was sitting next to me.
'Travis.' I called him but just in my mind. I don't have the courage to call him by his name right in front of him. And I don't understand why I can't do it!
We stared at each other again and here is my heart again beating so damn fast inside my ribcage. If this keeps happening, I feel like my bones in my ribcage will break anytime soon and my heart will have the chance to run out inside my body. Now, I'm feeling scared and think that Travis is not good for me.
Suddenly I became conscious of how I looked now.
I've been feeling hot since earlier and sweaty and the strawberry shake didn't help much with the heat I am feeling. I can also feel that I'm sweating on my forehead.
"Did you like the cake?" It's a random question and can be answered by a yes or no, however I am having a hard time answering him. I'm sure if I open my mouth to answer him no words would come out of my mouth, just like what happened earlier. I am again like a robot who just nodded in response to his question.
"You really liked it! Since you still have icing on the side of your lips." He said to me in a hoarse voice and before I could react, he approached me and I was statued in my seat.
When he raised one of his hands, he was already holding a handkerchief and the one he used to wipe the icing that he said was on the side of my mouth.
I can feel the rapid heating of my whole face and because I got a white skin I'm sure it's obvious all over my face.
And of all the people who would see my red face, how lucky I am it's Travis! Just great!
Rush also greeted me good morning and then asked if I already had breakfast.
Suddenly I felt embarrassed, I didn't even greet them with good morning first. This is a red flag! They might take this against me and will use it as a reason why they won't take me to the beach in case they plan to go there.
But I am sure they would! Where else will they use those towels hanging on their shoulders then? Now, I am feeling guilty as I answer their questions.
"I had milk earlier," I told them in a low voice.
I'm so excited about going to the seashore that after taking a shower and changing my clothes, I went down to the kitchen hoping to catch up with Mom and Dad there but it looks like they were still asleep until now.
"Come on, let's eat together." Noah invited me.
"Uhhm, I'm not hungry yet ..." I said shyly but at the same time I was betrayed by the sound of my stomach. My eyes widened and then I looked at Rush and Noah back and forth, that's how I even caught Noah biting his lower lip, obviously holding back his laughter! What the hell?!
Rush, on the other hand, didn't seem to be able to stand it anymore and laughed out loud.
I frowned, Noah and I held the top of my head and then said.
"Just go with us and have breakfast so you can eat and get to know our friends, who are with us." Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that part. It's not only me and my parents who's here. Their friends are still here as well.
I nodded one after the other because other than that I was curious where Travis was.
Is he still asleep? Or already awake and with the friends Noah talks about?