Once I got to the street, I grabbed my phone and dialed Kyrn’s number.
« Hello ? » she asked.
« Kyrn, » I sobbed.
« Oh sweetie, what happened ? »
« He’s a lying, sex-craved man-whore ! » I yelled.
« Okay. I’m on my way, need anything ? »
« Movies and ice cream please, » I cried harder.
« Okay hun, I’ll be right over. »
« Okay thank you. Bye. »
« Anytime. Bye, »
I put my phone down with a groaned as the light turned red.
I flipped through the radio and stopped once I heard Hollywood Undead playing. I cranked up the music to see if I could forget everything I just saw.
I opened my eyes and looked up to see a giant, red F350 truck pull up next to me.
« Hot damn, » I whispered to myself. I loved trucks. It was a weakness of mine.
But what really got me were the four guys inside. They were all extremely attractive. Then there was me, red puffy eyes and tears running down my face.
But the guy that really stuck out was the one driving. He had black spiked hair and grey eyes. He was in the middle of talking when he looked at me.
His friends tried to get his attention, but all he could do was smile. He looked like he had just won the lottery, but all of the sudden he got angry. Probably thinking like I was some creep that was staring at him. His eyes turned dark, and they almost looked…black.
I was starting to get freaked out and I quickly looked at the red light wishing it was green already.
The Lord seemed to have answered my prayers because the light suddenly turned green and I stepped on the gas.
After getting the hell out of there and arriving at my house, I changed into my pjs and waited for Kyrn to show up.
But it didn’t take long as I heard someone knocking on my door.
« Hey, » Kyrn said as I let her in. She was wearing an oversized sweatshirt, baggy sweatpants, and had her hair in a messy bun.
So, she pretty much looked like me, except with the puffy face and the tears streaming down her face.
She handed me my tub of mint chocolate chip ice cream and put in the Last Song.
We started talking about what happened and I told her everything. Then it got a lot more emotional because it remained her of her last boyfriend Trey. He did the same thing, and it was also with Tasha. She was Northwestern High’s slut.
So here we are, crying our eyes out, eating tubs and tubs of ice cream, and watching sad romantic movies. Probably not a good choice, but we didn’t really care at the moment. I mean can you blame us ? I think not.
We are at the part where her dad dies when a knock on the door interrupted us.
I groaned in frustration and got up while wiping away all of my tears.
I open the door and started yelling at the person. « Listen. My friend and I are not in the mood, so if you could please leave that would be nice, » I said without looking at them and continued to watch the movie.
Bad idea.
« Mine, » I heard someone growl softly. And yes I did say growl.
« What ? » I turn around and my eyes went huge.
It was the same group of guys that saw me crying in my car at the stoplight. I took the time to look at him. He had a white, tight fitting shirt so I could see his muscles, dark blue faded jeans that were scrunched at the bottom because of his combat boots.
His other friends are tall just like him. The one on the left has short brown hair and blue eyes, the one of the right had shaggy dirty blond hair and green eyes, and the other one next to him had shaggy brown hair and brown eyes.
I was pulled out of my thoughts when black haired guy pulled me into his chest. He put his face in the crook of my neck and breathed in deeply.
I felt my body tense as he grabbed my hand and glided his thumb across my knuckles in a loving manner.
« Okay. This is a little too weird for me. So if you could let me go, that would be great, » I said pushing him away. Well, I should say trying to push him away because he didn’t even move an inch.
He growled again and pulled me even closer to him. « Mine. »
I looked up and noticed short brown-haired guy smiling like crazy.
Uh yeah. Because this isn’t weird at all.
Sam ! Now is not the time to be sarcastic. Save that for another time. Preferably a less dangerous time.
« What is taking you so long, Sam ? » Kyrn asked walking outside to where I was.
« Mine, » I heard brown-haired guy say. And with that he pulled Kyrn into his chest.
« Congrats dude, » everyone said to him.
« You too, » he said to black-haired guy and then smiled down at Kyrn.
Kyrn and I looked at each other weirdly.
« Can you please let us go ? » she asked.
Both guys looked at us and growled softly.
« No, » they said in unison.
« Fine. Shall we ? » I asked Kyrn.
She smirked evilly at me. « We shall. »
We kneed them in the crotch. When they fell, Kyrn and I quickly ran in the house and locked the door.
About three seconds later there was banging.
« Leave us alone you bastards ! » Kyrn yelled.
« Seriously. Go away ! » I yelled at them.
The banging on the door only got louder.
« Back door ? » I asked her. Kyrn nodded and we decided to run out the back door and slip into the shadows. Thank God it was dark outside.
« What the hell do they want ? » she whispered.
« How should I know ? » I whispered, looking at her. « I’ve never met them before. »
Like they heard us, both of them turned toward us.
« Shit ! » we screamed and started to run.
About five seconds later, I heard a yelp.
I looked to my right and saw Kyrn get picked up by the short brown-haired guy.
« Let her go ! » I screamed and ran toward him.
But before I could even take a step, I was picked up by black haired guy.
« Kyrn ! » I screamed.
« Sam ! » She screamed back.
Oureyes widened and realization hitus like a train. We realized that we were being kidnapped by Sexy Greek God kidnappers.
« Is this the house ? » Jay asked me as we walked up to the front porch.
« Yep. Her scent leads straight to here, » I said as I looked over the front of the house.
It had a nice, warm cozy feeling to it. It was a three-story grayish-blue colonial. There was a gorgeous flower garden in the front lawn leading up the sidewalk. I’m pretty sure if my mom was here, she would be banging on the door asking my mate’s mom how she got her garden the way it was. My mom had such a green thumb, but this layout would be something that she would definitely be jealous about.
But back to the most important thing. My mate. My wolf and I are still upset. Seeing our lovely mate cry like that, we wanted to know why she was crying.
When she pulled up next to my truck and we locked eyes, I knew she was my mate and I couldn’t be any happier. But when I looked more closely at her, her eyes were all red and puffy and she had tears streaming down her face. I wanted to kill whoever made her cry. She was too beautiful to cry.
Since I was twenty-two, I was the alpha and I was losing hope on finding my mate. But I finally found her, and I didn’t plan on letting her go any time soon. I waited long enough.
I knocked on the door and waited. I heard soft footsteps come closer and I stood up straight and cleared my throat.
She opened the door and immediately started yelling at us. « Listen. My friend and I are not in the mood, so if you could please leave that would be nice, » she said without looking at us.
Okay. That was something that I was not expecting. I was kind of expecting more of a hello or at least something along those lines.