"What did you say?! You lost my notebook?!!" John bellowed at me, twitching his mouth.
"I'm sorry." I told John. I don't know what to say.
"You piece of a ---" Just when he was about to hit me with his book, someone pushed him.
It was Lucas. He pushed John and threw his book in his face. I can feel that he's reached his boiling point. On the other hand, John looked too surprised.
"Don't try hurting her, or you'll get something from me. Something you deserve." Clenching his fist, he moved an inch closer to John.
"What are you doing? Why are you protecting that trash? Is this your charity work? Dude, come on." He raised both his hands up in the air, letting out a disgusting chuckle.
"Stop it." I blurted out. I took a step closer to John. "I'm really sorry. I owe you one." I looked at him straight in the eyes, I can't look like I'am too scared of him.
"You think I'll let you go that easy?" John stated, arching his eyebrows at me.
Sighing, I tried to convince him one more time. "I'll buy you a new notebook and I'll do all your home work for this week. Enough?" I looked at him passively.
He looked away for a second, trying to decide if he would accept my offer. After a ling sigh, he made his mind. "I guess so."
I was about to walk away from that group but in a blink, Lucas pushed John again in the wall and he walked right straight to me. "Come."
"Wha ---" I can't utter a single word, his grip was tight and I can feel the tension growing between us.
We reached the roof top of the building, and he's staring at me as if I committed a very very big mistake.
"Stop looking at me like that. You're creepy." I told him, fixing my hair.
"Why'd you do that?" He asked me, fist clenched.
"That? That 'I'm sorry' and 'I owe you one?'. Of course I'll do that." I said it with a 'duhh' tone.
"You should've told him I tore his notebook, you know." He stated, looking away from me.
"Then why didn't you tell him?" I crossed my arms.
Silence entered our space...
"I... I forgot. I was carried away... By my anger." He looked down, feeling the guilt.
Why is he like this? I don't know him at all, but he's trying to enter my life. I was really confused. Especially yesterday, when he yelled at me and tried so hard to make me realize that I shouldn't be like this. This. Following others, and doing favors without being thanked for.
"Tell me, Sab. Am I really not supposed to know that?" He's pertaining to what I said yesterday.
No one needs to know, only Brit and I. That whore. This is all her fault. If I could just turn back the time. I shouldn't have believed her in the first place.
"Yes." I looked away.
"Okay. I wont force you. But, could you do something for me?" His smile was back in an instant.
"You're being creepy again, Lucas." And his smile grew wider.
"What?!!" Is he annoying me?
"That's the first time you called me by my first name." The dimples. Oh gosh, spare me.
"Does... Do.. Does it matter?" I can't look at him. Damn this boy. "Ugh. What can I do for you? Tell me now."
"Could you be my friend, Sab?" He took a step forward. "I know, I look stupid by the things I've done so far. But really, I just want you to see that you shouldn't be doing that. That you can stand on your own. But, there are some things I don't know, right? And I'm pretty sure that's the reason why you are like that. So from now on, I won't interfere with your sticky note role." Quoting his hands in the air. "But if you think you can trust me, feel free to tell me." He winked at me.
At first I don't know how to react, but my lips smiled automatically. He's the first one who asked me to be friends. I know, too childish. I don't know if this is just some kind of trick or what. I was here for a long time so I know the attitude of every students here. But his is new.
"I don't know if I'm being played around here, but fine."
"Well thank you, missy!" He fist pumped in the air. And I cant help but smile.
"So, gotta go. I need to finish some things." He looked at his watch.
"You wont attend the class?" I arched my eyebrows at him.
"Nope!" He shook his head.
"There are some things you didn't know yet." And he smiled mischievously. This guy, really. "By the way, the surname is Nashlin. Lucas Nashlin!" And he ran to the exit door.
Tik tok. Tik tok.
I really wanna go home now. I'm not used into people's stares. Damn. Is Lucas really this popular? He acts on his own, he doesn't mind what others say about him. He's reckless, and I think he's a little bit arrogant. But on the bright side, he's good. He saved me before, though it was really his fault for tearing the notebook. I don't know if everything was just a bluff, I'm just happy I'm saved, even if it's only for today.
I still cant understand why he's doing this to me. I mean, I don't know him much, and same goes for him, and if you talk about social status... There really is a huge gap between us.
I was in the middle of thinking when someone entered my personal bubble.
"Hey, bitch. Do this." Brit gave me a bunch of Sticky Notes. "That's mine and the three girls over there." She said pointing to the chipmunks.
"Finish that. Until the day after tomorrow only." And there. She flipped her hair and I almost ate it. Shit. "And one more thing..." She tapped my desk hard I almost jumped. "I don't want to see you with Lucas. I saw you two at the rooftop."
"Were not doing anything." She tapped the desk again, harder this time.
"Of course you're not! He's not interested to someone like you, you know?" She's smirking and I wanna punch her right now.
"I know, you don't have to rub it on my face. Don't think the wrong way, he just helped me."
She glared daggers at me then left.
Really. Does she like Lucas, too? Well, nothing's new... She likes everyone.
The teacher came into the room. Everyone's back in their sits. The lesson goes on but I'm too distracted to listen, I'm thinking about random things. I stared outside the window, birds chirping and clouds forming as if it's gonna rain again. I wonder if this year will be different.
"Ms. Sabrina Rainsworth, if you're not gonna listen, I suggest you leave the room." Oh gosh, I think this is the first time I was scolded for not listening.
"I'm sorry Mr. Ford." And I sat up straight.