"I love you my beautiful little wife. I love you Kim Nana but I will only do what's right." She had said but I still don't get it!
She loves me but she won't let my brother go. She's going to let them kill him! ..this is the only thing that I've ever asked of her but she won't do it ..not even when she knows this will make me happy ..no.
She's just going to sit there on her throne and watch them kill him. So wicked!
"I hate you Yi Ruyi, I really do. I hate the day I was made to marry you!." I yelled as I began to push any thing that's in my way or around me angrily.
"My Lady." Jandi begins to call as she enters my chambers but I didn't answer and it seems like I don't need to as her mouth is now slightly open, she's obviously shocked by the state of my chamber which is now full of broken furniture.
"Lady Nana, you've been breaking things ever since you returned from the Empress chamber. Are you still mad at her?." Jandi asked which made me look at her with all the anger in me as I recall it and the Empress conversion last night, how I removed her hands around me while yelling at her face how much I hated her before storming out of her chamber in anger.
I even refused to go to the throne hall this morning ..how could I, when I know what they already plan on doing to my brother.
"I hate her.." I said to Jandi then began to cry when the image of what will happen to my brother began clouding my mind.
"I think you actually love her though ..Lady Nana and that's why you're crying right now."
"No, I don't love her! I can't love a cruel woman and that's what she is ..cruel and inconsiderate!
"But she.." Jandi began to speak but I interrupted her by continuously yelling out my anger.
"Why did I even ask you to go inside the court chamber when I already know what judgment she's going to be passing?.
I believed you all, tell her! You told me to tell her, even Yabo too and I did just that but what did I get in return ..my brother declaration of death being slapped on my face and now you're telling me I love her ..well guess what, you get it wrong! ..you all did.
She doesn't love me, she doesn't love me Jan-di! She doesn't love me.." I said as I fell on my bed in defeat while crying and fumbling my dress in distress.
I watch Jandi watch me probably contemplating whether now is the right time to say something or come near me.
"Just spill it out already." I said as I wiped the tears on my face.
"The Empress is setting your brother free." Jandi said but I'm sure I heard her wrong so I asked her to repeat what she just said in case I didn't.
"The Empress is setting your brother free Lady Nana ..at least that's what I heard before I rushed out to let you know and maybe then you'll agree to come to the throne hall ..you know the Empress asked of you though." Jandi said which made me look at her to know if she's pulling my legs just to cheer me up or if she's telling the truth ..and she's indeed saying the truth. I can see her eye's glittering out of happiness which made me stand up, hug her and begin saying while smiling happily.
"Oh my goodness! My brother is not going to die!" I yelled happily then grabbed Jandi hands and started leading her to the throne hall but immediately she stopped me and said that I should wash my face because it's covered with tears and I haven't actually had my bath this morning ..common, I was mourning my brother and now he isn't going to die!