- B L A I R E ' S M O M -
11.06.16 // 10:39 p.m.
"I'M GOING TO ask you one more time Ms. Lucia, where is Blaire?" I ask, folding my arms over my chest. Ms. Lucia continues to dust the bookshelf as if she didn't see me standing in front of her. I grab her arm and she turns to me with wide eyes and stops breathing as if it would make her disappear. She looks fearful like I'm someone that has the ability to ruin her life–which I d0. My nails dig harshly into her arm, creating crescent-shaped moons into her skin.
"Where is Blaire?" I whisper harshly. She bites her lip and her eyes begin to water. "For goodness sake, you're a grown woman. If you don't tell me where Blaire went in the next ten seconds, you are fired." She goes pale in the face and drops the duster she was holding. and it makes a loud clink-clink sound as it hits the perfectly polished floor.
"Oh, please, Ms. Hawthorn. Don't fire me, I have worked here for years, please-" I cut her off.
"Save it. Tell me where Blaire is. Five seconds," I tell her.
"She told me she was going out with a friend. I said she couldn't go, but then I felt bad about saying no, so I let her go. I'm so sorry, it won't happen again. I just wanted her to have some fun for once, she works so hard," she says all in one breath. I roll my eyes as I feel anger start to swell up in my chest, clawing its way to my heart, making me feel nothing but hatred towards Ms. Lucia.
"What part of 'keep Blaire on lockdown' did you not understand, Ms. Lucia? Please tell me what is wrong with you?" I spit and Ms. Lucia breaks down and falls to the floor, crying out loud. "Oh, my god."
I leave her there wailing as I make my way up to Blaire's room to check her computer. It feels foreign, walking to her room. I'm hardly ever there. My daughter's room is organized, as it should be, not a single thing out of place. But, as I look more closely, a piece of folded-up paper sticks out from under her mattress like a sore thumb. Anyone that walks into this room can tell it doesn't belong here.
I grab it with delicate fingers and open it up carefully, my heart beating quickly in my chest like it is dying to get out. My eyes skim and scan over the paper quickly. I feel more lightheaded with each word I read. I gasp out loud and cover my mouth with my hand, feeling the dinner I had a few hours ago rise to the surface. I just don't understand why Blaire would hide something like this from me? And who wrote it? I drop the paper on the ground and rush out of her room.