As I was eating my sandwich, I noticed that he's staring at me. The boy beside Shawn. Does he know how rude it is to sta...
I sighed at the thought that another school year has begun, and I'm still alone here, eating my packed lunch while looking jealous at the others who's eating with their friends. Well, it's nothing new. I'm used being alone, in fact, I haven't had a best friend since I started here... because no one wants to be friends. At least not with me any way. Amazing right? Forever alone, sure is fun. Yay.
To give you a little background, let us start with the fact that I'm the school's Sticky Note Girl. Setting aside what I said before, they need me. Well, in case of emergencies only. Example? Here, They'll need me whenever they need someone to finish their homework, projects, etc. All they have to do is just write it in a piece of sticky note and stick it on my desk, backpack, or my locker. I'll be their friend for a while, and after I'm done doing the favor, I'll never exist in their world again. Sweet.
Yes, I know, it's stupid. But, what can I do? What can the sticky note girl do? I'm afraid of rejecting them when they ask me for something, because I know that one way or another, they'll have their revenge if ever I declined. That's why I have never tried or ever will try.
The University I go to, basically, is only for the rich, really rich. I just got here because of my scholarship. Here, brain is not important, but fashion, money, fame is. In short, they just come to school to show up. Bullshit. Everyone here except me are well known. Some are artists, singers, dancers, and some are known for being great in sports. In short, I don't belong here. They have rich families, own big companies, and so on. For them, first day is basically just for you to show how rich and popular you are. Personally, they look like a bunch of fancy pansies. How lame.
Across the aisle from my table, there's Brittany and company, or Brit. The school's most famous whore. Oh! I mean, the captain of the schools Cheerleading squad. She's wearing this shiny, shimmery 5'' heels, with her super duper short shorts, and a fitted black V-neck shirt, that exposes her cleavage. In addition, all of the boys were looking at her. I mean, not really her, but her semi-visible boobs. One of the boys looking at her is Shawn, the Captain of the Basketball team. A total hottie, they say. He was wearing a University jersey so tight, I can see his muscles from here. Whoa. And yes, he's flirting with the bitch.
As I was eating my sandwich, I noticed that he's staring at me. The boy beside Shawn. Does he know how rude it is to stare at someone? Especially to a stranger? I arched my eyebrow for him to know that I noticed and didn't appreciate what he was doing. He smiled at me mischievously. Now I'm starting to get annoyed so I just looked away and tried to ignore him. From the cafeteria glass, I can still see him staring, and I can actually feel his stares boring at my back.
"Oh heck. I don't wanna be bullied today." I whispered to myself.
I finished eating the last bite of my sandwich and placed all the mess in my tray. Here, we have this self-busing policy, but I guess I'm the only who follows it. I emptied my tray and put it in the bin. as I was leaving, someone tapped me. He's that same guy, the one beside Shawn, that stared at me. Creepy.
"Excuse me? What do you want?" I asked annoyed.
"Um, hi?" He said. A smile playing on his lips.
"I said, what do you want?'' I asked him again as he just stared at me, as if scanning my features.
"Don't stare at me like that, mister." I shove his hands away and I started walking again, away from that weirdo.
I heard the bell rang, so I took out my class schedule on my pocket and searched for my first subject. I haven't seen it before. I'm not much interested in first day. It just meant that horrible days are soon.
"J310. Human Behavior."
I can see the students entering their respective rooms. I started walking until I arrived in front of my room. Before I entered the room, I held my breath, and prayed. Yes, prayed.
"Please, no whores." I really hate the Pep squad. I can't stand it when they're making out with someone inside the room. Just ew.
I took a step inside the room and started scanning it. I see, everyone was already making friends with one another. I looked for an empty seat and found one at the back corner part of the room. I quietly made my way to the seat and started to unpack my things while waiting for the teacher.
Minutes later, I can hear squealing coming from the hallway. "Oh, God no" I can't help but think. Seconds later, I see Brit and company entering the room. Oh no, just no. Why can't you answer my prayers? Just once? I placed my hands in my face and mentally cursed myself. There's two cheerleaders other than Brit and behind her, there's Shawn and... And that mysterious guy.
This will be the worst school year ever. I bet my dear life.
The teacher came into the room, but no one noticed except me. He welcomed us and started his lessons. A lesson, on the first day, damn. Everyone growled and sighed. I started taking down notes, and from the corner of my right eye, I can see him staring at me again. I looked up at him and mouthed 'What?', but he just shook his head and smile, that sweet smile where you see his dimples. Yes, that smile. I just closed my eyes for a moment and then started taking down notes again.
The bell rang and the teacher told us that we're dismissed. I could see the happy faces of my classmates, running to the hallway. I packed my things and that's when he approached me.
At first, I looked at him like I was confused, but decided to see what he wanted.
''I'm not like those girls with the flirting and blah." I said directly.
He let out a chuckle, staring intently at me." Who says I'm flirting with you?"
I stared blankly at him and he did too.Being the first one to break the stare, his eyes were blue and is very transparent, like you can know who he really is in just a matter of seconds.
"Then what do you want?" I said, looking down.
"Do you have any spare time?"
"None. I'm always busy." I stood up and ready to walk away but he pushed me so I stumbled back to my seat. He didn't push me in a harsh way, but still, it annoyed me. "What the hell was that?" I glared daggers at him but he remained calm with his passive face. ''It's just the first day, can you at least wait 'till tomorrow? I'm not into getting bullied today!'' I said staring at the floor.
"So your role as the sticky note girl starts tomorrow?" He arched his eyebrows. So he knows.
"If you want me to do you homework, I will. But I don't think you do since that was our first subject and he didn't give us any.'' I didn't look at him.
I pulled my chair to create a space from him and stood up once again, I semi fixed my hair grabbed my bag, and walked. Before I could reach the exit door, he asked something.
"Why do you let them do that to you?" I can hear concerned tone in his voice but I didn't mind it. I'm just imagining things, here in this school, no one cares about me. If one day I was gone, no one would even notice. So I answered,
''Because someone like me, I don't have a choice." And just I left him there.
It's the first day of school and I just attended the first subject. I'm not in the mood anymore, and a mere thought of seeing him in the next class makes me wanna go home, so I followed my brain. I walked past the gates of the school when it started to rain. Wow. Rain knows when to enter the scene. I immediately took out my umbrella and started walking. 'Why do you let them do that to you?' That question occupied my brain. It bothered me so much I didn't even noticed when I arrived home. I ran onto the porch and I left my wet shoes and umbrella there. I went inside and smelled my favorite food, I literally ran in the kitchen and I found mom there.
"Hi mom, I'm home.''
"Why so early, dear?" She asked not looking at me because she was too focused on her cooking.
I kissed her cheeks. "I smelled my favorite food so I ran away from school and found myself here."
She smiled at me. "Okay. Reason accepted. But just this once. You have to go to school every day, ya know." She said pointing her spoon on me.
"Roger that." I faked salute her.
"So, how was school, Sab?"
"Fine mom." It took me a while to answer that. She doesn't need to know that I'm the school's Sticky note girl. If she knew that, she would transfer me into a different school and I don't want her to have to do that. She would spend lots of money.
"New friends?" She looked at me happily.
"Yes mom. New friends." I choke out.