To say Sean was surprised would be an understatement. He never expected Sydney to pull him down. Hell she never did anything he expected.
When she pulled him down, he caught himself and placed both his hands on either side of her so as to not let her get the brunt of his weight completely.
When her lips met his, his eyes rolled back. He had imagined kissing her for years.
Balancing his weight on his right hand and his knees, he palmed her cheek and deepened the kiss. He could taste the maple syrup she just ate with her pancakes.
She gasped as his finger ran along her jaw and stroked her earlobe. Taking the advantage of her gasp he let his tongue in. Their tongues tangled and she let out a moan.
That spurred him even more. Leaving her mouth, he trailed kisses along her jaw, tracing the line his finger had caressed. Placing a kiss he lightly nibbled on her earlobe causing her to tighten her hold on his hair.
He didn’t knew when her fingers had threaded through his hair but he damn sure knew he liked it.
Trailing kisses down her neck he licked a spot right where her neck met her shoulder. He breathed her in. She smelled faintly of vanilla and something that was pure Sydney.
« Fuck. » She arched. Her hands moved down his torso as she pulled his shirt out and her hands made contact with his skin. Heat seared through his skin and he groaned. He loved the way her hands roamed over his whole body.
« God Sydney. How I longed to do this » he murmured as he fused his mouth to hers again.
Damn she was so fucking sweet. So fucking responsive, he had a hard time taking it slow.
« Sean. Oh Sean. » She kept chanting his name as she rolled her hips along his.
She gasped again as he sunk his teeth near her shoulder. He knew in a way that he was claiming her. Some instinct had him do it. It made him want to claim her as his. Because she was his. She was supposed to be his.
Not Logan’s.
That name went through his mind and he pulled back and stood up so fast he stumbled and fell again. He felt a chill as if someone had poured a bucket of ice cold water on him.
« Sean. » She frowned as she sat up.
« We… You- Shit. » He rubbed a hand on his face.
« This was a mistake. »
« No it wasn’t. » She frowned as she sat up, confusion swirling in her beautiful blue eyes.
« Yes it was. You’re Logan’s… Shit. » Raking a hand through his hair he got up and turned his back on her.
Walking over to the balcony he breathed in the fresh air and let the sound of the waves settle his nerve.
He had specifically searched for a hotel with an ocean view. He just loved the sound of the waves. It was kind of soothing.
« What has Logan got to do with this ? »
« He promised you. He promised you he’d marry you and here I am making out with my brother’s lover. »
A harsh laugh reached his ears and he turned around to see her wrapping her arms around herself as if hugging herself. She had righted her robe that had revealed her cleavage when he had tickled her. At that moment he had known he wanted to tear that robe off of her and have his way right there with her. But he couldn’t.
« I know Logan didn’t tell you that. »
« No he didn’t. But he didn’t need to. I heard him that night. »
« What night ? »
« The night, you turned into this… this person. » He waved a hand at her. « I heard him promise you. »
Her eyes widened for a moment as she remembered the night he was speaking about and then her eyes went blank as if a light had been snuffed out.
Her shoulders squared she looked at Sean with no emotions. Her eyes didn’t even show anything that she might be feeling inside.
« You’re just like every other person in my life. Assuming you know what goes in my life, as if you know what goes in my head, don’t you Sean ? I thought you’d be the one person who wouldn’t judge. Wouldn’t jump to conclusions on the basis of three fucking words that you heard. «
She took a deep breath and walked over to the bedroom she had occupied last night.
Sean turned back to the view. He couldn’t help but picture her in his bed. Except he pictured himself beside her, spooning. Whenever he’d have Monisha over, he’d cuddle imagining her as Sydney.
Monisha didn’t look even a little bit like Sydney. In fact, they looked quite the opposite. Where Sydney had blonde hair, Mon had black hair. Where Syd had blue eyes, Mon had chocolate brown eyes. Where Syd was fair, Mon had olive skin.
But the little things Mon did reminded him of Syd. Like the way Mon would stop near a floral shop and smell the flowers in. Like teh way she loved walking on grass barefoot. Like the way she would always push her reading glasses up her nose. Like the way she rolled her eyes.
He sometimes thought he might love her. But then Sydney would breeze in and assure him that no matter how similar Mon and Syd were, he would always love the girl he kind of grew up with.
« Have your facts cleared before you go on assuming shit. You think you know everything. But you don’t. You think that you can do right by everyone, but you can’t. You don’t think that in the process of doing right by everyone, you hurt people. You hurt people so much that they get so fucking lost that they don’t even know who they are anymore.
« I’m done pining over you Sean. I am done. I think it’s time I accept my fate and marry Logan as everyone of you wants me to do just that. »
With that she stomped out of his suite.
Sean knew he had made a biggest mistake of his life. He knew he should go over and talk this out. But he couldn’t seemed to move.
I’m done pining over you she’d said.
Did she like him ? Fuck. Then what the hell was there between her and Logan. Everything was so messed up that it had him pulling his hair out.
A slam resounded through his suite and he knew Sydney had just walked out of her suite too.
And maybe out of his life.