I wake up to the sound of beeping from a heart rate machine, the annoying beeping was ringing in my ears, causing a headache.
It took me a moment before I remembered what happened. Wolves. Men. Jacobi. Damon. My brother and Vix. The party.
I open my eyes and wait for the pain in my back to come but it never does, surprisingly.
I look to my left and see a blue curtain hanging from a white roof. I look to my right, amazed to see a head resting on my hip, and a hand resting over mine. I recognize the dark brown hair as the man who rescued me.
"What the hell?" I sit up, instinctively wincing but there's no pain.
The man shoots up and looks around the room. "What? Who's there!" He yells and then takes a calming breath and shakes his head. "Sorry, I must have fallen asleep."
I nod, angry but thankful. "Thanks for saving me and everything but why are you in here?" I snap.
The man smiles at me. "So you feel safe." He assures, a gesture he might have found sweet but I found creepy. Even though a small part of me, a part that I wouldn't admit out loud, I did feel safe. Weird. "I don't know you!" I yell.
A doctor comes into the room, and looks from the man to me. "Alpha, she's just a little shaken up. Can I take her temperature? Run some tests?" He asks.
Alpha frowns at me, and then at the man. "I want a female doctor." He said sternly.
Why was a doctor taking orders from him? Why was he even in my room?
"Yes, Alpha." The doctor walks out of the room and moments later a girl doctor walks in.
"Just lay back down, Sweetie, you've been through a lot." She says,her voice calming. "Alpha Arlis is just trying to help, he does that a lot around here."
Who says someone's full name when talking about them? Who's name is Alpha anyways? That sounds more like a nick name.
The doctor puts a thermometer sleeve over the thermometer and tells me to open my mouth. I do as I'm told to and she takes my temperature, my eyes never leaving the man's.
It's odd because I feel fine. Great even. Better than I have in all my 19 years of living.
The doctor pulls out the thermometer and smiles at me. "No fever. Let's check for a concussion."
I shake my head. "No need. I wasn't hit in the head." I say.
The doctor shrugs. "I still figure it best but if you're sure, I can't go against what you say. Can you stand?"
I shrug. "Probably not. My back was torn up pretty good and I was kicked in the ribs several times. I should be moaning and complaining right now but... I guess you have some good morphine."
The doctor chuckles. "Yeah. Morphine. You are a strong one."
I don't understand what she meant and just knocked it off as she misheard me.
I sit back up and slowly put my legs over the side of the bed. I wiggle my toes and place one foot on the cold white tile floor.
Then the other.
I stand completely straight up, feeling empowered. I feel like I grew back stronger. What's that Kelly Clarkson song?
The nurse grabs my elbow but I shake my head. "I'm fine. I can stand."
I reach my arm back to touch the grooves that were most likely in my back, but I just felt soft skin.
No acne like there normally would be, just soft and smooth skin.
I face the doctor in confusion. "My back isn't even scratched. I know a wolf landed on me and tore me up."
The doctor smiled at me. "Well if you were mated to anyone else there probably would still be a little left considering you couldn't heal yourself because you were too weak, but you're mated to an Alpha. I was informed she was a rogue, yes?"
I tilt my head. "Mates? Alpha? What are you talking about? Where is my brother? My friend in the rose bush?"
The doctor faces the ground. "Oh dear." She whispers. "Where are your parents?" She asks.
Oh dear? "My parents aren't here? They should be here at the hospital. You didn't call them!?" I shout.
The doctor shakes her head. "We couldn't exactly do that. We don't know who you are." She says.
Oh. Well that makes sense. "Well... I can call them. They're probably worried sick. My brother is probably here same as Vix. Can I see them? This is the only hospital in Columbia Falls and I know I wasn't the only one hurt."
My parents are probably already here.
"You aren't in Columbia Falls." Alpha says, finally speaking. "You're in the Sovereign Pack Territory." He seems confused as to why I thought I was somewhere else.
"Excuse me? Why the hell am I not in Columbia Falls?" I yell. "Take me back. Right now. I need to talk to my family."
Alpha looks at the doctor. "Myshayla. Does she know anything about us. She is one, but it's like she doesn't know anything."
I'm pissed at this point. "No! I don't know anything! I don't know why I'm here and not at home. Who are you?" I ask Alpha, anger radiating off of me.
Alpha looks at the ground. "When was the last time you turned?"
I stomp my foot. "Turned? Turned what?"
"I don't know what term you use but, shift." He says.
I shrug. "Still lost."
"Transform?" He asks.
I shake my head.
Meanwhile, the doctor and Alpha get more worried. They're looking at me like I'm a lost puppy.
"Became a wolf. Shifted into an animal. Ran on four legs." He says. "When was the last time you were a wolf?"
I take a step back. "You're crazy." I announce.
But I think about the night the wolfs attacked. How Damon and Jacobi had the same wounds as those inflicted on the wolves. How Damon bent the crowbar in half. Now they're asking me when the last time I became a dog was.
"Werewolves. You're all werewolves." I mutter more to myself then them.
Alpha nods a smiling growing on his face. "Yes. Just like you."
I shake my head, a crazy smile on my face. "Okay, listen. This is what's going to happen. You're going to let me go, and I won't tell anyone you exist. I'm not one of you, the answer to your question is never, I've never turned."
I look at both of their startled faces. "What do you mean?" Alpha says. "How have you never turned?"
I shrug. "I'm not a werewolf. And honestly I'm expecting to wake up any second because werewolves aren't real. They never have been and they never will be. They're a myth, a legend!"
Alpha shakes his head. "You're a human!?" He asks, disgusted and shocked at the same time. But hidden behind those emotions was a hint of... sadness?
Wait. Wouldn't humans get killed when they learned of other species in most books. Which doesn't make any sense because it's not like we could overthrow immortals.
I should have caught on earlier and I guess I might have, but I was so full of pain and fear that I just didn't want to admit it.
"Uh, no. I'm a—" I shrug. Might as well try this. "I'm a hybrid!" I shout.
Alpha shake his head. "No. I don't—"
"No offense, Alpha, but she does have the strength to heal perfectly fine. She—"
"Don't interrupt me when I speak, Myshayla." Alpha says. He looks at me. "A hybrid of what?" He growls.
He doesn't seem like the calm and kind person I met earlier.
And that really sucks because I was totally going to use that to my advantage. "Vampire and a uhh... werewolf. But I can't shift because then—"
"Shut up." Alpha says. "You're lying. I know because I've met all of the hybrids," Alpha says.
I close my eyes tightly. "Fine. I'm human. Don't kill me."
The doctor shakes her head. "You know the rules. We have to kill her." She tells Alpha. The doctor grows her nails out and gives me an apologetic look. "I'm sorry." She throws her hand forward and I close my eyes, not wanting to see my own death.
But it never comes.
"Alpha! What are you doing!" She shouts.
I look up and see Alpha clenching the doctor's wolf hand. "She's my mate, human or not. I will not let you kill your future Luna." Alpha says. He looks deep into the doctor's brown eyes. "You do not tell anyone of this finding or I will see to it personally that you're killed." He threatened, and my bones chilled at the threat.
The doctor nods. "Yes, Alpha. But the—"
"This is non-negotiable." Alpha says. "Now leave me before I change my mind on letting you live."
The doctor leaves with the bow of her head.
"Am I staying here?" I ask in a quiet, afraid, voice. Alpha nods slowly, not facing me. "Alpha, I have family. I don't know anything about this place. Just let me leave."
He shoots his head up. "You don't call me Alpha."
That's all he got out of that? "That's your name, isn't it?" I ask.
He shakes his head. "No. My name is Arlis Barron. And you are?"
He's so formal. "Leaving. I'm leaving."
I walk towards the door but he grabs my waist. Electricity courses through my body and I stop in my tracks.
I turn to face Arlis and he looks calm. "Tell me you felt that." He says.1
Oh I felt it alright. It's the impossible urge to want to stay with him forever.
The want to be with him. The need to stand next to him.
"No." I say. "I don't feel anything." But I've always been a terrible liar.
Arlis gives me a devious smile, showing his white teeth and right cheek dimple.
He has a dimple. Oh mother of pearl.
"You're telling me you don't feel the little jolts of electricity flowing between us. You don't feel the need to hold me and never let go. That I'm not perfect in every way shape and form?" He grins at me. "Because a mate bond works both ways whether you like it or not."
He takes a step closer and places his hand on my cheek.
I instinctively lean my head into it.
"Gotcha." He says and takes a couple steps back. "I don't know how. But you're my mate."1
I put my arms out in front of me. "Woah. Woah. Woah. What do you mean, mate?" I ask.
Oh. Wait. Mate. Like how wolves mate for life. Before Arlis could respond, I answer the question myself. "I'm like, your other half? Your perfect half?"
He nods. "My everything. You only ever get one mate. I don't know how much you know about us from the legends, but mates are sacred. We don't judge them, because they'd never judge us."
"Judge? Who said anything about judging." I ask.
But as I say this, my eyes follow his body.
Toned arms. Dark brown and floppy hair. Tan skin. Dark brown eyes that seem to know everything.
"Can't find anything wrong about me, huh?" He asks. "First sign of the mate bond doing it's thing."
From the other side of the door to the hospital room comes three straight forward knocks, and then a second later a single one. A couple moments pass by when two knocks come.
It's a code, I realize. A secret knock.
"Come in, Chleo!" Arlis yells.
The door opens up to reveal a strong yet playful looking man. He had dark skin and bright eyes. He seemed, kind, like a boy trapped in a man's body. The man sticks his hand out. "The name's Chleo Queens."
I shake his hand and a low, quiet, growl escapes from Arlis.
"Oh, calm down, this is my future Luna. I have nothing but respect towards her." Chleo says. He looks back to me. "He gets a little hangry sometimes."
I let a laugh escape. "Hangry?" I ask, smiling.
Chleo nods. "Hungry and angry." Chleo pulls out a snickers bar from his back pocket. "You look mad. Need a snickers bar?" He asks.
Arlis rolls his eyes but takes the snickers bar from Chleo.1
"Chleo, what is it that you need?" Arlis asks, opening the snickers bar. He looks at me and then at the bar. "Do you have another one?" He asks Chleo.
Chleo nods. "I have like, ten. And where's my thank you?" He pulls out another snickers and hands it to be.
I give him a polite smile. "Thank you." I say.
Chleo smiles brightly at me. "I like her." He says to Arlis. "Some might say she'll make you a nice person."
Arlis shakes his head, but a grin forms on his face. "She probably will." Arlis runs his hand through his hair and then gets serious. "Okay. What is it that you need?"
I take a bit of the snickers bar and all but moan at the taste. "Why does this not taste like a snickers!" I yell.
Chleo cocks his head to his side. "What are you talking about? That's a snickers bar from a 7-11. Arlis, is she alright?"
Arlis nods. "Probably a little loopy. She got beat up pretty bad. They better start running because when I get my hands on them— it won't be good."
I take another bite of the snickers, savoring its chocolatey taste.
"Back on subject. Why did you come in here?" Arlis asks.
Chleo puts up one finger. "Ah! That's because I have bad news." Chleo eyes the ground like it's the most important thing in the world. "I would escort the girl out first."
I want the playful Chleo to come back.
Arlis shakes his head. "No. She's staying here with me. She's the future Luna, and has to hear what's going on."
Chleo's face grows red, but I don't think it's towards me or Arlis. "The Damarion Pack wants the girl." He nods to me.
Why am I even here? I should leave. Go back to Vix and Chance. Especially if someone is looking for me. And I know just who it is. Damon and Jacobi.
"I was walking along the edges of our territory, patrolling right, and they called me out. They know the girl is here and they want her." He points to me. "They called her a human. What's up with that?"
I shake my head. Truth comes out fast here.
"Filth like that isn't to be said about a werewolf. Humans aren't even on the same level with us. I can deal with Hunters because I know them all, but humans? They're sick beings. Who trashes their planet like that?" Chleo says, slowly growing sadder. "I've only ever met one decent human. And well... she died a long time ago. And it's all my fault."
I don't know what Chleo went through, but it's doesn't sound good.
"Chleo? What happened?" I ask, caring about this man who, technically, just trashed my entire species. It's odd how things work out.
He wipes his eyes. "I fell in love with a human girl one time. She was, beautiful, kind, smart."
"Was she your mate?" I ask, intrigued with this story.
He shakes his head. "No I guess I put that wrong. I didn't fall in love with her, I just loved her. Like I love Arlis." He points to Arlis. "Despite his terrible facial features and crude attitude."
Arlis punches Chleo lightly in the shoulder.
"And abusive actions." Chleo says.2
Chleo and Arlis suddenly burst out laughing. "Anyways... I loved this girl like a best friend. And I taught her of our kind, knowing she would never tell a single soul." Chleo continues. "And I promised her, everything would be alright if she knew. And everything wasn't. A Hunter killed her. A strong Hunter, a girl named Constance.
"And I don't hate Constance for killing her. I hate myself for telling her. The Hunters do a lot for our kind. Constance said she had been watching us and that she wouldn't have killed the girl if she knew that she wouldn't have told anyone.
"But Constance was smart. She watched the girl for a while, and then the girl grew anxious. At the time, many murders were going on," Chleo glances at Arlis and he doesn't need to explain. Arlis was killing people. Werewolves aren't innocent. "And they were all animal attacks. The girl I fell for was going to tell the tribe leader of our existence and get protection in return, so... Constance killed her. Because you know about one of us, you know about every species. Vampires. Fae. Hunters."
I can only assume what a Hunter is. And I hope I never meet one.
"Are Hunters people?" I ask.
Chleo shakes his head. "No, they're more like... human vampires. They have all the perks of being a vampire, doubled. Speed, strength, eternity of living, but they get killed a lot easier. Vampires can only die from special blades, while Hunters can be killed with anything. It's still hard, mind you, but it's a lot easier than a vampire." Chleo stretches his arms. "Anyways, I just came to tell you about Damarion pack. They're still threatening us... they still want war."
War? "Excuse me? War? Why would anyone—"
My questions are ignored as they continue talking as if I wasn't even there.
"Prepare our pack. Contact the Rook pack." Arlis says. "And... talk to Constance."
Chleo seems to get smaller as the seconds go by. "Why her? Why not Felix or even Marinda?"
Who's Felix? Marinda? These don't seem like the names of anyone I know.
"Because Marinda has kids now, unlike all those years ago. And Felix... have you not heard?" Arlis's face becomes sullen and sympathetic. "Felix died. Just the other day."
Chleo gets more worried. "Who? Who killed him?"
Arlis shrugs. "Clay Gold. But it's none of our business. We aren't messing with vampires yet."
Vampires. Vampires are real. Who knew? Stephanie Meyer. That's who.
"I know but they're sick. They killed Felix? Felix is dead? This is getting out of hand. The humans will find out soon enough and we'll have a war over earth." Chleo says. He looks at me. "That prophesy is coming true this year, Arlis."
"Well... one human already knows." Arlis looks at me.
Chleo stumbles a couple feet backward until he hits the wall. "What? She's— that's— why? Why isn't— she needs to die. The prophesy!"1
Prophesy? Why the hell... is this some sort of Harry Potter film?
Arlis growls loudly. "She's my mate. And your future Luna. Don't talk about her like that. Listen, this is perfect. She could solve everything."
Chleo shakes his head. "No! It won't solve anything! She's going to get us killed!"
I know I'm in the wrong. I shouldn't be here. This isn't me. I don't mess around with the supernatural. But I don't want to die. My main priority is living.
"I have no right to make demands. So I'm not telling you this, I'm asking. You found it in your heart to love one human, could you find the same kindness to let me live?" I ask.
If I have any luck, he'll let me live and I'll get to leave.
"If it was any time else, then yes, I could. But I don't care what species you are, when times get tuff you choose your kind over another." Chleo talks from experience and heartbreak.
He's right though. If a war was coming and it was centered among species why would I stay with the werewolves when everyone I know and love is a human?
Why would I fight for something else?
"He's right." I say. "So before things get worse, let me go home. Just don't kill me. I don't know anything. Who's gunna believe me anyways?"
"You're not listen— wait what? I'm right?" Chleo looks at me with a newfound respect. "I'm right? Should I hate you because I'm right or respect you because you're not even denying truth?"
"Both." I say.
I look back at Arlis. "Arlis." I whisper.
His whole body stiffens. "I won't do it. If you die, and if you're let out and a war starts you will die, our mate bond breaks and I'll be a shell of what I am now, if that."
Chleo kicks the wall, making a nice round hole in it.
"You can't be mates to a human." He whispers but it's an intense whisper. "It's not possible."
I wouldn't know, but I'm going to agree with Chleo.
It's just not possible. Different species can't be together. It's like a frog and a horse falling in love. It just doesn't happen.
"Can I leave? I won't tell a single soul. I promise." I beg.
Chleo shakes his head. "No. You can't leave. And I can't kill you either."
Arlis pushes Chleo. "Why are you acting like you make the decisions!"
Chleo shrugs. "So am I wrong? Is my decision wrong?"
I could see Arlis fighting it. He doesn't want Chleo to be right. "Just go. And don't tell anyone. Not even your parents." Arlis demands.
Chleo gives me an apologetic smile. "You seem like a nice girl. I'm sorry you got caught up in this. I hope you're not like Bella."
I laugh at the comparison. "Don't worry. I'm not a damsel in distress."
He smiles at me and leaves the hospital room. "Finally someone gets my reference." He mutters when he's outside the door.1
"Here's how it's going to happen. You're going to—" Arlis starts but I cut him off.
"I'm going to help you come up with a plan. Sounds like a good idea." I say, smiling.
Arlis tilts his head and frowns. "I already have one." He says.
"That's nice. I don't care." I smile and get one back in return.
"Oh boy the Moon goddess really set me up with a challenge." He mutters.
I have no clue who the moon goddess is.+
"But I like a challenge." He smirks at me.