"Wait..." My tired self paused to look at the door that both Arlis and I were walking into. "Are we sleeping in the same bed?" I asked.
He nodded slowly. "Is that a problem?" He asked slowly, gauging my reaction.
I didn't think it was a problem, but if my mom taught me anything, it was that guys have to work for you. Mate or not. Male PMS or not, he was going to work for me. "Umm... well it's just... I don't really know you."
He yawned tiredly, closing his eyes and managing to make a smirk look better than it humanly should. "Sure you do. We know each other."
I narrowed my eyes, yawning after him. I swear they were worse than the flu, they were so contagious.
"What my favorite color?" I asked.
He clicked his mouth. "Uhhhh... purple?" He guessed.
I shook my head. "No. It's red." I said, and rose an eyebrow. "I can sleep on the couch or—"
"I have a guest bedroom." He said, nodding to a door on the opposite side of his. "It has two bunk beds, a TV, a desk, a laptop. Please no social media."
No social media? Who did he think I was? A cave man? "Thanks, but YouTube? Come on... gotta let me—"
He widened his eyes as he walked to the door. "It's 4:30 A.M. Are you honestly going to get on YouTube?"
I puffed up my cheeks. "No, I guess not. But I can't fall asleep without music an—"
"Me neither." He said wistfully, his eyes lighting up despite the obvious drowsiness clouding them. "Here, you can sleep in here." He opened up the door and inside was a soft black carpet, grey-blue walls, and furniture that was too nice to not be used.1
Two bunk beds sat across from each other, the bottom half of each one a Queen size. Thick grey comforters lined all of them, complimenting the brown, wooden bed frames.
A white desk with the promised laptop was tucked away in the corner.
A flat screen TV hung on the wall next to it.
"This is really nice." I turned but Arlis was anywhere to be seen. "Arlis?" I whispered. "Arlis." I said harshly again, same outcome as the first time. Absolute silence.
Finally, he poked his head out of his door, holding a knitted blue blanket. He shut his door and walked into the guest room, laying on one of the bottom bunks.
"Uh— what are you doing?"
"Laying in here with you? What, did you think I wasn't going to sleep in the same room as you? Alpha Rylee wants war, remember? I'm not letting you out of my sight." He smirked. He didn't believe Alpha Rylee was going to kidnap me, he just wanted an excuse to sleep in the same room as me.
Well two could play at that game. I started undressing from the dress and Arlis gulped. "Wha— what are you—"1
"Taking off my dress? What, did you think I was going to sleep in my dress? That could ruin a dress, remember that. I'm not about to ruin Dalia's dress." I covered my chest as I remembered I wasn't wearing s bra. Great. This is what I get for trying to be mischievous and a temptress. It accidently goes to far. "Umm... can you uh— turn around?"1
He stood off of his bed and walked out of the room, returning with my bra and my t-shirt. "Here. Next time you try to be little miss Siren, make sure you're wearing a bra." He laughed and I smacked his shoulder with my shirt and bra.1
He laid down in his bed and slipped under the covers, facing the other direction.
It wasn't very cold, but I found my thoughts drifting to how warm I would be wrapped in his arms.
I put on my bra and my t-shirt, choosing to ignore the fact that I needed both a shower and a laundry machine. I'd just have to take one tomorrow. Great.
I quietly padded to the laptop and turned it on, going to YouTube and playing the top songs from 2017. Of course, Bodak Yellow came on and I turned it as fast as humanly possible. I didn't need to listen to fast rap about making money move. I needed Ed Sheeran and Sam Smith.
Perfect played on the laptop lowly, and I smiled. This moment was perfect.
I slipped into the bed, into the welcoming darkness, and into sleep.
I woke up to someone placing a kiss on my right temple, their weight shifting the bed. I smiled softly, somewhere between sleep and awake, a state of delirium.
The door open and closed, I heard voices coming from the living room but I didn't really care, I just wanted to go back to sleep.
But it was useless. I was all rested. Dang it.
I got up and turned off the laptop, it was practically hotter than Arlis by this point. Not two self, don't leave laptop on over night playing YouTube, it makes it hot.
I pursued my lips and looked at my legs, the legs that weren't covered by anything but a T-Shirt.
Someone knocked on my door. "Don't come in!" I sang.
"Relax, it's Mell!" Melloni called from the other side of the door and pushed it open, slipping inside with a pair of black skinny jeans and a grey hoodie. "This is all I have that could fit you. Well... I actually stole the jeans from Dalia but NOT THE POINT! Here, we have to go shopping."1
She threw the clothes at me and I barely caught them, holding the jeans by the end of the pant leg. "Thanks." I smiled, praying that the jeans fit me.
I rigged the jeans on, which ended up being a size too small and made me choke at the hips. I couldn't breath, but it was better than being pant-less I guess. The hoodie was a little too big, but I could pull it off easy. I mean it was just a plain grey hoodie.
I slipped on the black converse that I came in and stretched my arms up, blinking back morning tears.
"This isn't fair." Melloni stomped her foot, glaring at me.
"What?" I asked, leaning forward in a confused manner.
"You get to look perfect when you first wake up. And I don't like it." She said, but smiled at the end. "Jonah and Arlis are waiting in the car, we better get going, it's already two and the mall closes at seven. It's an hour drive away from here."1
I whined. "TWO!?" Oh god if my mom was here she'd murder me. I've always been really hard to wake up in the morning, and now my sleeping schedule was wrecked. "In the afternoon. Ugh."
Melloni shrugged. "It'll get better when you turn 20. I haven't slept in 28 hours. Come on."
If I had a drink in my hand, I would have choked. "What, why didn't you sleep!?"
She smiled with her mouth closed and looked up. "Jonah." Was her answer, as she walked out the door.2
"Oh, so you two made up?" I asked.
"I used him as a pickle jar opener for a day too long. I missed my Baby Boy." She winked as we walked down the stairs.
A lot of people were in his house and I was starting to wonder if this was the pack house.
Leif and Sampson sat on the leather couch, watching a football game, throwing popcorn at the screen while Seymour scorned them.1
Iris was cooking breakfast while Anthony desperately tries to get her to talk to him, but she'd just flip the bacon and insult him.1
Dalia was arguing with Chleo over something small, both of them smiling as they yelled at each other. "Leif is not my type..." She growled and the setence hung in the air as they realized I was listening.1
"Dalia, are you coming!?" Melloni yelled across the house and everyone looked at us, for a moment I froze in anxiety but then everyone went back to their own accords.
"No! I think I'm going to hang back. Chleo and I have a bet!" She replied.
"Do you guys want some bacon?" Iris asked.
When she wasn't looking, Anthony tried to swipe a piece but she slapped his hand away. Did she have eyes in the back of her head or something?3
"Yeah, Thank you." I smiled as I walked into the nice kitchen and took a piece of bacon. I moaned at the taste, the saltiness and meatiness evened our to a perfect combo. "This is amazing."
She smiled. "Thanks. Caught the boar myself this morning."
I almost dropped the bacon. I choked on the bite in my mouth, the fat was suddenly too much. "Awesome." I said halfheartedly.
She smirked at my innocence. "I almost just ate it raw!" She laughed and I almost puked I my mouth.
Suddenly bacon didn't seem as good as it did ten minutes ago. "Well... I'll uh... see you later, Iris." I waved goodbye awkwardly and walked backwards out the door.
Would she actually eat it raw? Was that something wolves did? I decided to say that she was joking, because any other way and I would've high tailed out of here and not Arlis nor Constance could stop me.
Arlis was leaning on the car, his arms crossed over his chest. "Good morning." He opened the back door, Jonah and Melloni were already sitting down.
"Can you two... move?" Arlis asked rudely, not hiding the malice in his voice.
Jonah shook his head. "You snooze you loose, brother."
He glared at Jonah. "Sit up front." He ordered, but Jonah stayed where he was, ignoring his brother.
"I'm not sitting up front with her." He shot a disgusting look at Constance who was sitting in the passenger's seat. "And I'm not letting Mell Bell sit up there either."
Melloni slapped his shoulder. "How many times do I have to ask you to stop calling me that!?" She asked, buckling up.
He licked his lips. "I'll stop calling you Mell Bell, when you stop giving me doggy toys for Christmas." He shot her a dirty look and faced out the window.1
"Jone, sit up front." Arlis ordered again.
"You guys are so childish." I scolded and walked around to the driver's seat of the grey Nissan Altima, shutting the door. I turned and saw Arlis's mouth dropped as he leaned over the car. "Are you going to get in?" I asked and he literally fell into the car.1
"Scoot over, Jonah! Honestly you're fatter than a moose at this point." Arlis chided, shoving Jonah in the side with his elbow a little harder than necessary.
Jonah turned in his seat next to Arlis and tried to slap his face, but Arlis grabbed his wrist and forcefully pushed it away. Arlis tried to reach over and hit him, but Melloni hopped over Jonah and grappled his hands down.1
I slammed the breaks down and all three people in the backseat lurched forward, probably painful, but they could handle it. "We have been driving for thirty five minutes, please behave!" I yelled, thinking of a couple of six year olds.1
Constance opened the back door. "Melloni, do you want to sit up front and I'll sit between the boys?" She offered.
Melloni scoffed. "No. Arlis can sit up there, but I'm not letting-"
"Whatever." Constance didn't seem to be affected by Melloni's clear insult. I sighed lightly and felt bad for her.
"Jonah, do you wanna sit up here?" I offered. Well it wasn't really an offer so much as it was an order.
"What? No-"
"Oh come on, I wanna get to know my big brother." I patted the empty seat next to me. I didn't mind Constance sitting next to Arlis. Sure it bothered me a little bit, I mean she has apparently tried to kill him multiple times, but I trusted Arlis. He would stop her if she tried anything.
Jonah grumbled and slid out of the car, Melloni scooting closer to Arlis, and Constance getting a window seat.
Jonah sat next to me, unhappily, but still putting on a fake smile. He laid his head against the window. "I can already tell we're going to hate each other." He muttered, and my stomach dropped. Judging by the silence from Arlis, I'm guessing nobody else heard him. The first time I'm fully insulted and nobody heard it.1
But all the times a guy has shown the least bit of interest in me, Arlis is quick to shoo them away with a growl and a glare.
I scoffed, just to let him know I heard him, but didn't retaliate in any other way. No need for pointless drama, especially after I just ended a fight. I'm not a hypocrite. Plus, there's always the chance that he's just mad that I took him a whole three feet away from Melloni.
Nobody spoke, but I realized soon that the people in this car could practically argue without sound. A hateful look set them off, a single flicker in their gaze and everyone was on edge. Tension built up in a car with three werewolves, a human, and a Hunter, was not a good idea.1
When we finally pulled into the mall, we all exhaled in relief, a gust of energy wasted on showing that we were glad to be out.
"Next time, I'm driving and Melloni is up front with me." Jonah pushed past me when Arlis had turned around, swinging his arm over Melloni, who socked him in his shoulder.
She came and stood next to me, her long brown hair brought up into a ponytail that fell over her shoulders. "He's just mad that he's not Alpha. That his brother is in the spotlight now."
"I thought Jonah didn't want to be Alpha?" Last thing I heard was that Jonah could have gotten the job, but didn't out of respect of not wanting to fight his brother. If he wanted it so bad, bad enough to be mad at me for Arlis becoming Alpha, maybe he should've jumped on the position.
Melloni slouched as Arlis came and walked next to me, girls in the parking lot looking both him and Jonah with lustful eyes. "Two reasons he didn't. One, he knew Arlis would beat him in a fight and he didn't want to lose dignity. Two... I didn't want to be a Luna."1
Only idea that I got out of that, was that apparently there was more to this whole Luna thing then I thought there was. I didn't know much about Melloni, but she seemed great with the kids. And if she couldn't handle the job, how could I?" I failed trying to keep Chance out of trouble, granted that he's older than me, but I baby-sat him when he was drunk.
If I can't keep track of one drunk teenager, how was I supposed to keep track of a bunch of people I didn't even know?
"It's not that bad." Arlis whispered in my ear, but I didn't really believe him. He was probably trying to soften it up, make it seem easier than it is. Like a person who sky-dives every day, of course they're going to say it's easy. But is it in reality? Probably not.
"Yeah, okay." Melloni grunted. "But no, if it wasn't for me and his fear of Arlis, Jonah would have jumped on the Alpha position real fast."
Jonah turned around, the sun behind him making it look like he was glowing. "I'm not scared of Arlis. I respect my brother."
Really? Because it didn't seem like that in the car.
Melloni snorted, shaking her head so her ponytail ran across her back. "I think you fear him so much, you've just tricked yourself into thinking it's respect." She bickered, giving me a pitying look.
"No because I fear Constance more than I fear Arlis and I don't respect her." Jonah took a step backward too fast, he didn't see the curb, and tripped over it, crashing to the ground.
Constance laughed at him, a sound normally happy that she made sound evil. She bent down over him. "You should fear me." She smiled wickedly and stepped onto the curb, the glass doors of the mall reflecting the whole event.1
Arlis helped him up despite their differences and gave him an apologetic look. "Does it really bother you?"
Melloni stood behind Jonah and nodded her head slowly, using her pointer finger to draw a fake tear down her face.
I concealed a laugh, looking down and hiding my face with my hair. How did Jonah get a girl like Melloni?1
Jonah widened his eyes and shook his head. "No, I'm fine," He answered, obviously not fine. "I just find it funny how-" Melloni rolled her eyes "-everything is changing at once. Do you know what it reminds me of?"
Arlis narrowed his eyes. "Don't even say it."
Jonah took one glance at me and held up a finger. "1837." He stressed. "The year 6 things happened all too fast; you got kidnapped twice, you went rogue, a girl was killed, Chleo's heart was broken, Konrad Reinheart was finally murdered, and Stone was finally stoned." Jonah looked worried. "This is just like that. Constance is here, Damarion wants war, you found a mate (one who happens to might start a war), Felix is dead, and now Hunters are going missing."
Arlis shuddered, but instead of being angry like I thought he was going to be, he just relaxed. "I know, Jonah, I know. But we got through bad times once, we can do it again." Arlis was officially even more optimistic than even me.
We walked into the mall that was smaller than I thought it would be, and immediately we were put on autopilot as we followed Melloni through the long brightly lit white hallways.
"What Hunters?" Arlis asked, barely interested in the conversation as he scanned the crowd, his eyes focused on finding something or someone.
"My cousin Fiona, a family friend named Moira." Constance answered instead of Jonah.
Arlis frowned at Constance. "I'm sorry, Connie. On our way back we can stop by Alpha Rylee's and you can vouch for our idea, so you can go home." He looked away from her and back to the crowd, scanning it.
"Plus Astrid." Jonah added casually like someone going missing was no big deal. "And Safina."
Constance had a confused look on her face. "Who?"
Jonah slapped his face as we strolled into Rue 21, Arlis awkwardly shuffling next to me. "Ones from Norway and the other chick in from South Africa, ya know her mom is Damayanti."
Constance's eyes rolled from the top to the left as she tried to remember the names. "Damayanti... oh, isn't she from India!? Yeah! Yeah! I know who Damayanti is. I thought she had a daughter, they're never together though. Who's Astrid?"
Jonah closed his eyes to calm himself. "I can remember all 322 people in our pack, but you can't remember the name of one of your hunters? You guys are almost extinct and I'm no longer questioning why." He exhaled slowly. "Blonde chick from Norway, her dad is a professional fighter? Mom was killed?"1
He knew this and he hated Hunters, yet Constance didn't know this and she was a Hunter. Shows a huge difference between the species.
Constance tapped her chin. "Underages. Both are like 19. Why does this... that's why." She stared into the crowd. "Arlis... does this remind you of something?" She asked worriedly, her hands fidgeting with each other.
"Already on it." Arlis said, barely paying attention to her.1
"On what?" I asked, refusing to be out of the loop.
Arlis pointed across the mall. "A while ago Hunters and other supernaturals were being kidnapped as under ages to lure their parents out of a certain place in order to do a large scale attack. I realized this as soon as Astrid and Serafina went missing and called someone, he agreed to meet me here today. You just so happened to need to go and it worked out well for me." He wasn't his usual self. He smiling or smirking, giving off a smug look.1
"Who did you call?" Constance asked. When Arlis didn't answer after several moments she yelled. "WHO DID YOU CALL!"
"NOT BECKER!" Arlis yelled. "I didn't call him."
Someone grabbed my hand and I looked down to find that Arlis had shifted to my side, protective. His hand held mine tightly but comfortably, sending warm shocks through my body. But even my touch didn't seem to calm him.
"So who did you call?" Jonah asked. "Does Chleo know?"
Arlis shook his head. "Leviticus." He responded. "A Weeper."
I wasn't sure what a Weeper was, and I was going to ask but suddenly Constance pushed me to stand in front of him and started shaking her hands around wildly. "Are you insane!?" Constance was asked angrily. "Do you know how many people he works for!?"
Arlis nodded. "Exactly." Arlis pulled my hand. "Melloni, can you shop for her? Constance, me, and Kate need to talk to someone."
Melloni didn't even respond to him. "OOH! Jonah! That shirt is flipping adorable!" She walked off and Jonah smiled at her.1
"You're adorable." He mused, following her like Icarus followed the sun.1
"Who's Leviticus?" I asked.
Arlis tilted his head. "Well... you're about to find out."
"Clay, I really must hold you on anything you have to say." Alpha Rylee growled, his voice carrying through the small circle of Supernaturals gathered. "Feli—Kasparov Dawn and Leslie Towers are not even here to help decide any decisions. Plus, I'm only filling in because Alpha Arlis just met his mate." Rylee wanted all the head supernaturals to be there, it was only fair. And even if he did believe that Alpha Arlis was a human loving flap-doodle, he was still the Werewolf representative.
The group of eight mumbled in agreement, and Clay nodded in responce. "I wish to withhold this information from them." Alpha Rylee stood up in ghastly manners along with the other angry Supernatural Leaders. "I wish to hold this information from both Hunters and Witches alike."
A woman stood up, flaming red hair like fire, and gestured to Clay. "Let the man speak!" She said, sitting next to her son, the fae Prince. Rylee licked the tips of his teeth, he couldn't remember the last time he bit into a fae.
Clay nodded respectfully to Seralphira, Queen of all fae. Clay's niceties made Alpha Rylee roll his eyes. He was so sick of fake people. At least Arlis was real.
"Thank you, Queen Seralphira." Clay smiled kindly at her. Rylee saw straight through his glistening white fangs. Rylee knew that Clay was playing everyone into thinking he was just a humble man. "I have come to you on matters of grave urgency. And I would love to have your silence not only in the room, but outside. Please, I beg, do not relay this information to anyone outside of this conference."
Rylee was wry of anything Clay Gold had to say, but was also curious. When it came to the secrecy vote, he raised their hand, swearing secrecy along with every other Supernatural in the room. Rylee almost laughed, he knew they were all thinking the same thing as he was.
"I have to ask, do any of you have signs of the prophesy coming to truth?" Clay asked.
Alpha Rylee wasn't sure if he should spread the information he held but in the end, he stood up, shocking the entire room into silence. "Alpha Arlis's mate is a human. Er— was. He's changing her into a werewolf in a couple days. Constance Dawn took care of it." Rylee assured anyways, thinking of just an hour before the meeting when Constance came over.
"Make sure she doesn't turn. Not fully. Hybrid is fine." Clay ordered, and Rylee gave him a dumbfounded look. Rylee might of hated Arlis but he respected him all the same, and he did not want a war over something he could prevent. The silver in Arlis's camp that messed with everyone's heads was one thing, he went to war over the safety of his pack. Knowing that a human was on werewolf territory and knew about werewolves without telling a Hunter was a crime that Rylee did not want to die over and he didn't care if he had to go to war with Arlis over that either. But another WOTS? Rylee knew that would end them all. But he wanted to know what Clay was up too. He nodded, lying to Clay. "I understand you all must be confused—"
"You bet your ass I am." Queen Laurelei, beautiful on the outside ugly on the inside, snarled at Clay. Rylee actually liked Laurelei, she knew what needed to be done and did it. On top of that, mermaids were the only other species who knew the pain of shape-shifting like werewolves did.2
"My son thinks he is smart, that he's played me. But he has fallen in love with a Hunter." Clay smirked, and Alpha Rylee knew it was in that moment that the tables were going to spin and people were going to turn on each other. "And I want a War of the Species."
The Mermaid leaned back in her chair, shrugging. "Doesn't affect me."
"Well it does affect me, why would you want another WOTS!? Are you insane!?" Alpha Rylee stood up so fast it knocked his chair down, and he almost smiled at the dramatic flair it gave him.1
Clay nodded. "Mental. But listen. We have suffered at the hands of the Hunters for far too long. It's always the Hunters that kill us, it's always them who decide who lives and who dies, and quite frankly I'm sick of it."
Nobody seemed to agree. Rylee knew why too. Hunters protected the Supernaturals. THey were like the police that, granted, had too much power, but used all their power in order to establish peace.
"They do that because it's their job." Queen Seralphira replied. "They protect us."
Clay stomped his foot and spun in a circle. "But it's not right!"
"You're only saying this because the Hunters attack your species." Alpha Rylee argued, looking at Clay with a disgusted look. "Allowing another WOTS just to kill of the Hunters has to be your worst idea yet."
"Hunters have taken everything. They speak of protection and laws, but maybe it's time for the Humans to die! They are destroying our earth and the Hunters protect them! They control us. Rylee, why can't you agree? Didn't Hunters kill your parents?" Clay asked in a gentle manner.
Alpha Rylee nodded solemnly, remembering how his parents were killed. "They shouldn't have broken Hunter's Law." It hurts, but what they did was... terrible. Allowing a human to study them. It made Alpha Rylee sick to his stomach just thinking about it.1
Clay nodded excitedly to Alpha Rylee. "Exactly. Hunter's Law. Because they wrote the rules."
"They wrote the rules for peace!" King Anaforo, a Necromancer, argued. Hunter's killed, and Necromancers got their energy from the dead. Rylee realized that the necromancers were going to be the last people on the planet to agree with Clay. Well... unless he made a deal that was too good to be true.
"I tried to send my son to school so he could understand the ways of the humans. The Hunter's got a whiff of this and sent a Dawn, someone he had no chance against, to kill him." Clay said.
Tough luck, kid. Dawns are hard to beat. Rylee thought to himself.
"None of us have a chance against the Hunters. That's why they're the... well the Hunters." Queen Seralphira rubbed her chin, narrowing her eyes. She looked like she was about to flip to Clay's cause any minute now and it tore at Rylee's stomach. Her son stood up and brushed his suit down, and then sat back down. Vampires were the only species to elect their council leaders. The rest were either heirs or the oldest known one of their kind. Or as the werewolves had it, it was always the leader of the biggest pack.
"The this isn't about the Hunters. We need to destroy the humans. They are killing us, all of us." Clay held out a small pistol, it wasn't even scary. It was a B.B gun. He held up bullets. "This is a silver pelt. What would happen if a human shot this at you, Rylee?"
Rylee gulped, being able to smell the silver from there. Thanks to Arlis, Rylee knew exactly just how much silver took a tole on a werewolf. "I'd die."
Clay nodded.
He held up a diamond, shaped into a bullet. Metal wound itself around it to make it usable with the gunpowder. Only things that can kill a mermaid besides ripping it's tail off. "Queen Lorelei, what about this?"
Queen Lorelei scoffed. "It'd kill me. But A) Humans are to dumb to try and shoot off a diamond bullet. And 2) Humans are to greedy to shoot off a diamond bullet. I'm the top of the food chain." She stretches her legs out, completely unladylike. Alpha Rylee couldn't help but admire her.1
Clay snarled at her. "Sharks beg to differ."
She snarled right on back, her too blue eyes almost peering into his soul. "Sharks can't speak and don't have thumbs."
Clay chuckled pointing at her. "You make a point. What about this one."
He held out a Lotus Flower in his gloved hand and everyone stumbled back, everyone except Lorelei. She just smiled wickedly. Rylee eyed the flower, pain hidden behind his eyes as he remembered what his parent's last meal was.
"And what will this kill?" He asked.
"Everyone." King Trelpses, a weeper, breathes out, something silver falling from his eyes. Like tears, tears of everyone's fears. If you drink their tears, you will either see your biggest fear, or your enemies greatest weakness. They were a type of witch, but involuntarily. They weren't even true supernaturals, more human than any of us, but they were still needed to be kept from humanity.
Clay nodded solemnly. "Everyone will get something out of this war." Rylee held back a laugh.
King Trelpses wiped his eyes and put on a strong front. Weepers cried easy. "What would I get? I don't have a problem with humans. Or Hunters."
Oh my Moon Goddess. Rylee thought to himself. They all can't possibly be falling for this.1
"Love. You don't have to stay away from love because everyone will know what you are and you don't have to worry about the Hunters killing someone you love." Alpha Rylee had to admit, Clay had a way with words.
King Trelpses nodded. It was a long shot, but the idea seemed to make sense to him.
"King Anaforo, this war would mean bodies, deaths, more power for you and your kind. Queen Lorelei, humans pollute your waters, we could end that! Alpha Rylee, how many forests are going to burn and be cut down before you realize you're running out of room." Clay looked desperately and Alpha Rylee realized that if Humans tried to take his territory he'd just kill them, no harm done. There was no need for a WOTS. "How many of you are going to die from the Hunters that protect these monsters before we take a stand!?"
Soon, the whole room, even Queen Lorelei, were nodding and shouting against the humans. And the Hunters. Everyone except Rylee it seemed.
The rest of the meeting was filled with boring arguments and things Rylee didn't care about. The only thing that even might have effected him, was the fact that now all wolves were to be shot on sight in Montana. But unless someone was shooting a bullet dipped in Lotus poison, or it was pure silver, it wouldn't even hurt.
When the meeting was finally over, Rylee walked closer to Clay. He wanted to know exactly what he was up. Standing off the the side where Clay wouldn't notice him, Rylee began listening to every morsel of a plan he could scrounge up.
Clay walked to his wife, Alexzandria. She smiled as she put her arms around his neck. "You didn't tell me about the... Hunter." She choked on the disgusting title.
Clay kissed her lightly. "I didn't want to worry you. Can you do me a favor, dear?"
She nodded and Rylee couldn't help but realize what a suck-up she was, even to her cheating and lying husband. "Take this, find a way to sneak into Sovereign Pack, and make sure Arlis's mate doesn't become a full werewolf."
Rylee almost growled, but kept his anger down. The only thing Rylee hated more than werewolves, was any species that wasn't a werewolf. Rylee hated Arlis, but Vampires had nothing to do with werewolves and should therefor have no say in what werewolves do. The fact that Clay though he had a right over werewolves drove Rylee mad.1
She widened her eyes as he handed her a vile of human blood. "I thought Rylee was going to do it?" She asked.
Clay looked to Rylee's chair, and Rylee smirked. Vampires always were the stupid species. "I don't trust him. Only thing werewolves hate more than each other are people who are werewolves, especially ones like me that try to give them orders."
Rylee was almost impressed by how accurate Clay was. Almost. But it was hard to impress Rylee.
Alexzandria grabbed the vile from Clay. "Clayton, how would I even sneak in?"
Clay licked his teeth. "Go talk to King Anaforo."
Alexzandria nodded. "Will do."
Alpha Rylee was officially glad he went to this meeting instead of Arlis. Some secrets were worth more than the truth.