"Take a deep breath Nana.. There's no reason for you to be uncomfortable, she has already discarded the elder so.. It's just her, her mother and the doctor." I said in my mind, trying to calm my fast beating heart but it still didn't work.
"My lady." Jandi called, which made me look at her in question.
"Are you feeling alright, you just stopped ..please My Lady, Yabo told me that the Empress is already inside and the Empress is not a very patient woman ..please let's go in." Jandi said worriedly which made me mutter "oh" to myself as I didn't know I've been standing outside the door of the room where the test is going to be taking place.
"Why won't my feet still move?" I questioned myself then took a deep breath as I said to myself.. "you won't like it Nana, if she comes out to find out why you're wasting her time. Just calm down and breathe." I said then hugged myself, startled as the maids assigned to me all went on their knees and started pleading as they bow and say.
"Please my Lady let's go in."
"Okay.. Oh my goodness, you all almost gave me a heart attack." I said in my annoyed voice but I know it still came out tiny like a crying baby's voice. Thankfully they didn't laugh at me like people in Shilli always doe's whenever I speak.
I took one last breath and moved forward, entering the room fully as Jandi held the door open for me.
"Don't look her in the eye." The number one important lesson Royal mother taught me herself and that's what I did. I entered the room with my head down then moved to the doctor who uses her hand to direct me where I'm supposed to sit. I'm timid ..very, but the woman that's now standing beside me makes me ask myself if I've ever had a high self esteem and I know the answer ..the answer is no.
My self esteem is very poor to the extent that it makes me want to cry as I feel the person I loathed so very much lift my face up then start pulling up the veil that is covering my face.
Her hand is somewhat soft but still rough and this reminds me that this hand that is now touching my face has killed lots of innocent people.
I want to slap it off but I know I can't. I can't because I'm useless. I was useless when they were killing my parents. I was useless when they were killing my relatives.
I was useless that's why they let me live but maybe I can be useful.. I can be useful by letting her have her way so that her wicked mother will allow me go see my brother after the wedding also so that she will let him live.
"Daughter.." Her mother started to say but stopped maybe because she knows she won't listen to her. I took in a deep breath when she fully removed the veil that was covering my face but I still didn't look her in the eyes even though she is now touching all my face as if trying to save it in her memory forever. I know better though.. I guess.
I know I'm pretty, maybe I'm even beautiful, I said as she suddenly pulled me to her and hugged me tightly then released a deep breath that I didn't know she was holding which ended up making me shiver for an unknown reason.