I woke up and stretched. Thank you, sun. Note the sarcasm in that statement.
I realized I couldn’t move and looked down to see an arm draped across my stomach and my back was pressed against a warm firm chest.
I squeezed my eyes shut and hoped to God that this was a dream and it wasn’t real.
But when I reopened my eyes and saw that the large strong arm was still there, I sighed in defeat.
Of course it’s not a dream. Why would it be knowing my luck ? I tried wiggling free, but the arm tightened and kept me in place. I couldn’t move at all and this was starting to get really annoying. I groaned heavily and tried to shove the arm off me one last time.
« You’re awake, » I heard a deep sexy voice come from behind me.
« And you’re a psycho, » I snipped at him.
He turned me around so I was facing him. « Watch how you talk to me. »
« Whatever you say, your highness, » I said in a very sassy tone. I could tell he was getting annoyed and I smirked at the thought that I was getting under his skin. You want to make my life hell ; I’ll make your life hell.
« Don’t test me princess, » Xavier warned in a low tone. On second thought, I probably shouldn’t provoke my kidnapper, I mean he could kill me right now if he wanted to. So I did the best thing and kept my mouth shut. But not without throwing a glare his way. « Now I have to go do some pa-I mean work, » he said nervously.
Hiding something are we Mr. Kidnapper ?
« So can you stay here and behave like a good girl ? » he asked as he sat up and rubbed his eyes.
I faked a smile. I so wanted to stab him.
But if I’m going to escape, I need him gone, and now.
« Yes sir, » I teased with a fake salute.
He narrowed his eyes and got up from the bed and headed to the bathroom.
As I was running through my plan in my head, he came out of the bathroom ten minutes later and he was just in jeans with his hair dripping wet.
And might I say, he looked damn good.
My eyes traveled to his arms, then his chest, then his abs. Oh my gosh those abs !
My hormones were all over the place.
My eyes continued down to his V line and then the rest was covered by his dark blue jeans.
« Are you done eye raping me yet ? » Xavier asked amused with a smirk plastered on his sexy ass face that I so desperately wanted to punch off.
I snapped out of my thoughts and looked him in the eyes which were a darker mossy green and held amusement in them.
I scoffed at him. « I was not. »
« Princess, let’s face it. You totally were. » He chuckled.
« Whatever gets you to sleep at night, » I said brushing past him and going into the bathroom and locking the door.
« Fine. I got to go. And don’t bother trying to get out of the house. I have Hunter and Tim downstairs, » he shouted so I could hear him.
I groaned but stayed quiet.
I heard the bedroom door open and close again so I decided to jump in the shower.
I was done in about twenty minutes. I hopped out and put on my clothes again.
I know it was gross, but I didn’t really have anything else to wear, and I wasn’t wearing Xavier’s clothes.
When I got out, I went to the room Kyrn was in last time and found her flicking through the channels.
« Hey, » she said looking at me and scooting over on the bed to make room for me.
« Hey, » I said back laying down next to her and staring at the ceiling.
« How are we going to get out of here ? Jay said something about don’t bother because Tim and Hunter are downstairs, » Kyrn said confused.
I sat up and rested on my elbows. « Yeah. Xavier told me the same thing. »
« So, what’s the plan Sam ? »
« Well when I was in the shower, I was thinking-«
« EW gross ! I don’t need to know those things, » she said looking completely grossed out.
« Kyrn ! » I yelled hitting her in the head. « Oh my gosh no ! I was thinking of a plan you blithering idiot ! »
« Ohhh. That makes more sense now, » she said laughing while holding the back of her head.
« Ya think ? Anyway, if we can find a door with a lock on the outside, then we can somehow lure them in there and shut the door. And boom ! They are locked in the house and we are free. »
« Sounds good to me. But how do we do this ? » Kyrn asked as she shut the TV off.
« We need to find a door first, » I laughed slightly. « We go in there and hide, then when we hear them coming, we come out of our hiding spot and lock them in there. »
« Okay. Let’s go, » she said getting up from the bed.
We quietly made our way out of the room and slowly crept downstairs.
« Oh come on Bears ! You are facing the Cowboys. Kick their ass ! » I heard someone yell.
« Calm down Tim. Geez. »
So that was Tim and the one talking must be Hunter then.
« Sorry. But they need to win, » we heard Tim say.
« Bears suck, » I whispered to Kyrn.
« Let’s go find a room. » Kyrn laughed as she pulled me by my shirt. We made our way through the house trying to find the door with the lock.
« Hey, » Kyrn called to me.
I turned around and she was pointing to a door with a lock on the outside.
« It’s a basement. We can hide down there and wait until they come when we scream, » Kyrn suggested.
« Okay, » I said as I opened the door.
« Wow, » Kyrn and I gawked looking at all of the weapons as we made it to the last step.
« It is bad that I’m completely terrified right now ? » she asked me.
« Nope, » I said popping the ‘p’. « Because I am too. »
« Okay. I’m glad I’m not the only one, » Kyrn gulped.
We looked around for a few more minutes before she spoke up.