Rush took my hand so we could walk together to where we were supposed to eat breakfast. As we got closer and closer I could hear the noise of women from somewhere. Someone was talking loudly and another one was laughing. They sound so happy. I wonder what is happening in that part of the house?
Until we entered my dining area of the Forgers, there I saw that they had three women with them and Travis was already there with the women.
I immediately felt disappointed seeing Travis here with this girl who obviously likes him! I just don't understand why I have to feel disappointed seeing this.
He was sitting there on the left side of the table and had a blonde -haired woman next to him. One of his hands was spread on the back of the chair of the woman next to him.
I also watched how the woman tried to pour toasted bread on his lips but he didn't want to open his mouth. Good thing! I yell inside my head. I don't know but I suddenly lost the hunger I felt before and lost my appetite for breakfast.
If I wouldn't just look and sound rude I'd like to say I lost my appetite and I want to go back in my room to Rush and will just wait for Mom and Dad to eat breakfast.
"You can sit here, next to me, Kourt." Noah told me, so I diverted my attention from watching Travis and the woman with him, which I'm sure is his girlfriend. The girl was sweet to him so I'm sure they're in a relationship.
"Oh. Hello, little girl. What's your name?" The short haired woman who was also sitting on the same row where I am asked me.
Noah just mentioned my name. did she not hear it? Or is she not paying attention to the reason why she's asking the same question? Urgh! I seriously want to roll my eyes on her now! So, she would know she's annoying! But I can't! Travis will see it and I'm sure he won't like it and might think that because I am the only child I am spoiled by my parents!
So I immediately decided to play nice for now. I smiled sweetly at the woman and then I answered her question politely.
"Is she one of your cousins?" The woman next to Travis asked next. I don't understand but even though I don't know her, just by hearing her voice I'm annoyed with her. I don't understand how is that possible!
This is really what I don't understand. I don't want Travis to be disappointed in me. Even if we barely know each other, I prefer that he likes me. I would be upset with myself if I did something he didn't like.
As I sit there with them having our breakfast, I can't stop thinking about Travis and Chiffon, that's his girlfriend's name. I also met the other two girls, which I am not sure if they are in a relationship with Noah and Rush.
They all gave me a friendly smile when I was introduced with the girls, however I'm no longer in the mood, so I just nodded to them all and decided to focus on eating my breakfast.
In my peripheral version, I saw how Travis and Chiffon flirted, which made my mood even lower.
Chiffon brings her face closer to Travis and then she tries to kiss him on the lips but Travis will look the other way so she can only kiss his cheeks. Chiffon was almost on Travis' lap sitting and neither of any of these adults I am with, didn't even care what these two were doing. How annoying!
Until I didn't even notice that they had all finished eating and I was the only one who didn't.
"Don't you like the food, Kourtney?" Gradually, I lifted my head when I heard Travis' voice. Like yesterday, there was no trace of any emotion in his voice and when I looked him in the eyes, the expression in his eyes was also blank.
I'm not sure if he's asking me that because he cares or he's just curious why I took so long to eat.
But it was only then that I awoke to deep thinking about him and Chiffon.
When I also looked at my plate, I noticed that I had only reduced almost one -fourth of my food.
"Would you like me to request the Chef to cook other food for you? What would you like to eat?" Travis asked me another question. If I tell me what food I want he might think I'm a picky eater so I'm not going to do that! As a response to his few questions I shook my head.
"I'm okay here! I'm just really a slow eater!" I nervously answered him, because I feel like he's not satisfied with me just shaking my head as an answer.
"Let's go to the beach!" Chiffon said excitedly and then he clung to Travis' arm.
I was immediately irritated by what Chiffon said. Why would they leave me here alone?! That's rude! Can't they wait for me atleast?! I wanted to roll my eyes but Travis is watching me, carefully. So, I need to be careful with my actions.
"Kourtney can just follow, she can go with one of the helpers." Linlin added, she is Noah's partner.
"Just let her go with the helpers later to follow us, let's go!" Charlotte said again that irritated me more but I didn't say a word.
Instead, I tightened my grip on the spoon I was holding and then scooped up a large mouthful of rice and put it in my mouth then chewed the rice into my mouth with so much resentment.
Until the dining area gradually became quiet, I really thought they were all left, that's why I released the resentment I was holding back earlier. I was carried away. I can't stop myself from voicing out what I am feeling and supposed to say earlier.
"You old hags thought I wanted to come with you, well for your information I don't want to hang out with old people! Especially you Witches!" Then I imagined the faces of the three witches! And roll my eyes!
Aside from the Forgers party we went to here, Daddy's other goal was to get a business deal with the Forgers.
However, I haven’t even recovered from the irritation I feel out of nowhere. I heard a crackling sound. What the hell was that?! The first question pops up at the end!
I immediately felt scared and thought that there might be a ghost at the Forgers' house!
Urgh! Now I keep regretting why I was left alone here, not even a single helper came back to check on me! Maybe they thought the Forgers brothers would take care of me! But hell no, they're busy taking care of those old hags!
Seriously, if there is a ghost here, I will report this to Mom and Dad and tell them that the Forgers brother's let me stay here alone to attend to their girlfriends!
I'm going to ask Mom and Dad to go home and won't care about the party. I'm about to throw these plates, glasses and spoons at the ghost at my back as I'm feeling so scared at the same time however I still manage to gather the courage to look behind me, I would have been ready to shout just in case my plan messed up, like hello this is going to be the first time I am about to see a real ghost! And I am not effin' excited at all! I am so damn scared! FML!
However, my plan was hung in the air when I saw that Travis was the only one behind me who made the tiny crackle!
He was leaning against the wall and his two arms were crossed on his chest and he was looking at me without emotion, as usual. But still manage to look cool and very attractive at the same time.
I was astonished by his presence and confused on why he is here right now.
I thought he left with his siblings with their girlfriends to go to the beach? So, why is he here right now? And now I could not stop myself from standing on the seat where I am sitting and then I walked closer to him.
Since he is just a few steps away from me, when I was able to make it in front of him, I also crossed my arms as a sign I am not happy to see him here! I also raised one of my eyebrows.
"Why are you here? I thought you went down with those Witches-" I was then shaken by the realization that I had slipped into calling the women with them witches. I cast a curse on my mind and then continued what I was saying.
At the same time, I watched how his lips rose to form a smirk.
"Uhmm, I mean your friends and your girlfriend. Why are you not with them on the beach?!" He wasn't even affected by my behaviour and remained in his former position leaning against the wall. It even feels like he is not affected by my bratty attitude.
"I'm waiting for you to finish your breakfast." He simply answered me. My mouth fell open in shock. I wanted to talk back but seriously even one word won't come out of my mouth.
"I-I can manage. I'm a big girl now!" I answered him, at the same time feeling a little nervous. I didn't get an answer from him but it was obvious from his facial reaction that he didn't believe what I said.
"So, you can go now and hang out with your girlfriend!" I added without thinking twice about how rude I sounded.
"You don't want to be left alone..." He said meaningfully and that's when my tears triggered, I could feel them in the corner of my eyes and any moment from now I am sure they would fall in my eyes. If I cry in front of him he would think even more that I can't manage and it's true that I can't handle being left alone! He will be turned off at me, for sure and I don't want that to happen!
Crying in front of him, will make him think I am still a child who needs so much care from adults around me.
Instead, my heart started to beat faster than its usual beat for reasons I don't know.
I am sure he noticed that I was about to cry so he adjusted his position, from him leaning against the wall, he stood straight then put his two hands in both side pockets of his shorts, and then took a few steps to make it in front of me.
I bent down and then put two hands on my face to hide my face full of tears because of crying.
And because my fingers have a bit of a gap covering my face, I can still see exactly what he's going to do.
He knelt with one of his knees so that we would be the same height.
As our eyes met, I am slowly falling to his deep look he is giving to me right now. I feel clueless, nervous and excited at the same time. This mixed emotions inside me makes my heart beat faster than earlier and makes my chest hurt at the same time. This feeling I have for Travis is confusing. It also made me forget that he can clearly see my face wet with tears from my crying. It makes me not care anymore about whatever is happening and going to happen.
But seriously on the other hand, I badly wanted to know how I can stop my heart from beating so fast every time I have an interaction with Travis. This is not good for me. I feel like behind my fast heartbeat I have a strong feeling that it is just for Travis. I just hope I don’t get hurt or be in trouble for whatever I am feeling for him.
Since this only happens when I'm with Travis. Maybe next time I need to be careful and instead of crossing paths with him, maybe I have to start avoiding him.
"You can tell me anything and I will make a way for me to do what you want. Whether it's hard or easy." He softly told me that he wiped my tears using his thumb. I can also feel like the world stopped spinning because of what he said. I also felt like I became deaf because I could hear nothing but Travis' voice. Is that even possible? I'm not sure. I don't know.
Then I feel like I became a statue after him wiping my tears.
I stood straight in front of him while looking directly at his face or into his eyes, while he was still kneeling on one of his knees in front of me so that we were the same height.
Now I feel like I'm one of the Disney Princesses and I'm facing Prince Charming and it feels like I'm in my own fairy tale. Then he would tell me that whatever I wanted he would do whether it's hard or easy. I feel like I want to just go back to my room, hide my face in one of my pillows and then I'll shout out loud because of so much happiness. Because of Travis.
And at that very moment, I realized that he was not like Rush and Noah.
I mean he's never going to be like a big brother to me, like Rush and Noah. He will never be my older brother. Never in this lifetime. There is something else in him that tells my young heart that he can never be my big brother.
After my weird experience with Travis, Mom and Dad came with the Forger couple, and then there, they saw me crying. So I was approached immediately by my parents, while Travis explained to them what happened.
"I'm sorry Travis. It's embarrassing that you are the one left to attend to Kourtney's tantrums." Dad picked me up while Travis got up from his knees.
"It's okay Tita. I should be the one to apologize, Kourtney wouldn't have cried if I hadn't surprised her. I'm waiting for her to finish eating and she didn't know I was still here so she thought I was a ghost." Mrs Forger laughed at what her son said and then told me,
"Don't worry Kourtney, baby there's no ghost in here."
While the helpers were arranging the dining table for the Forger couple and Mom and Dad to eat breakfast there, Travis still stayed with us which I just couldn't understand.
Earlier, the girls with him were excited to go to the seashore so I'm sure he was too. So why is he still here? I wanted to ask him, I just didn't dare to voice out my curiosity.
It's good though that Mom is here because it was Mom who asked Travis.
"Travis, where are your siblings and friends?"
"On the beach Tita." Mom and Mrs Forger were shocked at the same time Mrs Forger spoke before Mom could.