It's good to be in power, you have people to control and bow before you
Ever since childhood, I've been dreaming of sitting on the throne and I'm always boasting about the throne
Being the first son, I'm very sure that I'm the next heir apparent
But never expect that my parents had their plan
Lu xianxi was in the inner chamber on his sick bed and his wife beside him with the imperial physician
Your majesty, your sickness had reached the last stage and it can't be put in control again, he said bowing
The empress stood and hold the physician sleeve
Mr Chu, please find something to do, your highness can't die now please she said crying
Your highness, we've keep this ailment in control since all this while, but I'm afraid it can't be suppressed again he said bowing as the empress staggered back
No, no ,no, it can't be there must be a solution, she knelt beside the empress and hold his hand crying
Qui Qiao, don't cry, it's enough
I'm not afraid to face death, I'm ready to join those that are in afterlife he said smiling weakly
No, it can't be, what will happen to me? Our son's? And the kingdom she said crying
All will be fine, let Lu Xun take over my throat after I've gone and pass this to him as my successor he said handing the royal jade to his wife
With you by his side, I'm sure he's going to make a great Emperor
What about the elder prince Lu wuxian? The physician asked
He can be one of the adviser if he wants, you all know the reason why I make his younger brother my successor
We all know that Lu wuxian is so ambitious and can do whatever he likes without minding who's going to be hurt by his actions
But Lu Xun was a compassionate young man that always place the people's needs above anything else
So he's the right successor, I hope you help me guide him he said and they nodded sadly
Tell my people not to be sad, they should cooperate with Lu Xun for the development of this great kingdom
I... Wish.. you.. all..... He stuttered as he started gasping for breath as his wife held his hand crying till he kicked the bucket
The empress gave a loud wail and the palace turn to a mourning place as people started trooping in crying for the departure of the good emperor
Seven days later, the Emperor was buried and the people paid their last respect
A month after the burial, the Court advisers, the Empress and the two son were in the court discussing
I called you all here to discuss about the coronation of the next Emperor since the mourning period had over the Empress said
Your highness, who is the next Emperor between the two princes? One of the adviser asked
Who else did you expect if not I, the crown prince Lu wuxian said smiling with pride
The adviser exchange quick glance before turning to the Empress
Well, about who the next Emperor would be, the late Emperor had already make arrangement for that she said bringing out the Royal Jade
This jade was an ancient jade, passed from generations to generations
The princes should stretch forth their hands, the jade will come to whoever is destined to be the next Emperor
I don't want to be biased, though the late emperor had made his choice
But I'll like to go through the right way so as not to offend our tradition she said and the advisers nodded in affirmative as the two princes step forward and stretch their hands
The Empress stretch her hand towards the and close her eyes as she voice some strange language
The Jade disappeared from her hand and appear in the hand of the younger prince as the Empress open her eyes
The people were shocked but partially happy cos they never pray for the crown prince to be the next Emperor due to his wickedness
The younger prince was shocked and the elder one was so furious
Noooo, you've ganged against me, how will the jade appear in the hand of my younger brother
You all acknowledge me as the crown prince, this is unfair he yelled
Son, I went through the right way, why will I be biased, both of you are my son and no matter who became the Emperor, it's still the same
Liar, mother we all know that you always favor my younger brother ever since he was born while you treated me as a stranger
Why can't you go according to what Dad plan, he yelled
Son, you're calling I your mother a liar? How rude of you the empress said angrily
Yes mother, you're a liar, how are you so manipulative....
He's not finished the sentence when the Empress gave him a slap
Never you call I your mother a liar again
I can now see the reason why your dad decided to pass the throne to your younger brother
But being your mother, I thought it was unfair that's why I went through the normal process
But it seems that it had been predestined, so it's better you accept the truth she said turning away from the shocked wuxian and facing the advisers
Now we all see with our eyes the chosen Emperor, the coronation will come up in seven days time
The late Emperor plead with you to give full support to the New emperor, I hope you'll all do that she asked and they all nodded
Long life to the new emperor they chorused as they kowtow
After seven days the new Emperor was introduced to the people after the coronation and the people's were all happy because it was the person they wish for that's been crown the new emperor and they all rejoice
The coronation was done with the marriage of the young prince, and the prince got married to his childhood sweetheart and they were both crown as Emperor and Empress
A week after the coronation, the ex Empress was found dead on her bed as a knife was stabbed straight in her chest
It was a sad day for the whole kingdom and they mourn for the late Empress for several days
After investigation was made, it was detect that it was Lu wuxian that murder her and immediately warriors were sent to apprehend him but he was no where to be found and people never heard of him again
The Kingdom continue to flourish after the burial and mourning of the empress and the people were so happy with the success of the kingdom
#flashback ends#
Yeah,I killed my mother and when they thought that everything is going well I struck again killing my brother and his family
Now, I'm the greatest man in the whole world and they must all obey and fear me
Sulin has really tried for me and I'm planning to make her my Empress she really satisfied me last night, just exactly my type of woman
The following day, all the young ladies were brought to my palace and as I was moving around them to access them
A lady was dragged in by three warriors causing a little distraction
Your majesty, this lady and her parents was caught sneaking out of the kingdom, one of the warrior report
Oh really? After I warned you yesterday? Some people still go ahead and try to run away?
Where are the parents? I asked
Already dead your majesty
Now, you are going to suffer for defying my order, I grabbed a sword and behead her on the spot as her blood splashed everywhere
The ladies wide their eyes in shocked and they were shaking visibly
I wipe my face with handkerchief as I order the warriors to dispose her corpse
Anyone that disobey me will face the same fate I said
I choose ten maidens to be my concubine and the rest were taking to the slave quarters
Chutian was in her room studying her scroll when Cheng Di came in
Am I disturbing you? He asked and Chutian nodded her head negatively
It's bored here, I'm glad that you came she said smiling
Did elder brother go out? Cos you never come unless he's not around she said smiling
Yeah, he went out with some of the warriors
Since you're bored, should we play with swords Cheng Di asked
You know that I'm scared of sword Chutian said pouting
You don't have to be scared of sword, you have to learn it so as to defend yourself, my sisters.... If they learn how to use sword, they may probably be alive, he said sadly
Cheng, don't be sad and moreover I have people to protect me, Father, brother and also you, so I don't need to learn she said
But still, you need to be able to protect yourself incase we are not around, so you must learn it
I won't
You will, or else I'll force you Cheng Di said
You can't force me, even dad wants me to learn but he can't force me she said rolling her eyes
Ohh, then I'll have to tell dad how you always sneak out and play when you supposed to study your scroll Cheng Di said turning towards the door
Cheng Di!! Chutian called holding his sleeves, don't tell Dad and Mom, I'll learn the sword she Said
Good, now change your clothes and let's go, Cheng Di said grinning
Are you going to watch me change? Mom said a man must not watch lady while changing she said
You!! Are you a lady? You're just give years old, Cheng Di said laughing
I still need my privacy, so turn she said and Cheng Di turn for her to change
I'm done, let's go she said to Cheng Di and they move out
Dad, Mom we're going for training Cheng Di said
The parent were shocked seeing Chutian dressed up in training clothes
What spell did you cast on Chutian to make her agreed? The queen said
Mom, I said cast any spell, but I have my ways he said
Dad, I don't want to train Chutian said pouting at her father
I'm not the one that dragged you out, so talk to Cheng Di he said laughing
Dad, Cheng Di was a bully he won't añswer
Then go and stop complaining, mother said as Cheng Di dragged her out and the parents burst into laughter
At last, we finally got someone to control her Queen said and the king nodded smiling