After a lonely day in the forest and sun had set, the boy sat under the tree looking at the half dead lion
It seems we are the same, the only difference is that you'll soon die but I don't know how long I can survive
Where am I going to sleep now? He said looking around
He saw heap of leaves not to far from where he's sitting and his eyes lit up immediately as he rushed over to it and started making a bed with it
He firstly arrange some pieces of stick that he found before placing the leaves after he was satisfied he remove his outer wears and made a girdle with it
Being satisfied, he look around
This place is really dangerous, I can't stay without weapon to protect myself
He checked his stocking and found a small dagger, wow I've even forgotten that I always kept you here, I think this will do he thought smiling
He sat on the girdle that he made and keep watching the lion till it stop breathing and everywhere became dark
He was so scared of darkness, no light to see anything coming, he started shivering as he lay on the bed
Not too long, he slept off and found himself in a strange place
Where am I? He thought looking around
Ha ha ha ha ha ha, he heard a laugh and he quickly turn bringing out his small dagger
Who are you? If you're brave enough show your's, he said with his tiny voice
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, the voice laughed again
You can't scared me, show yourself he said
I don't need to show myself to a tiny ant the voice roar
A tiny ant? Show, what did you want from me and where I am he said
You're in death den and no human being can survive here. Ha ha ha ha the voice laughed
Death den? Was it not a fairy tale? Does it even exist? The boy asked
It exist and this is the end for any human that come here
I don't know how I got here, but this is not my end, I have duty to perform
Duty? Maybe in your next life or if you passed the test you can return to where you came from
But I'm sure you can't passed the test the voice echoes
How sure are you that I can't passed the test, father always called me the most genius cos I always took first position in any compensations the boy said proudly
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, you're really a kid so I'm not surprised
The text I mean here is that you have to engage in dwel with four creature
If you can passed the four test then you can return but if not just surrender yourself to the first creature and have a less pain death the voice said
I'm not scared I'll take up the challenge the boy said boldly
Okay, let's begin ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha the voice echoes and the ground began to shake
The boy was scared but summon courage
Suddenly a strange creature emerged from the ground
It looks so scary that the boy wanted to run away but there's no way to do that
The creature was coming with a big sword towards the boy
In terms of heights, the creature can be assume as giant and the boy really look like a fly infront of him
Little kid, you're the one that challenge me? He snarled
Then let me give you a quick death then he said
The boy quickly bring out his small dagger preparing for the attack
As the giant raised his sword aiming it at the boy's head
The boy dodge it and ran behind him making him to loose balance
How dare you little boy stress me he snarl turning to where the boy stand and using one hand to pick him up like her wey nothing
I wanted to give you a quick death before, but making fool out of me, I'll make you my food he said opening his mouth as he's getting ready to swallow the boy
GO. AND. DIE The boy yelled as he eyes turn red and his little dagger transform to a long sword and he immediately threw it at the creature neck cutting of it's head and the creature went limp dropping the boy as slump and die
The boy eyes turn back to normal as he stared as the creature start to disappear
What's wrong, he thought as he checked the sword which had turn back to dagger in his hand
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, tiny ant you really amazed me for being able to defeat the giant creature the voice echoes
Now the second test begin, it said
Before the boy could say anything, he saw himself being carried to a place full of arrows
You have to pass through this place to the end if you can survive the shooting arrow then we'll move to the third, the voice said
The boy started walking through the place as the arrows being shot, he took his dagger and started dodging the arrow
He keep dodging it till he reach the end
It really marvels me, how can a young child like you scale through this, those that powerful can't even survive it the voice said
That's because I was born special the boy said
Now the third test began look behind you, the voice roared
As the boy looked behind, he saw two wolves snaring at him and without giving him time to take action they pounced on him and started biting him
The boy keep yelling in pains as they keep tearing him
Noooo, he shouted as his eyes turn red and feel a new strength in him
He grabbed the two animals with their necks and smashed their head together
Before the animal could balance he brought out his dagger which had turn to sword and slew the two animals
He fell on the floor weakly as the beast disappeared and his dagger back to normal
Bravo!! The voice said
Seem like you're already weak and can't continue, are you going to surrender yourself now and welcome your death? The voice said
Since I've come this far, I'm not going to surrender, even if I'll die, I'll keep trying
Okay, the last test was between you and I
If you can win me, then you can go.back to where you come from
Show yourself, the boy said as a woman appear
Little kid, come to mummy she said as she drew out her sword moving towards the boy
The boy keep wondering why a pretty woman like her is so wicked
He closed his eyes as the woman engage him in a fight
The fight lasted for two hours and the woman was so surprised how strong the boy was
But still continue fighting him, with all the boy strength, he jumped behind her and stab her from the back before she could turn
The woman was shocked as she wide her eyes in shock and disappeared
The boy sit on the floor feeling so weak and dizzy, he started closing his eyes as he felt someone shaking him gently
Little boy wake up, wake up, wake up!! He heard as he slowly open his eyes
He look around and found himself back in the forest and a warrior staring at him intently
He quickly sprang up grabbing his dagger, who are you? He asked pointing the dagger to the warrior who was amazed with his actions
I was hunting that's when I heard your voice that's why I'm here are you alright? He asked
The boy shook his head in affirmative thinking about the dream he just had, what kind of a dream was that he thought, so scary
Little boy what are you doing here alone, who are you?
I don't know, I just found myself here he replied sincerely
That's weird, which kingdom are you from and who are your parents
I'm from chang kingdom, and my family were killed
Oh, that's bad, but from your dressings, you look royal are you a prince he asked and the boy nodded
Oh!! I see, but here's too dangerous will you come with me to our leader?
Who's your leader?
He's the king of wudang kingdom and we came here for hunting, will you? He asked and the boy hesitate for a while before nodding
The warrior carried him to where they camp and took him to the king's tent
Your highness, the boy is here
He explained the little he heard to him and the king face the boy
Are you really from cheng kingdom? And the boy nodded
Then you must be Cheng Di the crown prince
How did you know my name?
Well, since we're all under Cheng's kingdom, so I always visit to pay tribute to the Emperor, so I know much the place
We all heard about the besieged, but I never thought that you survived
I'm so sorry for your loss, so if you don't mind you can follow me to my kingdom
I'll be grateful, your highness he said
Stop being formal, you can call me dad, I have a daughter of your age at home and also an older brother
So, you can join the family he said
Tell the warriors to.get ready, we have to be on our way home he said to the warrior and he bow before leaving
Soon, they head back to wudang with Cheng Di, Cheng Di keep accompany them with funny stories as the warrior admired him
Not long they reach the city and after sharing their loots they all dismissed back to their various home
I've never been to wudang before but I've heard a lot about it, a small peaceful kingdom
Soon we reach the king palace and we were welcome by the warriors and servant
Everyone keep staring at me wondering whom I am
The king took my hand and led me into the house where he was welcome by his wife
Who's this boy, his wife asked
He explained my situation to her and her eyes was full of pity for me
She move closer to me, you must have really suffered, haven't you?
Don't worry, we may not be as wealthy as your parents but we'll take good care of you and you're safe her she assured and I nodded
I heard a tiny voice and I looked back seeing a little girl of my age and an elder boy coming
As the girl reach the king he hugged her
I've missed you dad, she pouted cutely
Me too princess, hope you didn't behave naughty?
No Dad, I have been studying my scroll ever since you left she said as her brother cough and the girl glare hard at him
Yiming, how re you doing, guess you take good care of your sister
Yes Dad he said smiling
DAD who's this? She asked pointing at me
Oh! He's Cheng Di and from now on he'll be living with us, I expect you to treat him better
Yiming, you now have a younger brother take good care of him
I will Dad he said smiling, seem like he never got tired of laughing
And you chutian you now have another brother and you're of the same age, hope you get along with him
Okay Dad, she said facing me
Cheng Di Cheng Di.... I'm chutian and you have to call me sis okay she said
I smirked, Dad had already said that we're age mate tchhh I scoffed and the next thing I heard was a knock on my head as she ran off laughing
That's for welcoming you she said as she ran
You!!!! I said