The rest of the week went by so fast; Violet almost didn’t have the time to finish packing everything. Once she got her SUV loaded up, she took her time telling her great grandparents and her parents goodbye. She promised to video chat with her mother as soon as she got the dorm set up, and then Violet jumped in the car and started it up. She drove out of the coven and squealed as her excitement level grew once she reached the neutral territory. She continued to drive the 28 hours, straight through. With her being part Vampire, she didn’t need to stop sleeping, but she did take frequent breaks to eat and stretch. Finally, she reached Edonia, when she looked out the window Violet was in awe at the size of the kingdom.
The kingdom was broken down into numerous areas, there was the marketplace area, the residential area, and the castle made up the third area. She drove through the residential area; the college sat on a small area in-between the castle and the residential area. She pulled her SUV into a parking spot and put it in park. Violet was speechless at what she was seeing, numerous three-story buildings lined her vision. Numerous new students frantically walked up and down the pathways with luggage and boxes. She stepped out of her car and quickly snapped a few pictures to send to her mother. She put away her phone and looked for the building name that her dorm room was in, and walked to the trunk to grab a few suitcases. Finally, she reached the White Branch Dormitory she entered, climbed the steps to the fourth floor, and looked at the hallway. No one was passing through like on the other floors, which caused her to sigh in disappointment.
She located her room, opened the door, and gasped in awe. The room was the size of an apartment. It contained a living room area with a television, desk, and large couch. Next to the living room was the kitchen. It was fully furnished with most of the appliances she would need, and dishes too. Finally, she walked past the half bath, laundry room, and into her bedroom, where a comfortable queen-sized bed called out to her. She decided to skip an afternoon nap and keep exploring and unpacking. She walked to the other side of her bedroom where she noticed a full bathroom and a walk-in closet. Violet instantly started to jump in excitement and squeal like a child, she quickly dug through her things to find her bed sheets and started to make her bed. Once that was made, she hung up the few clothes she had in this load of things she brought from the car, she moved to the living room where she plugged in her laptop and iPad. She got a paper towel and began to dust off the surfaces around the living room. Her dusting was soon interrupted by a knock at her door.
She threw away the paper towel and rushed to the door, she opened it to come face to face with Emma who stood there beaming at her in excitement. Violet motioned for her to enter and looked at her friend, Emma was tall, around 5′8, and full of muscles. She was the second born in a line of trackers and royal bodyguards, so she could certainly handle herself. Her blonde hair was pulled back into a tight French braid and the excitement showed in her brown eyes. Although she was three years older than Violet, she got accepted here with the credits she earned at a local Alarian Community College. “Hey girl, when did you get to town,” Violet asked as Emma headed into the living room.
“Dad has taken over as your mother’s bodyguard and had to go on duty today, so Dad and Mom dropped me off yesterday. Do you need any help unpacking?”
“Well, I have brought up one load so far, I need to walk back down to my car. If you’d like to join me I certainly won’t complain over the additional help.” Violet smiled as she grabbed her apartment key that was left on the kitchen counter and put it on her key ring. Emma nodded in agreement, and the girls left the apartment and made their way back to the car. Once they filled their arms up with new stuff to unpack, they headed back to the fourth floor via.
As soon as they entered the fourth-floor hallway, they were walking down the hall when suddenly a screechy voice was heard behind them. “Oh Omegas, can you please go get my stuff for me?” The two of them looked at each other in disbelief and slowly turned around to find a wolf standing there in a short mini skirt and sending them a look of superiority.
“Excuse me?” Violet asked in confusion.
The girl walked up to them and glared at them in irritation. “Let me say this slowly for you to understand. I NEED YOU TO GET MY STUFF!” She rolled her eyes and then threw her keys at Emma who just watched them as they dropped to the ground in front of her. With a smirk, Emma stared at the keys, rolled her eyes, and continued to hand her stuff to Violet who was dropping it in her room. “I am the Alpha here and I am demanding you get my stuff,” the girl yelled in aggravation.
Rolling her eyes at her, Violet flipped her off and dropped the last box. As the Alpha growled in anger, she charged at Violet and didn’t stop until she was yanked off her charge forcefully. Emma grabbed her and slammed her face-first into a wall as she held her hands behind her. “Are you going to stop this stupid fight now,” she asked.
“Yes, I think that is a wise decision Katerina, I’d hate to be the one to tell King Jonathan his Alphas daughters are attacking the Princess of Dark Light Coven, wouldn’t you?” Everyone in the room turned, and locked eyes with Tatiana, the Princess of Shadow Coven. She was dressed in a red shirt and black pants, her long black hair was braided down her back, and her green eyes twinkled in the excitement of recognizing a friend. “Hey Violet, how have you been,” she asked smiling at her friend.
Yanking her hands free, Katerina sent a glare to Emma. She turned back to Violet, looked at her hands, and sarcastically said, “I’m sorry for thinking you are some lowly Omega like your friend here.”
Emma looked at her and snickered. “That’s even more embarrassing for you Alpha; you just got your ass handed to you by this lowly Omega.” Her own words made her laugh harder, and Emma watched Katerina roll her eyes, grab her keys, and storm into her room.
“I’m lovely how are you Tatiana,” Violet asked as they began to turn towards Violet’s room.
“I’m doing wonderful; I’m ready to enjoy the freedom of college.”
“Speaking of freedoms, let’s go eat lunch folks. I’ll cook!” Violet said as they headed into her room.
The group sat around and enjoyed their lunch; they were having a conversation about Edonia and things to do in the area. Tatiana offered to take Violet to the Starfall Coven and introduce her to a few Witches. After lunch, they cleaned up and turned on a few movies so they could help Violet unpack with some noise in the background. A knock on the door had them all stop and look, excited it could be Brittany. Violet ran to the door and opened it revealing her Uncle Angelo. “What’s up Unc?” She asked as she hugged her Grandmother and Grandfather, opened the door, and motioned for them to come in. Violet watched in amusement as Angelo brushed past her and Emma and walked right to Tatiana with a dashing smile.
“Looks like Angelo found his mate,” Ravenna said with a smile. “How are you doing Tatiana?”
“I’m doing wonderful Your Majesty, how are you doing,” she said smiling at him as he put his arm around her.
“I’m doing well; we came to check on Violet before we headed to see your parents. Did you need anything,” she asked as Violet shook her head no.
“I think I’m good, if I need anything I’ll call either you or Uncle Michael,” she replied.
“Sounds good, we will be heading out now. Allison has arrived with Brittany, they should be unpacking everything. We will let them know what room you are in so they can come to visit before they leave,” Ravenna said.
“It’s ok; Tatiana is going to show me where Starfall Coven is and introduce me to the lady who is supposed to train me. I need to report to her tomorrow anyway so I need to go today,” Violet informed her grandparents.
Nodding in agreement, they gave her, Angelo, and Emma one final hug and left. After doing a once over on her dorm room, Violet turned to Tatiana. “Should we be going? I can unpack through the week; I don’t need to worry about this right now.” With a nod, the four of them left the room and headed to Tatiana’s SUV.
They drove a 45-minute drive outside of Edonia, Tatiana turned down a dirt road into the thick of the woods. As she looked around at her surroundings Violet got a little nervous. “This isn’t a place where you are going to hide my body is it?”
“Well I’m sure we could find plenty of places to do that, but I’m pretty sure Emma would tell,” Tatiana replied with a smirk.
“Nah, I’d kick your ass before you could touch her though,” Emma replied with a cocky tone.
“That I wouldn’t doubt,” Tatiana said chuckling. She threw the car in park, and turned and looked at the group. “We’re here!”
The group stepped out of the car, and Violet looked around. The coven was behind a tall fence in the middle of the woods in a clearing. She followed Tatiana closely to the entrance, she gasped in amazement at what she was seeing. Located in the center was a large red maple tree, surrounding it was numerous candles and tree stumps the Witches used for sitting. On the outskirts were a few small shacks that were large enough to house a simple bed and eating area. Finally, to the right of the coven was a large cave, illuminating the area were numerous torches that were spread out around the coven. “It is beautiful here,” she said as she continued to look around. A touch on her shoulder interrupted her from looking around as Tatiana pointed to a young girl walking toward her.
As Emma placed herself in front of Violet protectively, Violet couldn’t miss her body tensing up. The girl that approached them was beautiful; she had long red hair that was pulled into a long ponytail. Her dark grey eyes popped out from her pale complexion, she smiled at them all and turned to Tatiana. “Welcome back to the Starfall Coven Princess Tatiana,” she then turned towards Violet. “Welcome as well Princess Violet,” bowing in respect she looked around at the group. “My name is Scarlett; I will be helping Belinda train Violet. Please understand you all cannot return. One thing we value here is our secrecy; therefore our training is only for Violet.”
The group nodded their head in agreement, then Emma turned to Violet and shot her a look of panic. Part of her job was to watch Violet, and having to separate from her means she couldn’t do her job. Violet understood her meaning and looked pleadingly at Scarlett. “If I may have one request, Emma here has accompanied me as my bodyguard. She will be unable to do her job if I leave her home. Is there a room where she may stay while I train?”
Scarlett looked over at Emma with an unreadable expression, which caused Emma to tense up immediately. She turned back to Violet, and her expression softened almost immediately. “We will work something out.
Smiling in gratitude, Violet looked around again. “Your coven is beautiful, thank you so much for helping me to train.”
Scarlett giggled and held her hand out in a signal for them to follow her. “You may not feel that way in a month or two so I’ll ask again then. Follow me; I’ll introduce you to Belinda.” As the group walked through the coven, they were met with many stares of interest as they passed the local Witches.
Finally, they stopped at a small shack and Scarlett knocked on the door. The door opened to reveal an older woman. The woman had long grey curly hair, it was a frizzy mess, and her brown eyes scanned every one of them until they settled on Violet and Emma. She looked at Emma first and gave her a stern look. “You have an interesting mate there warrior.” Emma instantly tensed and looked to the ground, and then Belinda turned to Violet. “I will see you tomorrow at dusk Princess. Do not be late, I will not tolerate tardiness,” with that, she turned and went back into the house.
Scarlet turned to Emma and looked a bit uncomfortable. “Don’t mind my mother, she’s very eccentric.”
Emma shook her head and mumbled something that sounded like no problem then turned to walk back to the car. “We should be going too,” Violet said as she looked at Scarlett. “I will see you tomorrow evening.” She gave her one last smile, and turned and made her way back to the car. She looked at Emma, she knew that something important was going through her mind, and whatever Belinda said caught her off guard. Violet brushed it off figuring Emma would tell her when she is ready.