Violet rolled out of bed the next morning and showered with an even mixture of excitement and jealousy. She had promised Brittany that she would help her shop and pack her things for when she left for college in a week. Violet knew it was wrong to be jealous of her best friend, but she was also excited. She knew that Brittany would have the chance to go out and live her life and maybe find her mate. Although Violet had no desire to find her mate yet, she did want to get out on her own and not continue to be suffocated by her parents.
Once she was finished her shower, she grabbed a pair of black ripped jeans and a printed T-shirt. She dressed, put on her boots, and threw her blue hair in a messy bun. She left her room and headed downstairs to the dining room, so she could get some breakfast. Once she entered the room, she smiled at her parents and grandparents who were eating breakfast together. She pulled up a chair, and smiled as a plate of food was placed in front of her. She thanked the Vampire who set it down and began to eat her breakfast as she listened to the conversation that was happening around her.
“You will be leaving to see Queen Ebony and King Vallen soon,” Han asked his father.
“Yes, we will be leaving in a week, don’t worry Dad and Mom will be here for you so if you have any questions feel free to ask them. We want to get Angelo set up in his dorm and then we want to take some time and get away,” Zane responded. He then turned to smile at his wife who smiled back.
Heather shifted uncomfortably and cleared her throat; she turned to Zane and Ravenna. “Since we are just getting used to things here, and you are going to Edonia anyway, do you think you can help Violet get her dorm set up as well?”
It took a few minutes for Violet to register what she had heard and she tilted her head as she looked at her mother quizzically. “Are you serious,” she asked. She was waiting for the big April Fools or camera coming out to tell her that her mother was joking.
Han turned and looked his daughter in the eyes, he nodded and smiled. “She is serious, you will be attending college and also training on the weekends and evenings you are available at Starfall Coven. This is a lot to take on at once, but we think you will do just fine with it.”
Violet jumped up and ran across the room, and wrapped her parents in a huge hug. “I can handle it!! Thank you, thank you! I gotta go call Brittany.” Violet yelled with excitement as she sprinted out of the room back towards her bedroom.
Ravenna chuckled at Violet’s enthusiasm, and she looked at Heather proudly. “You did the right thing, Michael will keep an eye on her and we will be in Edonia for a while too so we will help as well.”
“You and Mom were right; she does need to learn how to use her powers and this is the only way. Well, if you all will excuse me, I have phone calls to make and a daughter to help pack for college,” Heather said as she stood up and left the room.
After she hung up with the person at Starfall Coven, Heather relaxed a bit. Her contact, Scarlett, was extremely nice and enthusiastic about training Violet. She then took the time to send in the payment and paperwork needed for Heather to attend Edonia University. She then looked over at the checklist of the things that Violet would need for both her classes and her dorm room. Heather couldn’t help but be a bit overwhelmed at it all, but also found herself excited for her daughter. She stood up and began to walk up to Violet’s room. She smiled as she looked in the door and found Violet going through her closet preparing to pack up some of her clothes.
Heather cleared her throat to alert Violet to her presence and smiled. “Well, we need to supply your entire room, shall we go shopping now or did you want to go while you are in Edonia?”
“I’d like to go with you Mom,” Violet replied with a smile as she grabbed her purse and headed out the door.
Smiling happily, Heather followed her down the hall and to the garage as she mind linked her husband that they were headed shopping.
The women decided that they were going to stop at the local office supply store first. Heather and Violet picked up all of the school supplies that she would need. She also bought a new laptop, iPad, cases for them both, and an alarm clock. Once they loaded up the car they decided to head to the mall food court for lunch. They ordered their lunch from one of the restaurants and began to look for a table. However, they were unable to find one right away. So they started walking aimlessly around and waiting for someone to leave their table. Suddenly, she heard her name being called and Violet looked to see her Aunt Allison and Cousin Brittany. They were eating their lunch and waving the two over to the table.
As they walk over to the other side of the food court, Violet couldn’t help but smile at her best friend and cousin. Brittany was much more reserved than Violet when it came to clothing; today, she wore a pair of jeans and a butterfly T-shirt. However, her hair is something that Violet has always loved. Brittany had hip-length dark brown hair which she has accented with burgundy streaks throughout. She had it curled and pulled up in a half bun to keep it out of her face. Her Aunt Allison hadn’t changed much as she got older. Being her father’s twin they looked almost the same. Her black hair has always been cut short and neat, and excitement was reflected in her green eyes. Heather and Violet pulled up chairs and joined them, and they all enjoyed their lunch. Violet was full of enthusiasm about being able to attend college, and the group was just as excited as she was. Once lunch was finished, Brittany and Violet started to head to one of the stores they loved, where they could look for sheets and dorm room items. As the mothers followed behind the girls, Allison couldn’t help but smile and look over at Heather. “She is so happy, I’m so glad you allowed her to go.”
“Your mother put up quite the argument, even I couldn’t help but be swayed,” she replied with a chuckle.
“I called over to the college and they all will be staying on a floor specifically for Alphas and Royalty. We pulled a few strings and they allowed Emma to join them on that floor. They will all have their rooms and there are a few others who are joining them as well. Ebony and Vallen’s daughter, a Vampire Prince from the neighboring kingdom of Lamia, and three Alphas as well,” Allison informed her as they continued to follow the girls.
“Will you be going with Brittany next week? Your parents are going to help out Angelo, but if you can peek at Violet and make sure she has everything she needs I’d greatly appreciate it.”
“Of course,” Allison said with a smile.
The shopping trip finally came to an end the women were exhausted. They double-checked their list and made sure they had everything that they figured they would need and a few additional things to help personalize their rooms. The group headed back to the coven, where they unloaded the car and had a few servants put the big stuff in the SUV that Violet will be driving. Violet grabbed her bags and hurriedly headed to her room. She looked around and decided that she would go to sleep and worry about the packing tomorrow.
As Violet began to tuck herself into her bed, she was alerted to a knock on her door. Her mother walked into the room and looked around at the suitcases and boxes that Violet had pulled out to begin packing her stuff. “Would you like some help with packing this week,” Heather asked with sadness etched in her voice.
“Of course, I want to spend as much time with you, Dad, and Nathan as I can before I go. Thank you so much for letting me go.” With a smile that reached her ears, Violet ran to her mother and wrapped her in a firm hug. She quickly pulled back, patted her mother’s baby belly, and kissed her cheek before she laid back down.
“You are welcome,” Heather replied. “Now, get some sleep the weekend will be here before you know it,” Heather said as she turned off the light and silently left the room.
As she walked down the long hallway, a smile crossed her lips as she knocked on the walnut door to his office. Once she heard the instructions to enter, she entered the room and shut the door. She sexily swayed her hips and walked toward her husband. “I just got a phone call from a friend at the Starfall Coven; it seems there will be a new student starting next week.”
Looking at his wife in disinterest, the man rolled his eyes and continued to look down at his notes. “What does that have to do with me?” He asked in annoyance.
She cringed, but wrapped her arms around his shoulders, she began massaging them, and she placed small kisses on his ear.
“The student just so happens to be a blue-haired Tribrid,” she said seductively.
As the words registered, a smile broke out on his face and his eyes turned red with excitement, “Well, we need to make sure we welcome her to Starfall as soon as we are able.”
The sounds of laughter filled the room as they began to make plans.