Sydney Grey wouldn’t shed tears. She wouldn’t cry at all because this happened to her on a daily basis. People always took away something she liked.
She loved her greenhouse, her parents took that away from her. She loved herself, her mother took that from her. She loved her freedom, her father took that away too. She didn’t even know what she was doing anymore.
Now that she’d had Sean, he had to withdrew back.
Everybody wanted her to marry Logan and she was damn near tired of explaining everybody that she just couldn’t do that. Not marrying Logan was a way of keeping something to herself. Keeping her over-protective guy beside her was what she wanted but that didn’t mean she wanted to marry him. Logan was like a brother to her.
If she married Logan she’d lose her sanity and she knew she just wouldn’t care what she was anymore. She would just go numb and she didn’t want that.
Dragging her suitcases behind her she pressed a button for the elevator.
« Sydney. SYDNEY. Wait !! »
She didn’t turn. Just closed her eyes and let his voice wash over because it would be the last time she would hear it.
She had finally made up her mind.
She would hand over her bag of souvenirs to Dave. After that she was fleeing. She didn’t know where.
London sounded great. She had enough money in her bank account to start a new life. She was done letting people control her life.
She would step back from her celebrity life. Find a job somewhere. Hell she could start her own company.
If she asked Zachary for help, he’d help and keep quiet. He’d keep quiet because that guy was as good with secrets as anyone could ever be.
She could ask Zach to help her open her own company. She could train models. Build them up. Help them make their career.
The ding of the elevator pulled her out of her thoughts.
She was about to step in when a hand encircled her wrist.
« Where do you think you’re going ? » Sean said arrogantly as he took her both bags from each hand.
« You can have the bags. » She said as she stepped in the elevator.
« You know Logan was stressed. » He started with a sad tone. « So I talked and you know what he said ?. » He took a dramatic pause. The elevator doors were about to close and she was going to say good riddance when his boot stepped in between the doors and they stayed open.
« He said ‘Sydney’s AWOL. I’m worried, Sean. » He tried to mimic Logan’s voice. « You know, Syd, I wonder what your parents would say if I call them and tell them you’re here. »
« Don’t you dare. »
« They’ll be so happy. So so so happy. »
« Don’t you want me to be happy ? » She shouted. She was so fucking tired of thinking about other’s happiness.
Sean’s smile faltered.
« C’mon Syd. Don’t leave. Come inside. We’ll talk. »
« I have to go. »
« I know where you’ll go. I won’t hesitate to tell your parents. » .
« You don’t know anything. »
« You’re going Australia. »
How the hell did he know that.
« I know you Syd. Just… Please. »
When his shoukder slumped, she all but wanted to comfort him. Damn him. Walking past him she didn’t bother getting her suitcase. He could bring them in.
She walked in her room and settled on the sofa as Sean walked in with her suitcase and closed the door behind.
« So. »
« So what ? » She asked.
« You told me I should get my facts cleared before I jump to conclusion. »
« Yes. »
« So go ahead. Tell me what did I miss ? »
« You missed the fact that it wasn’t about marriage at all. My mother hated me for what I was. My appearance, my likes, my dislikes, my clothes. Hell she even cried one day because noone would marry me. Apparently marriage meant more to my mother than loving me for what I am . I wasn’t like the other rich kids. I wanted to be normal and she didn’t want me to be.
« I told that to Logan and he said he’d handle it. That he’d make everything right. The thing is Sean. What I dont like is, Logan’s entire life has been about others. He asked you guys to put in your trust fund money because on paper he wanted to show your contribution to the company. Noone would question your rights. When the company becomes a success. He wants you guys to have a source of income when you choose to do something else with your life. Like Daniel has.
« He kept the company up and running even after George said it was bankrupt because he didn’t want your father to lose one thing that was as dear to him as his family. Your father had a minor attack and Logan chose to take over.
« What the fuck are you talking about ? »
« I wasn’t supposed to tell you that. »
« You damn well should’ve. »
Sydney stood up and walk towards the French windows. She wanted to console Sean but she forced herself to turn her back on him.
« You don’t know the things that goes through Logan’s head »
« Yeah and you know perfectly what goes on in his head. After all you’re his. »
Sydney turned towards him. She breathed out an exasperated sigh.
« You just don’t wanna know about us, do you ? Why am I even standing here explaining to you when you’ve already made up your mind that I’m Logan’s. I’m nobody’s. I’m just Sydney. I don’t like the Grey that’s associated with my name. And neither do I want Logan as my husband. Marrying Logan feels like….. Eew »
« What ? « Sean frowned.
« Yes sweetheart. I dont wanna marry him. I. Do. Not. Neither does he. I started my modeling career so they wanted me to settle. That is why they’re forcing me to marry Logan. But Logan is like a brother to me. I can’t even imagine kissing him, let alone…. » She shuddered.
« That’s new. »
« Yeah well. Some people just assume stuff and then say things that hurt people. »
Sydney turned back to gaze outside, resting her head against the glass. She closed her eyes for the moment as she let herself breathe. Being in the same room as Sean’s got her emotions on a rollercoaster. She didn’t even know if she was angry or sad or just freaking annoyed. It was everything mixed up in a big ball that settled in her stomach.
She didn’t even knew when Sean had walked towards her but before she knew it, her back was against those windows and Sean was at her front.
« Now that I know you’re not his, I’m throwing caution to the wind. I don’t care if you’re supposed to marry him or not. I don’t care now that I know you don’t love him. That I know he doesn’t love you that way either. I just don’t care anymore. You’re mine. Get it. Mine. »
A low growl emanated from his chest and his lips descended on hers