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Sean woke up to a pretty sight right beside him.

Sydney was sleeping on his bed, her hair spilled over his pillow. She looked so damn innocent. So cute.

Her eyelashes fluttered but she didn’t open her eyes. He studied her long straight nose. It scrunched and her lips turned down. A single tear slipped from one corner and Sean’s heart missed a beat.

Shit. Why was she crying.

Immediately reaching for her he threw his arm around her waist and drew her in. He pressed her cheek to his chest as he lightly stroked her hair.

With a contended sigh, her arm wound around his waist and held him tight. She was having a nightmare.

Sean laid there just like that until she snored lightly.

He pulled away from her and slid of the bed.

Pulling up his shorts, he walked into the kitchen to make some coffee.

It had been a month since they had a fight over Logan. Since he had called her as his.

Sydney wanted it to remain a secret. Not because she was ashamed but because she wanted a chance at a normal life.

So they had left Italy and took a flight to London where Sean had bought a house long back. Sean travelled to London a lot. So he had bought an apartment in the city.

He grabbed a cup of coffee and sipped as he looked out the window. There was nothing unusual the streets bustling with people. The cars honking. Even though it made one hell of a noise, this was normal for him.

His phone buzzed. Walking over to the bed he grabbed his phone and looked over. Monisha.


« What ? » He asked.

She didn’t say anything. He heard a sob and he knew something wasn’t right.

« Monisha. Where are you ? »

« Home. »

« Where ? An address. »

She rattled of an address with an added Mumbai at the end. Shit. She was in India. That wasn’t home. That was hell for her.

« What are you doing back there ? »

« My granny died. I just wanted to see her before they burn her. I just wanted.. » and she sobbed hysterically.

« Can you catch a flight to London. ? »

« They are not letting me go. Locked me in my bedroom. »

« Why can’t you get out ? »

« It’s my room. Only one window but there are bars. Theres nothing here, Sean. No lights. The door’s locked from the outside. My phone had been with me. Atleast they didn’t took that from me. Help me please. «

« Shh. It’s okay. It’s gonna be alright. I’m gonna a come for you okay. I have Sydney here. I’ll wake her up and we’ll come there. »

« Not Sydney. »

« Why not ? »

« She thinks we are dating. She hates me. And I don’t want anyone to see me like this. I don’t like to be this scared person Sean. Please. No Sydney. »

« Okay. » With a final promise to come there as soon as possible he hung up. Shit. He walked into the kitchen to make some breakfast. He could talk to Sydney over breakfast and then they could go to India. He’d keep Syd at a hotel and grab Mon.

His phone buzzed again.

« Mom ? »

« Where are you ? I haven’t seen you for a month. »

« I’m okay. I just needed a vacation. »

« Why ? Let the vacation go to hell. Your brother is getting married. We should be celebrating and get to work. «

« Married to who ? »

« Sydney »

« Oh mom » hote could he explain all this problem to his mother « you don’t understand. »

« And you don’t understand either. The merger was signed two months ago. If Logan fails to bring that company up and running at the top, he and Sydney will marry. Now I don’t doubt your brother’s efforts. But you know as well as I do that nobody can bring a company to that level in just a year. »

Sean had stopped listening after the word merger.

« What merger ? »

« Oh don’t act as if you don’t know. The one that was signed by George and Nolan. Logan and Sydney both agreed to it. »

« Sydney agreed ? »

« Of course she did. »

Why the fuck did she agree to marry if she and Logan weren’t together. She said she thought of Logan as a brother.

Fuck. This is why he always followed rules. This is why he did everything to the T. For once he had let go of everything and Sydney had duped him. Duped him into believing him. Duped him into falling in love with her.

Everything was so messed up.

« Sean ? »

That got him out of his thoughts.

« I need to go. Mon needs me. »

« What happened ? »

« Nothing that I can’t take care of. »

There was a silence at the other end and he thought she had hung up.

« Mom ? »

« I worry for you. »

People had got to stop saying that. He knew that as much as he wanted to let out his anger he couldn’t snap at his mother.

« I’ll be back in a week. Mon really needs me. »

« I know she does. I know she needs a family. Tell her she’s got one. Tell her we are right here and she can just move in whenever she wants. »

He rolled his eyes at that. Cassandra Hunt just wanted someone to pamper and fuss about. And he loved her for that.

« I’ll tell her. I gotta go. Bye mom. I love you. »

« I love you too son. » With that he hung up.

Sean grabbed his bag and began packing.

He stopped before grabbing his suitcase and looked at the bedroom. The woman he loved was in there and he knew he could wake her up, talk to her. Get this out of the way. But he didn’t trust her to not lie to her. She loved Logan too damn much.

Logan was always going to be there in between them no matter what.

She could never be his anything.

She was never his to begin with.

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