Chapter 6
Instead of being rude to Travis, I just ignored him and decided that I would just keep walking until I passed on where he was standing. That was my plan and I was able to do it, well that's what I thought. Because I only took three steps away from him when I was forced to stop walking.
I even tried to get away from his grip on my left arm but he was stronger than me. I shouldn't have bothered in the place, what am I against twenty year old Travis? In the end, I sighed as I gave up trying to get my left arm back.
I frowned at him and said,
"What do you need from me?" Well, no matter how hard I try to calm my voice since I'm annoyed with him because he's a d amn playboy! I just can't! He's very annoying right now. Like how can he do it?! Like every summer he got a different girlfriend that he brings here to their mansion. Does he even care about what his parents or the people around will say about him being a playboy?
And before he could answer my first question, I asked him another question.
"And it's already dawn, why are you still awake? Aren't you drunk? And should be asleep by now." I asked him while looking straight into his eyes. I watched how his lips rose up until his lips formed into a smirk.
"Are you worried about me if I'm drunk?" He asked me using his faded voice. I feel my heart stop beating because of his facial expression and the way he looks at me, there is something in it that I can't name. But it's making me conscious. I can also feel the heat gradually wrapping around my face and to both my ears.
"No." It's indebted to tell him but it's still obvious from his facial expression that he is not convinced of what I said.
"I'm just curious why you're still awake!" And then I tried to pull my arm back from his grip, even though his grip on my hand is effortless I still couldn't get it back. This is super annoying! Now it makes me think that his hands are made of iron!
He didn't pay attention to what I said, sometimes I think that it was a waste of my effort to talk to Travis, because I often feel that he doesn't care about my opinion.
And then he changed the subject again.
"I'll join you for dinner." I pouted my lips when I heard what he said.
"I can eat alone. I don't need someone to babysit me! I'm grown up now, I'm ten years old and did you not recognize? I grew taller." I told him, frustrated at the same time, proud on the part that I grew taller at the same time hoping he would get my point.
"What if you feel like there was a ghost again?" He asked me. I scolded him, it was obvious he was teasing me again.
"Just like your Mom said there are no ghosts here in your house. And then can you just let go of my hand or I'll scratch you, using my long nails?!" I threatened him. His facial expression changed and it was obvious that he was mocking me, now he looks like he is scared.
"Just let go of me, Travis. I'm hungry. I want to go to the kitchen and look for food!" I said using my desperate voice.
I heard Travis say 'Psh' and then he pulled me as he started walking. Since he is stronger than me, I couldn't do anything but follow him.
When we were in the kitchen, my only plan was to look for fresh milk in the fridge just to satisfy my hunger and then if there are cookies on the counter tap that would be great, I'll have a few of it while having my milk. But I got confused when Travis went ahead of me to open the fridge. What is he up to? I asked myself.
"Are you hungry too?" I asked him with amusement and thought that because he is a son of a billionaire he did not know how to cook. So he'll just get fresh milk like me and then cookies, maybe?
And like what I have said, it's really a waste of your effort and saliva to talk to this a sshole, I often don't get an answer from him! And because he's so busy looking for what's in the fridge and I'm sure he can't hear me, I whispered.
"You're really annoying, good thing you're handsome!" I said as I tried to sit in the high chair facing the counter tap. I decided to eat cookies first.
Then I'll get fresh milk later when he's done whatever he is digging in the fridge.
Why is it that their high chair is too high and not kids friendly! This is another annoying thing! I just want to eat because I'm hungry but why do I have to face so many trials before I could eat?!
It's hard to climb! And when I felt that there was no hope that I would be able to climb on the high chair, I suddenly felt someone holding both my waists, my mouth feel open in shock and for anything feeling I can't name as my back touches Travis' hard chest and then his scent started to spread in my nose! What the hell is wrong with me?! Why do I notice a lot of big or small things about Travis?!
However I can't stop myself from smelling him, his scent is a mixture of freshly bath, with a touch of body soap and then the aftershave smell. Is that even possible?! I guess yes, since I can smell it from him!
As I swallowed my saliva one after another he also helped me to sit on the high chair. This is very awkward! But I guess the awkwardness I can think of right now is only applicable to me! By the looks of it, I am one hundred percent sure this is just all random things for him, he only does this to help me!
When I looked at his face, he was trying to smirk just so I couldn't notice the smile on his lips but it's obvious he wanted to smile!
"Why do you seem happy?" I asked him, clueless. Well, I'm confident that he didn't hear what I said earlier, so I am sure that is not the reason why he is trying to hide his smile!
It was only then that I noticed the number of ingredients he took out of the fridge. There are carrots. Hotdog. Then a small green circle thing. I am seeing that at home too, however I can't remember its name. There are also bacon and onion leaves. What will he do on those ingredients?
"Why did you bring out so many cooking ingredients, your helpers are asleep! No one will cook that. It's very cruel of you if you wake one of them just to cook for us. And I am sure you don't know how to cook." I said the last sentence confidently because I am sure it's true!
And then it's my turn to smirk as the smirk on his lips immediately fade. And was replaced with his pouty lips. I was immediately distracted by the thought of him pouting, because he looks cute to be honest!
He didn't like what I said, well I'm just telling the truth here!
"Who told you I don't know how to cook?" He asked me as he also at the same time raised an eyebrow at me. He then became even more handsome in my eyes. What the hell?!
"You're rich, you can hire a chef and pay them a good amount, so why bother learning to cook." He shook his head and that made me think, he wanted to ask me if 'I am for real?' He then turned his back at me and he started washing the ingredients.
My eyes widened as I couldn't believe what Travis is doing right now.
"Seriously? Are you going to cook for real?!" I asked him using my shocked voice. I even slap my left cheek just to make sure this is reality. I can't believe Travis knows how to cook.
I thought he was only good at one thing, good at flirting and oh actually there's another one, he is also very good at business. Basing it from my parents' story about the Forgers. Well, just like what they say 'don't judge the book by its cover!'
My stomach won't just stop rumbling, I already ate a cookie but that wasn't enough and now I am worried that Travis might hear my stomach growling. That would be very embarrassing! Now, I am starting to hate skipping meals if I will just end up stuck in the kitchen with Travis. I also lost my appetite with this cookie. My tummy is more interested in eating Travis' fried rice.
"Are you not done yet?" I'm running out of patience as I ask him.
"Why are you rushing me?" He teasingly asked me. Why did I hope he did not hear my tummy growling? It's one AM, everyone is asleep and the only noise I hear is myself when I speak and sometimes Travis tools that he uses for cooking. FML!
"You are cooking for me and I am a hungry human being smelling what you are cooking right now and my eyes feed my brain false information like, by the looks of what you cook, my brain says it's yummy and I want to eat as soon as possible. And instead of questioning me why I hurry you, why don't you I hurry for real?!"
After my long dialogue he sighed and then he then mixed the fried rice using the big spoon he used for cooking.
I can smell the butter that he used in the fried rice, as well as the bacon, so my stomach is getting more impatient as seconds pass by. I had nothing else to do but just rub my tummy and I had no choice but to wait for Travis to finish cooking.
I raised two with my elbows on my table and then I put my head there, I was also drowsy at the same time.
What time is it? And then I looked around the kitchen and there I saw on my right side the wall clock I am looking for, to check what time it is. It's one AM! Time flies really fast. Geez!
Then I think of myself in our kitchen at this time. As I am caught by Mom and she's going to wake Dad up just so she could scold me in front of Dad because it's late and I am still awake.
"Hmm, here you go." Travis told me as he placed a fragile while plate in front of me with friend rice on it.
"You can eat now." My eyes widened and I felt my saliva dripping on the left side of my mouth with astonishment when I saw Travis' fried rice. It looks like the plate and fried rice have a delicious effect in my eyes. Too much hunger can really make you overthink things around you. Anyway, whatever!
He even put a table napkin and then a spoon and fork on my top of the table napkin and then said
'Are you going to eat too?' I am thinking of asking him, however he also put his plate in front of me. So, I just nodded at what he wanted to happen, for me to eat.
For my first bite, I couldn't help but praise him for the deliciousness of his cooking. I can't believe it! Travis has a hidden talent in cooking!
If I am going to compare him to our personal Chef at home, his cooking is way better. He never really failed to amaze me with his hidden talents.
"The taste is really good! I love this fried rice!" And then I snorted again while he was just quietly eating in front of me. To my great delight, I didn't even notice that I was becoming talkative again.
"I just realized now, that you're not only good at womanizing, apart from the fact that you're good at business, I can't believe you have a third hidden talent!" He looked up after he heard what I said and it was too late when I realized what I just told him.
I bit my lower lip. 'Why do you have to be this talkative?! Why don't you just eat Kourtney?! For God's sake! Do you really have to say out loud your side comments?! Why didn't you just keep your comment in your mind!' I preached to myself angrily.
"It's just a joke." I said and then made a peace sign, I tried to laugh to convince him it's just a joke but he was already looking at me intently.
"Where did you get the idea... that I'm a womanizer?!" He asked me seriously. I immediately shift into a panic mode that I no longer don't know what the hell I am doing, I was about to scoop another spoon of my fried rice on my plate but when I look at my plate it's already empty! What happened? Why is my plate empty?!
I didn't notice had finished what he put on my plate, so what I did next was drink all of the water in my glass.
"Kourtney!" He strictly calls my name and by the sound of it, he demands an answer! It looks like he won't let me go until he gets an answer from me. An answer that he would be satisfied with! I pouted and at the same time looked at him with my puppy eyes however it's not effective.
"Tell me." He said with conviction and that grim expression on his face.
Until I no longer have an option but to answer it, but from the looks on his face, I can see that the answer I have to give him is something that will satisfy him. Okay fine. I'm going to give the answer he wanted but I am going to say this because the fried rice he made for me is really good!
"I just noticed!" I told him hesitantly and then I crossed my arms over my chest. Then I continued what I was saying,
"Where's Chiffon? Why did you kiss another woman earlier in the garden?" I said with no breaks, I didn't care if he found out that I saw him doing some miracle in the garden.
He looked at me intently.
"Why are you looking for Chiffon? And how did you know about me kissing another girl? You were out there earlier? Watching me..." Consecutively and unbelievably asked me, I bit my lower lip and I have no intention of answering him this time. I said enough.
"Now I understand the reason why you're mean to me earlier." My mouth fell open for what he said and from my reaction I knew he had already gotten an answer to what he said. He nodded even though I hadn't said anything.
I bent down and since he already caught me, I resumed what I was about to say.
"I get sad when I see you doing it with... with different girls." I said at the same time as my heart was beating fast which was causing my chest in pain, Here we go again, I can't control the fast beating of my heart because something is happening that involves Travis.
"Travis please I still want to stay and be with you." The woman in front of him said begging and was about to cry. I got curious about what was happening so I tipped my toe so I could see the woman's face and body.
Thick makeup. I nodded.
Got like a cup D size of breast. I nodded again.
The body shape is like a glass hour. I nodded again.
Long sexy legs. I nodded again.
A model like figure. Check again.
Beautiful? I asked myself as I stared at the woman's face. Uhh, I'm better because I'm young. I bit my lower lip to stop myself from laughing.
I woke up late because I also slept late last night and when I went down to the hall of the mansion I saw Travis's friends gathering there as well as Noah and Rush so I was curious what was going on.
I heard the woman say that she still wanted to stay and be with Travis. Okay, I'm pretty sure now that she's the woman Travis kissed in the bushes last night but what's going on? If they were kissing last night, why do they look like, in an LQ for today?