Leif stood next to me, one earbud in his ear as he hummed along to some song that I hadn't ever heard. He wasn't half bad at singing from what I could tell.
"What are you listening too?" I asked, and he looked up at me, pulling his earbud out.
"Oh... nothing." He said and pulled an IPod out of his back pocket, wrapping the earbuds around it, and shoved it back into his pocket.1
We walked into a clearing, the moon melted into it with silvery light, making it look more beautifully dark that it normally would.
Some people I had never seen were standing in the field, along with some people I recognized.
Seymour stood next to Sampson, his hand gripping Sam's shoulder, and his gaze threatening Sam to make a wrong move.
Dalia stood in between Jonah and Melloni, Grace holding Melloni's hand. Jonah looked like he was about to throw Dalia to the side to stand next to Melloni, but I didn't have a single thought that Dalia couldn't hold her ground.1
Constance was back, and she stood alone off to the side, watching over the crowd with the movements of a hawk. Some people snarled at her and she snarled back, power pouring off of her.
Iris stood next to a tall woman with the same dark blonde hair color as Leif, and a man who had the same blue eyes as Leif.
I only assumed that those were his parents.
When I looked forward instead of at the crowd, I saw Arlis and I couldn't help but gawk. He was wearing a suit, and lord I thought he was hot before but the suit sent him over the top.
He was freshly shaven and it made his jaw line look sharper than it did when he had a 5 o'clock shadow.
I got lost in his eyes and when I took a step I stumbled forward, but instead of hitting the ground like I expected, Leif grabbed my arm and held me up.1
Arlis growled and then sucked it up when the man standing next to him elbowed his side lightly.1
Everyone laughed, and I covered my face with one hand, smiling at my own embarrassment.1
Leif let go of my arm and laughed at me, his blue eyes lighting up with amusement.2
I looked up and stood a little straighter. It's okay. Everyone falls sometimes, it all depends on how you get up.
I finished the short walk to Arlis and Chle— no. That wasn't Chleo. I thought it was but now that I was closer I could see that it wasn't. This guy had the same dark skin and curly short hair, but Chleo was shorter. Plus this guy had a white-ish scar around his neck.
I figured it was Chleo's Dad. He looked too much like him not be. Or.. did Chleo have any siblings?
Arlis held my hand as he stood in front of me.
"You look beautiful, better than Aphrodite herself." He said, whispering into my ear.1
Some history obsessed part of me wanted to ask if she was real, but I figured that that wouldn't have been the best idea. Now probably wasn't the time.
Instead, I smiled at him. "Thanks, but the only one Aphrodite is jealous of tonight is you." And after I said it, I realized how stupid it was but c'mon... I was extremely nervous.
Arlis chuckled, looking down and shaking his head.1
"I'm Anthony, I'll be helping with the ceremony." He smiles at me kindly. "This should only hurt for a second." He says and my heart skips a couple beats, I try to take a step back but Arlis has his hands wrapped around my waist as he sets his chin on top of my head.1
"I'd be doing this, but mates are supposed to be behind their mate when the ceremony is going." Arlis whispers into my ear. "Don't be scared. I'm right here."
I trusted him and nodded.
"Do you, Kadelyn Summers promise to fulfill your duties to the best of your abilities and protect the pack at all costs?" Anthony asks, pulling out a blade that made me want to refuse, to run. But I didn't do either of those things.
I nodded. "I do."
"Do you promise to take into consideration the ideas and needs of all Pack members, putting their hopes above your own?" He dips the knife in something boiling over a fire, I didn't even notice that before.
After a second I realized what it was, silver.
I nodded anyways despite the fear rising in my chest. "I do."
"Then now I ask your mate. Will you be there to hold her up when she needs it, to protect her and the pack under all costs, to perform your duties to the best of your abilities?" He sharpens the blade against a rock and I cringe at every shing it makes.
"Yes." Arlis nodded.
"We may begin." Anthony gestures to my hand.
Arlis slipped his hand under mine, my hand laying gently in his palm. His other hand was holding my other hand at our hips.
Anthony slid the blade across my palm and I bit down on my lip, closing my eyes and whimpering as my blood dripped down my hand and over Arlis's and finally onto the ground.
Arlis lightly pulled my arm, blood still running down my fingers, to our side. "Hold my hand up." He ordered gently, I copied what he did to me earlier.
The blade slid over Arlis palm and I felt him tense up behind me, his head leaning in between my shoulder and my neck as he whimpered out.
The blade hurt when it went across my palm, but it sizzled as it went across Arlis's. And it made me cringe, his pain hurt me. I turned to face him and when he looked up his eyes were red, but overall he looked fine. I relaxed just a little bit.
"I now relinquish my duties as temporary alpha and give Arlis and Kadelyn full control over the pack." Anthony smiled at us but gave me a weird look, almost suspicious.
The people that were there hollered and shouted with joy at the end of the ceremony, their eyes lighting up whenever Arlis or I spoke to them.
But something about the "initiation" ceremony confused me. "I thought you were already Alpha?" I whispered to Arlis as he walked to table full of orange jugs and grabbed two cups.
He shook his head. "Not exactly... an Alpha can't rule alone, it's against nearly all pack laws. A Luna can, but not an Alpha."
I tilted my head. "But they call you Alpha? Why didn't Jonah or Dalia become the Alpha?"
He sighed, filling a red solo cup with a dark liquid. "Well... my parents died when I was 19. That's a really young age to lose your parents here. I wasn't even an adult yet. I didn't have a mate, neither did Jonah at the time and as you know Dalia still doesn't have a mate. Plus, all three of us were too young anyways. Other species don't really know our laws so they all assume I took power-ship at nineteen, which is honestly ridiculous, but their not completely off. I was going to be Alpha eventually, everyone knew it, but I was just too young and mateless. I've always been Alpha just not officially." He said.
"So how come Dalia didn't take it when she turned old enough? If Lunas can rule alone?" I still fell in love with the way women were trusted to run a pack by themselves. Although, there was definitely some inequality. Women were held a little too high. There wasn't a balance.
He cringed. "That's where it gets kind of messed up... Dalia and Jonah could've been official Alphas for a long time now, Dalia longer than both me and Jonah. But I wanted to be Alpha, and if they became permanent leaders I'd have to literally fight them for the title. And when werewolves fight, it's gruesome. You have to all but kill your opponent before the fight is over. In some cases, some packs, if you aren't taking your parents position you do have to kill them." He nodded to Jonah who was smiling, his arm wrapped around Melloni. "I couldn't go fight him, rip at him until he's bloody, and then send him back home to Melloni. And Dalia? I'd just let her win."
I softened my eyes and smiled sweetly at him. He truly was perfect, to me anyways. "So they just didn't take the title? And waited for you to take it?"
Arlis nodded. "Yup. And my dad's Beta, Anthony, Chleo's dad, became temporary Alpha. I didn't have to fight him for the title because he was only a fill in."
Like a Vice President when the President dies. "What's with the silver knife?" I ask, just as Anthony walks up with Iris.
Judging by the look on his face, Anthony's mad over something. Iris looks upset too, but more saddened than anything.
He narrowed his eyes at Arlis, and Seymour walked over, calm but feeling the anger over here probably. Since Seymour can do that Vampire trick.
"You have a lot of explaining to do son!" Anthony growled at Arlis, not looking at me.
I made eye-contact to Iris and she turned her head, her legs carrying her as she walked to Melloni and Jonah.
Arlis set down his cup and faced Anthony. "Oh really? And what's that."
Anthony glanced at me. "She's not a werewolf." He said lowly.
Seymour widened his eyes, realizing the situation. "Why don't we just calm down, Arlis can explai—"
"Shut up old man I'm not talking to you." Anthony seethed.
That sentence sent Seymour over the top. His hand flashed out faster than my eyes could follow and hit Anthony in the jaw, sending him to the ground.
Anthony passed out in the grass and my jaw dropped.
"When he wakes up, tell him it was I who hit him. He's no longer Alpha and I'll do it again." Seymour glared at Anthony and walked away like nothing happened.
"You might wanna shut your mouth, Kate, you're letting flies in." Arlis chuckled, pushing my chin up to shut my dropped mouth.
"He just punched him in the face!" I exclaimed, looking down at Anthony.
Anthony groggled and sat up, looking up at us and Arlis helped him up.
"If you'd let me explain, she's an underage." Arlis said, leaving out the fact that I'm a human. "She's still undecided."
Anthony rubbed his jaw and looked at me apologetically. "I am so sorry. I thought you were a witch or something and had Arlis under a spell."
Arlis set a hand on his shoulder. "Go talk to mom, I think she's about to have a heart attack and scream at Seymour. And then at me."
Anthony nodded. "He punched my jaw."
Arlis grinned happily. "Yes. Yes he did. Seymour is the oldest supernatural in the world, and you told him to shut up." He smiled at Anthony, all love and caring. "Thanks for your concern... however you might be right, I think Kate does have me under a spell." I smiled as he brought me under his arm.
"Sorry, again, Luna Kate. Here, let me introduce myself. I'm Anthony." He held out his hand I shook it, his grip firm. "And my mate is over— IRIS! Come here! I was wrong, she's just underage!" Anthony yelled, gesticulating for Iris to come over.
When she came, she has a look of relief on her face. "For a second I thought you were a witch or something." She breathes out, bringing me into a hug. "Can I just say, that dress is perfect on you."
I blushed as I thanked her, rubbing the fabric between my fingers nervously. "It's Dalia's, you should compliment her."
Iris giggled, a soft and airy sound that I was jealous of. My giggle was annoying. "I don't know if I can find her... let's see if Leif is around here..." Iris looked around for Leif but apparently didn't see him. "Anthony and I think that Leif is going to be her mate. As soon as that boy turns 20 in a couple weeks."1
I widened my eyes, remembering their bickering. "Are you sure about that!? I mean... they seem to hate each other."
"And that is why I think he's going to be Gracie's mate." Jonah strides over and gives me a quick, surprising, hug. "She has the biggest crush on him.1
I widened my eyes. "She's like 7!?" I exclaimed, disgusted by the age difference.
Jonah nodded. "Yup. And when she's 20, Leif will be 33." He said, stating the obvious as to prove that that was just what I was doing. The age gap seemed to mean nothing to them.
So 20 and 33 wasn't that bad, but it was still enough to gross me out. But then I look at Arlis and realize that he's like 250 years older than me.1
"That's such a gap." I said, judging even though the real person I should be judging is myself. Kissing Arlis is like kissing someone's great great grandfather who looks good for his age, great for his age actually. I made myself cringe.
Arlis seemed to catch on to my train of thoughts and laughed. "I'm like 270 years older than you, and you an you think 13 years is an age gap? My mom was 300 years older than my dad."1
"Really?" I asked, shocked.
He nodded. "My Dad was like 30 when they met, she came here from Scotland."
He's SCOTTISH!? "No way!?"
He nodded proudly. "Yup. Mom was a couple months older than my grandfather. She died at 433 years old in 1741, my dad was only 133."
My heart hurt for him. Nineteen. He lost his parents at nineteen. "I'm sorry, Arlis." I'm sorry didn't really feel like the best thing to say, but at that moment I didn't know what else to say.
He nodded and took a deep breath. "Yeah me too. But as sorry as I am for me, I feel worse for the twins. They were only 4."
Jonah moved uncomfortably, obviously feeling awkward or sad.1
Melloni came over and out her hands on his shoulders. "What's wrong!?" She asked him and he calmed.
He smiled at her. "Nothing. Just talking about mom." Melloni understood and kissed his cheek. He reached for her hand and she let him take it. "I thought you were mad at me?"
She rolled her warm brown eyes. "Like I could stay mad at you."
Soon, a bunch of people were gathered around us, it seemed like a hundred different conversations went on.
Someone was talking about how they saved a small group of men back in World War 1. Another was saying how Alpha Reigns would like me, that I was his type of wolf. I wasn't sure who Alpha Reigns was, I'd have to ask Arlis.
But the conversation I was in had to be the most interesting. Leif had showed up from his disappearance, his lips swollen and his cheeks flushed. Dalia showed up ten minutes later the same way. Of course, as soon as she saw us she walked away.1
Leif came strolling up like nothing up. "Hey guys..." he trailed off and Jonah, Melloni, Iris, Arlis, and I started laughing uncontrollably. He looked up, flustered. "Okay shut up, I get it."
"Still think Gracie is his mate?" Iris asked Jonah who nodded.
"Dalia isn't his type." Jonah responded. "Grace is in love with him, I'm sorry." He shrugged, obviously not sorry.
Leif rolled his blue eyes and huffed out. "Gracie is like 7, dude."1
"Yeah so shut the hell up, Jonah." Arlis snapped and then shook his head. "Woah, okay then. Didn't mean for that to come out harsh." He blinked his eyes hard.
"Oh it's starting." Iris muttered and everyone agreed, humming and giving Arlis a dirty look.
Arlis shrunk down a couple sizes, his face flushed in the cutest way possible.
"All I'm saying is that you see the signs. Gracie is even more over protective of you than she is Arlis, and that's saying something." Jonah ran a hand through his hair.
Iris reached over and grabbed Leif's jaw, pointing to his lips. "That is a sign. He just made out with her!"
Arlis closed his eyes and I dropped from the conversation, looking at him worriedly. "Are you okay?"
He nodded, but even that small act seemed to make him dizzy. "Fine."
I narrowed my eyes at him. "Liar." I stated. "What's wrong? I know something isn't okay."
Suddenly the whole group was looking at us, worried.
"Honey, he's—" Iris started but Arlis cut her off with a low growl.1
"Don't you dare say anything, Iris." He ordered and it made her take a step forward, her eyes sad but angry.
Melloni gasped, and Jonah looked shocked beyond measurable terms. Everyone else was oblivious to what was happening. Just our small group seemed to realize the stress and tension in the air.
Iris put me behind her and Arlis glared at her. "Take a walk." Iris ordered and Arlis shook his head.
"Not this time." He said, licking his lips.
"I said. Take. A. Walk." She ordered again and Arlis took a step forward.
Leif stepped up, and while he looked muscular and strong, I didn't think he could take on Arlis.
I didn't know who could in this group.
Someone grabbed my hand and I turned to see Constance, her eyes red and puffy like she had been crying.
"Arlis walk." Constance ordered. "Either take a walk or fight me, pick one."1
Now everyone was watching, it was no longer just this little group's secret.
Arlis walked to her, taller than her but not by much. "If we fight I'll win." He threatened.
What got into him? Just a minute ago he was laughing and holding me like a normal person, now he was threatening to fight Constance, a girl none-the-less.
"You sure about that!?" Constance raised her brows, her fists clenched so tightly her knuckles were whiter than snow.
He nodded. "Feel free to try me."
Her fist swung and he caught it in his hand but her strength matched his and he ended up punching himself in the face. She smirks at him, taking a fighting stance.
A crowd had gathered around us, now aware of the situation.
Jonah noticed and pulled Melloni away, looking to everyone. "I'll take bets!" He yelled, walking around the group. Everyone started to talking to him.
Was this the normal?
"NO NO NO! No bets!" A familiar voice yelled. I turned and Seymour had started walking to us, making everyone groan.
Arlis rushes at Constance, but found Seymour in front of him instead. Seymour spun Arlis around and kicked his back, sending him forward.
Arlis growled and Seymour rolled his eyes. "You're actin' like an angry puppy, go walk it off you foozler!" Seymour said and this seemed to snap Arlis into something.
He looked guilty to me and then to Iris. "I didn't... I'm sorry." He said, he turned into a wolf, his bones cracking sickly, and he ran off, his darker fur blending in with the woods.
I looked at Seymour, fear probably evident on my face. "What happened to him!?" I asked worriedly.
Seymour looked at Iris and Melloni. "Woman topic. I'll see you all later." He walked away, leaving me dumbfounded.1
Jonah and Leif looked to each other. "Yup. Woman topic." They said at the same time and walked away, following Seymour.2
Melloni looped her arm through one of mine and Iris looped hers through the other one.
"Let's introduce you to the werewolf mating life." Iris said, laughing at my horrified face.1
Of all the sentences in the world, that was not one of them I expected her to say.