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Chapter 5

In another part of the country was a kingdom called kulun, this kingdom was famous for being home of the immortals and people who wish to attain immortality do go their for cultivation

Yan Mide who was the leader of the kingdom was learnt to have lived for more than five thousand years and was regarded as being powerful

He was respected by all and sundry and he never interfere to the human affairs


I was meditating on the mountain when one of my student came to deliver a message to me

Master, wudang leader is here to see you he reported

Xee liang? Where is he?

He's waiting outside master Waylon replied

Tell him I'll join him soon I said

Okay Shifu, he said bowing

What's xee liang doing here? He hardly come unless there's important matter to discuss

Though I don't interfere in humans affairs but xee liang was an exception, he was a righteous man

I stood up and move outside to welcome him

Master he bow on seeing me

Yeah, I was his master but he had no interest in becoming an immortal because he wish to live a normal life after his parent

Xee liang, why are you here and who's this young lad beside you

Shifu, here's my adopted son Cheng Di he said

Cheng Di sa hello to master

Hello Master, I'm Cheng Di he said bowing

What a good boy

So, why are you here cos I know that you hardly come here

Master I came to discuss with you concerning Cheng Di

What about him?

Xee liang explain Cheng Di situation to him

Oh oh oh, so he's the son of A'chu, I also noticed the strong aura around him when you enter

Did you know his mother A'chu?

Yeah, she also cultivate under me and attained immortality, but for the love she had for Lu Xun, she had to leave

So, you mean mother was an immortal? Cheng Di asked

Yes she was I answer

But why did she die if she was an immortal

That's because she was struck with ancient immortal sword when she had no power in her

But what happened to her power, mother was a very powerful woman

Maybe she transfer the power to another person, did your mother gave you anything?

On the day our kingdom was besieged, she took me to a corner and gave me a pill to swallow and after that she gave me a small dagger, that's all I know before finding myself in the forest

I see, where's the dagger I asked

Here's it, he said bringing the dagger out and stretch it to me

This dagger, I gave it to your mother as a parting gift and one thousand years cultivation had been transferred to it

Anyone that had this dagger will always overcome war no matter how deadly the war is

And the pill was your mother inner strength with all her years of cultivation

So, she had transfer everything to you and enter the war without her power and dagger, so she's powerless when she was stabbed with the ancient swords I explained

Now her power resides in you

Master, when will he be able to control the power?

I'm thinking that she should stay here with you since my kingdom is not that safe, sooner or later they may find out that he's alive and can be traced to my kingdom

I don't want to endanger his life xee liang said

Let him stay with you for now and keep training, so when he reached eighteen years of age you can sent him here for cultivation

I move closer to Cheng Di and place my palm on his forehead for some minutes before removing my hands

I've sealed his power for now and also I've masked him, so no one will recognize him for now, but make sure you sent him here when he clock eighteen years

Okay master, we'll take our leave then farewell master xee liang said

Farewell master Cheng Di bow and they turn taking their leave

Waylon I called and he immediately appear

Cheng Di, go with them and protect him secretly, he must not be armed

Okay master, he bow and with that he disappeared


The slaves were seen working so hard in the palace and some guards were there watching them

Sulin came outside to inspect them

Hey you, why are you being lazy, are you tired of living she yelled

Your highness, we're not giving any food since yesterday and we've been working since without resting the slave replied

You don't eat since yesterday was not an excuse for being lazy, guards anyone that appears to be lazy, make sure you deal with the person

Okay your highness and she left as the slaves continue their work

In the inner chamber the ladies choosing as a concubine was put in one room without bed and they always sleep on the bare floor

They were only fed twice in a day and in the night they will be taking to the emperor who always raped them to his satisfaction

This night was not an exception as one of the maid was picked and led to the emperor's chamber

Wow, this one is so pretty he said as the maid was pushed inside

He started walking towards her grinning

Come here pretty girl, I'm sure that I'll really enjoy you he said as the girl keep moving back till her back hit the wall

Your majesty, please let me go, she cried

Go? Never you supposed to be happy that you're choosing as my concubine at least you're fed twice in a day

So you have to be grateful to me he said smiling wickedly

Pleaseeee the girl cried as the emperor started tearing off her clothes leaving her naked

Wow, you're flawless, he said licking his lips lustfully as he dragged the girl and flung her on the bed

The girl keep crying as the emperor part her legs getting ready to enter her

Thhhchccc, , young ladies cry always drive me mad so I'll love to hear more of your cries and with that he plunged inside her as the girl gave a loud cries

He keep fucking her without minding her cries switching her to different positions and fucking Every whole in her body

When the pain is unbearable the girl fainted but the emperor didn't mind and keep fucking her till the girl stop breathing

Still he keep fucking her lifeless body till he was satisfied after that he dressed up and call the guards

Dispose her body to the hyenas, I don't like a weak girl like her, so get me her mother in replace of her he said and the guards nodded dragging the lifeless girl out

Yeah, that's how I'm going to keep fucking Every woman in this kingdom he said laughing wickedly.

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