Shit. Being kidnapped again. Can I ever catch a break ?
« Fancy seeing you here princess, » Xavier said brushing his lips on my ear.
I shivered and held in a gasp. I looked over at Kyrn and saw that Jay has her.
She looked scared and frankly, I was too. We both noticed each other’s fears and glared at the guys opposite to us.
Xavier laughed.
« Come on princess. Let’s get you home, » he said picking me up bridal style.
Home ? Did he really just say home ? Does he honestly think that where he took us is our ‘home’ ? News flash Xavier. My home is my own house. Not the place you’re taking us to.
« Meet you at the house Xavier, » Jay said picking Kyrn up. « I’m going to go get my Lamborghini that Sam and Kyrn stole. »
« Then maybe you shouldn’t have kidnapped us idiot, » Kyrn said slapping his face, knocking that stupid glare off his stupid face.
I held in a laugh that needed to so desperately come out.
Xavier tried to cover up a laugh, but I slapped him as well and got out of his arms.
« That goes for you too, idiot, » I said glaring at him.
He glared at me and trapped my arms behind my back.
« Let’s go, » he said pulling me toward the Ferrari.
« No. Let go of me ! » I shouted trying to get anyone’s attention.
« Stop struggling, Sam, » he commanded in a low voice.
I froze and he picked me up again. There was so much power behind his voice, which scared me. He pushed me in his car and shut the door. I immediately went over to it and tried to open the door, but failed. I heard his door open and he laughed.
« Child lock. Gotta love it huh ? » He smirked.
I glared at him and pulled my hoodie up over my head and curdled up into a ball. I closed my eyes and let the tears drop. I can’t believe this is really happening to me. What’s going to happen to me ?
I must have dozed off or something because I felt myself being picked up.
I opened one eye and Xavier was carrying me back in the house. He looked down and I quickly closed my eye. I felt his laugh vibrate through his chest.
After a couple of minutes of walking, he set me down on a bed. I slowly opened my eyes to see him taking his pants and shirt off.
« W-what are you d-doing ? » I asked wide-eyed. Oh no. H-he isn’t going to rape me, is he ?
My eyes raked over his arms, his chest, and then his eight-pack. Stupid mind ! He smirked and climbed in the bed next to where I was sitting.
« Going to bed, » he simply stated. I huffed and tried to stand up.
He put an arm around my waist, pulling me beside him and sighed as I tried to break free from his grasp.
« I’m sorry Sam, » he said sadly as he kissed the back of my neck.
« Why ? » I asked him.
« Why what ? » he asked confused.
« Why did you kidnap me ? » My voiced cracked at the end as I turned to look at his face.
« I can’t tell you, » he said quietly.
« Why ? »
« I will tell you when the time is right. »
« But why not now ? »
« Because. »
« Because why ? »
« I just can’t. »
« And why-«
« Please Sam. You need some sleep, and I do to, » he sounded desperate.
« Fine, » I said through clenched teeth as I turned to face the wall again. He pulled me more into him and I elbowed his gut.
« Don’t touch me, » I warned as I scooted farther away from him, but that only caused him to pull me back to his warm strong chest.
« Don’t scoot away from me, » he said in a low voice.
« I can if I want to, » I spat at him. « You don’t own me ! »
« Sam, I mean it. And don’t think that you escaping will go unpunished. You are in a lot of trouble for doing that. And don’t ever, and I mean ever run away from me again, » he said turning me to face him.
« Whatever, » I scoffed.
« And I’m only going to say this Samantha, » my name sounded so good rolling off of his tongue. No bad Sam. Keep it together.
« I like you Sam, so that means you are mine. No boy can touch you the way I can, look at you the way that I can, and kiss you only the way I can, » he growled.
What is up with this dude growling ? Like seriously, I think he needs to go get his throat checked out.
« You can’t do that, » I said staring at him in utter shock.
« Oh yes I can. » And with that, he crashed his lips on mine.
He kissed me ! This freaking stranger-kidnapper-psycho-creeper-stalker kissed me !
But it felt so nice to have his lips moving against mine. It felt like a million fireworks going off and butterflies were swarming around in my stomach.
What am I thinking ? I’m not supposed to be enjoying this what so ever.
I moved my lips against his and I felt him smile and he pulled me closer. He pulled back after a minute and kissed my forehead.
« Goodnight my princess. »
After realizing what just happened, I turned around and pulled the covers closer to me.
He laughed and kept his arm securely wrapped around my waist.
This didn’t change anything ; I was still going to get thehell out of here. I didn’t care what it took. Kyrn and I were leaving and thatwas that.