Aside from the hurried legs of the maid servants you wouldn't have known that Kyung-sook, the Royal mother is somewhere inside the palace. It is said that if you want to know if Kyung-sook is around you should listen to the footsteps of the maids. For some reasons which the gossiper didn't tell, the maids fear Kyung-sook.
--------------+ Sangyun POV
"She's totally useless mother, I don't know why you still allow her to be in our midst." I said angrily as I waited for mother to enter my room with Hwa behind her before closing the door.
"Hwa, I want you to seduce the Empress again. You've done this before, why is it hard for you to do now?" Mother said, sounding frustrated.
"I tried mother but she wouldn't even look at me, she even had that stupid guard of hers escort me out when I was obviously not done talking to her." Hwa complained.
"Hwa.. you have slept with her before, how come it's now hard for you to do that now?
You need to work on your game, seduce her. we need to know that you can distract her whenever we want you to before we can proceed with plan B. Stop playing around already and do your own god damn assignment!!." I yell at my stupid sister.
"I am not playing ..okay, and stop shouting at me! You and mother know that she never loved me from the beginning, she only wants her and now she has her ..her! And you think she would pay me any attention when that witch girl is now hers ..well guess what, the sight of me even despised her and she told me _okay?
She told me from the very beginning that she loves someone else and that she will never love me!!" Hwa yells crying as she continues.
"Mother knows that I love her but she still brought that witch girl back for her! And you Sangyun, my brother, you also know but you still pushed me to sleep with her even though you know she will never love me back all still did, just because you want to be the Emperor! You're not even the late Emperor's son nor are you the late Empress son.
Everybody in this kingdom knows the late Emperor only made mother Royalty and the godmother of Empress Ruyi because Late Empress wished it on her dying bed ..just for her daughter to have a mother figure!! I don't even know how mother became her best friend in the first place ..she was so good to you, to us!!" Hwa yells crying, hiccups, then continues muttering things which made me slap her while yelling as she began crying profusely.
"You silly girl!! Others may know but I hope for your sake that you didn't tell Kim Nana this. Did you? I'm asking you ..did you!?" I kept yelling while holding her neck tightly, not caring that I could end her life any seconds.
"Leave her neck Sangyun!" Mother said.
"How and why did you give birth to a stupid girl like her?." I asked and then pushed her away from me in disgust. Just a simple task and she couldn't do it.
"I didn't tell her mother but what if her personal maid already did?" She asked while crying as she robbed her neck in pain.
"She has no reason to ask and no one would have told her unless she asked and besides, if she has already found out the truth ..she would have come to me and demanded for her brother's whereabouts. Also she would have reported me to the Empress. To her now, I am the Empress mother and nothing can separate a daughter from her mother." Mother replied while looking from me to my sister.
"Hwa, you need to do your own assignment ..I don't know how you're going to do it but just do it unless you want uncle to kill you." I said to Hwa, then turned to face my mother and began to speak to her.
"Mother, I will leave for Shilli day before tomorrow to get the troops ready. We no longer have time, with the way Ruyi is behaving around her wife lately, she might make her, her successor and we can't afford that to happen."