August 3, 2017
"Nora, Alexander's here!" Zoey yells just after she opens the door for me. I grin and she gives me a kiss on the cheek, two years older but only a little taller than Nora, still shorter than me.
"Coming!" Nora shouts back, but I can't hear the footsteps.
"You ready for the camp, kid?" Zoey grins, wearing her black shorts with a pink shirt.
I smirk. "We're 15 and finally able to go, what do you think?" Every teenager in Meadowhee goes there. It lasts for two weeks, out of town. We can swim, do sports, hang out, play poker, everything. Everyone says it's awesome.
"Yeah well it's my last year," she sighs with a small smile. "Next year I'll be in college," she teases, nudging me with her elbow.
"Don't tell that to Nora before the next summer," I say, pointing my finger at her warningly.
"She knows," she says, rolling her eyes. "But yeah, you're right, I won't mention it." I give her a thankful nod and we both look at Nora coming downstairs, looking extremely cute in her white floral summer dress. It almost reaches her knees and it's off her shoulders. I feel my smile grow as she comes to us with her pink sports bag thrown over her shoulder, one hand holding from its strap so it would be securely on her shoulder.
When she gets to me, I bend my knees a little and lean down, wrapping my arms around her thighs just below her butt and lift her up to be the same height I am. She giggles at me and with the same smiles we kiss softly.
When we pull away, she rests her forehead against me. "Hi," she whispers.
"Hi," I chuckle and carefully place her back onto her feet, kissing her forehead.
"You guys are-" Zoey starts, but gets stopped by my dad honking to us from the car to hurry. I take Nora's bag and she smiles at me sweetly, grabbing her keys from the counter while I also take one of Zoey's since she has two.
Their parents had to work today, so my dad is taking us to Pop's where the bus should pick everyone us. Meaning the whole diner should be full of our friends and frenemies. We go outside and dad smiles when he sees I'm carrying the girls' bags. He has always taught me how to be a gentleman and every time he sees me pulling the chair out for Nora or opening a door for a girl or a woman or well, carrying their bags, he gets very happy and looks proud.
He helps me get the bags into the trunk and ruffles the beanie on my hair. I push his hand away and lean forward, taking the hat off to put it properly on again. But just as I do that, Nora appears in front of me, taking the hat away from me. I try to get it back, but she raises it even further from me, making me sigh in defeat. She's the only one I'd let do that. If anyone else did that, I'd kill them quite literally.
She looks at me adorably and mocks my pouty face while running her hands through my hair and then putting the hat back on, perfectly.
"Thank you," I say quietly with a smile. She winks at me with a smile on her face too and gets onto the back seat since Zoey has to sit in front not to puke. Like always.
We all get ourselves buckled in and dad starts driving. "Zoey, did you take the money?" Nora asks suddenly, making dad slow down a little, a smirk on his face, knowing they always forget everything behind.
"No, dad said he'd give it to you," Zoey says, turning to look back at her. "Did he?"
"Um, no," Nora says with raised eyebrows. Zoey frowns and pulls out her phone. "I'm not lying," Nora giggles and hits the back of her sister's seat with her foot.
"I believe you, but I need the money," she murmurs and their dad picks up the call. She tells him about the situation and he promises to hurry up to get to Pop's fast.
"We're late anyways," I mumble.
Nora gives me a look. "You're the one who will be eating all my food, stop complaining."
I shrug with a little smile, my dad chuckling on the front seat. "She's right, boy. Use your own money."
"She eats my food too," I protest.
"Not as much as you eat mine," Nora murmurs, fiddling nervously with the end of her dress, not even realizing it. I put my hand on her thigh, making her look up at me immediately. She keeps staring into my eyes, pressing her thighs together, making me grin and her hit my arm. I take her hand into mine with the same one that was on her thigh just a second ago and she tries to muffle her disappointed sigh, feeling it gone.
I lean over to her and give her a kiss on the cheek just before we get to overly crowded Pop's parking lot. Conner gets here a few minutes later and gives both of the girls a huge amount of money what Nora promises to me she'll keep for later as well to do things we liked or get parts for my bike. My dad promises that while we're gone, he'll keep working on my motorcycle and when we come back me and Nora can finish it off. I'm 15, the law says I can ride one now. Nora's scared to ride it, but she said she'll be trailing with me, sitting in the back. I'm pretty sure once she sees the way the bike we've worked on for almost a year now comes out, she'll want to learn how to ride too.
We get a seat in the back, next to Layla and Emilia, Gage and Shawn in front of us, Daniel, and Sophia behind us and then Edwin and Joaquin next to us down the aisle.
We play cards and tell jokes and just listen to music. Nora ends up sitting most of the time on my lap, her back and head against the cold window, legs spread over her own seat. I of course let her sit this way, enjoying the way her hand keeps drawing patterns on mine.
"Hey girls, can we come in?" Charles shouts, knocking on their door. We don't get an answer, so we don't think they're naked. In a few seconds, Emilia quietly opens the door.
"Be quiet," she whispers and lets all of us in. I start grinning, seeing the rest of them (Layla, Nora, Soph) sleeping. They have just collapsed onto their beds, Sophia in her fancy dress, Layla in her shorts and t-shirt and Nora in her cute summer dress. Daniel climbs into the bed with Sophia and spoons her, her face turning into a smile, making all of us chuckle. Emilia doesn't use her own bed, goes to Layla's instead and rests her head onto the other girl's arm. Edwin sits there next to them and starts having a conversation with Emilia while Gage and Shawn as always, can't take their hands off of each other. So they climb to Emilia's bed.
I squat down next to Nora's bed and carefully move her under the covers. I see her holding her stuffed dog (my old one) and it makes me smile. Of course she took it with her. No one else even knows she has one, she's always embarrassed to tell them.
I brush the hair back of her forehead and kiss her hair after what I make sure the blanket is up enough to hide the dog under her arm. I start stroking her hair softly and she unconsciously comes closer to me, holding her cheek in my palm. I smile at that and join with Edwin’s and Emilia's conversation.
In about an hour, everyone starts waking up. It's almost 6pm and the dinner is gonna be every day at 7, but everyone's already hungry. So they decide to go to a small store where we have to camp for like 10 minutes.
"Alex, you coming?" Layla asks.
"No, I'm gonna stay here with her," I answer, not taking my eyes off Nora who is still sleeping.
"He's gone," I hear Edwin sighing when they go out of the room.
I chuckle quietly, but still keep looking at Nora and giving her soft kisses on her face and head. When I peck her nose a few times in a row, her lips grow into a smile and her eyes open tiredly, smiling at me.
"Hey," I whisper. She purses her lips a little for me to give her a kiss. And I do, but only a peck.
She pulls my hand under her cheek again and I start moving my thumb to caress her cheek. "Where are the others?" she asks with a sigh.
"Went to buy something to eat. The dinner is an hour," I say. She pushes herself towards the wall and looks into my eyes pleadingly. I smile a little, push my sandals off and climb into the bed next to her. I wrap her into my arms and with a groan, pull her onto my stomach, making her giggle.
"What did you dream of?" I ask, nuzzling my nose with hers.
"I don't remember," she smiles, enjoying my face against hers.
I chuckle. "Of course you don't. You never remember anything."
She narrows her eyes at me, her hands on my chest pushing her up on me a little so that she could glare at me. "I don't pay attention," she says matter-of-factly.
"Like that would be any better," I tease with a grin and she drops me back on top of me, making me groan in pain and her laugh at me.
"You hungry?" she asks, letting me stroke her hair.
"Uh-uh," I smirk.
She looks up at me with a smile. "And you stayed here."
"I didn't want you to start panicking when you woke up and were alone," I say and then start smirking. "Well... not totally alone." I pull Sausage out from under the sheets and her face gets red.
"I'm used to it," she murmurs, looking down at my chest, blushing like crazy.
I kiss her forehead. "I love you so much."
"I love you too," she mumbles, snuggling her face into my chest.
August 5, 2017
"Guys, let’s go swimming, the water is warm," Layla says, running into our room. All the guys look up from their phones and I do the same with my book.
"Nora's coming?" I ask.
"If they managed to steal her book," she smirks. I chuckle and get up as all the guys groan while getting up with me. Edwin pushes Layla out of the room and locks the door with a promise that we'll be behind their door in five minutes. We all pull our swim trunks on and grab our towels and some of them take their flip flops or sandals while me and Gage just go barefoot.
We walk to the girls' and I knock on the door. "Oh girls," I call out with a flirty voice.
"Shut up," Emilia chuckles after she opens the door and then hits my head softly. Soph and Layla are in their bikinis and a towel while Emilia has a dress on them and Nora has my shirt, falling to her mid-thigh. I smile to her as all the girls pass me when I'm leaning on the door frame. She smiles back at me and hands me her towel with a smile. I smirk and accept it, throwing it over the shoulder as my own.
She stands on her tiptoes and gives me a few soft small kisses after what I take her hand and pull her out of the room to follow the others.
"Alex, come on," Nora laughs as everyone's in the water except for me. "It's not that cold, I promise."
"It is," I frown, only my feet in the water. She groans in annoyance and gives me a look before disappearing under the water. She ignores me the rest few minutes and goes to the others instead. She looks miserable though and it makes my heart hurt. She doesn't talk to them either, she's just there.
I sigh and roll my eyes at myself as I make my way to the water and go under it, swimming towards them. She was right, it's not that cold once you get used to it. When I get to them, we can still reach the ground, so I stand with my legs a little parted, she between them, and wrap my arms around her bare waist. I feel her smiling as I press a kiss on her cheek.
"I really hate myself for just coming in here because of you," I whisper into her ear and feel her shiver at that and the kiss I press there afterwards.
My arms wrapped around her tiny waist I feel even warmer. I start moving them up and down slowly, my fingers gently touching her sides. She gets goosebumps from it. "Are you cold?" I tease, but make it sound like I'm actually asking it. I start kissing her down her neck and I feel her hold back a moan when I kiss the pulse point.
"Yeah," she whispers, sounding deep and hoarse, obviously into what I'm doing right now and turned on. It also doesn't help that she can feel me against her lower back. My body is reacting to her as usual. And this time she seems to be clearly noticing it.
My hand moves a little more down than before, touching the waist of her bikinis. I feel her letting out a sharp breath and her hand takes mine, leading it more down. We've never done this stuff before, we've been waiting. I feel her over the bikini bottoms and my breathing gets choked. She's wet and hot and it has nothing to do with the water. Her hips start moving a little, trying to make herself feel better with my help. I kiss her neck softly and start stepping backwards, taking her with me.
"Guy's, we're gonna go and get some food," I say with a choked voice and I see Sophia grinning at us while the others simply nod. I remove my hand which needs some effort but keep holding hers and hurry out of the water.
I hand her the towel and she wraps it around her body, looking like she's in pain. Her face turns into a smile though, when she sees that I'm struggling so much more than she is, trying to hide my erection. "Shut up," I say quietly and take her hand back, leading her towards the campsites. She lets me take her to the boys' and my room and sits down on my bed, holding her eye contact with me, not letting go of my hand either. After of few seconds in this position, she pulls me to sit next to her, my towel falling down and she pulls my lips on hers.
We start making out and whoa, we've never done it this way before. Her hand keeps touching my penis over the swim trunks and mine over her crotch. Soon enough, she pushes me down on the bed, sitting on my abdomen, her legs around me, knees resting on the sides of me on the white sheets. Her hands cup my face again and our lips meet in a hungry and not an innocent kiss, our tongues stroking each other’s and trying to get more of it out of each other.
I feel her hips starting moving against mine when she lies more down. I let out a moan, feeling her rubbing her hot and wet crotch against me, to make herself feel better. My hand moves back there, but this time inside her pants. I feel her tensing up at first, but it's gone with a second as I feel her at first and then slide my two fingers between her labia, moving onto her clit. She moans the moment I touch it.
"Please," she groans into my mouth as I flip us over, she under me now. I pull away from her lips and look at her face.
"Baby, we've only been together for a month, are you sure?" I ask, just in case.
"Yes," she chokes out, her hands touching the end of my pants. I smile and connect our lips once more, raising my hips a little. She pulls my pants down and I push them off my ankles and lower back down on her. We both moan as my dick touches her stomach and my hands leave her legs to find the end of her bikini. She arches her back a bit more up and I undo the straps and take the bra off.
My lips start kissing her down her neck and to her breasts. When I get there, I nuzzle my face into one of them, making her giggle, her hands in my hair. But she moans the exactly next minute when I suck on her nipple.
"Alex," she groans, bucking her hips up for me. I keep planting kisses and sucking on her breasts while my hands move back down and remove her panties. I move a little more down and raise my body up a bit more to have a better look at her. God she is amazing.
Her body is in perfect shape, she has lovely curves, her breasts exactly the right size, her neck and breasts a little bruised from what my mouth did just a few moments ago. But the best part isn't even her body. The best part is her face. Her lips are swollen and perfectly pink, hair wet and a mess, but it looks so hot. Also her eyes. They're full of lust and desire, only making me want her more.
"You're so beautiful," I breathe out, my fingers gently sliding down her waist, and like in the water earlier, she gets goosebumps and her eyes close with a pleasured face.
I feel both of our hearts beating rapidly as I start kissing her down her body. I feel her curious eyes on me as I move down her abdomen. And then I look up at her for permission. She nods and her hips buck a little bit more up, to my face. My hands start softly caressing her sides as I kiss her inner thighs and move up to her private parts.
My thumb strokes her clit for a moment and then I replace it with my lips. She moans so loudly, pulling my hair and that's where I can't take it anymore. It gets too heated.
August 6, 2017
"Girls it's me," I whisper behind the girls' door in the evening. They don't say anything, meaning it's fine if I go in. So I do that and see that all of them are up, the three on their phones, Nora lying on her bed, head rested on her arm, trying to sleep. They all smile at me and Nora makes me room in her bed.
"Is Daniel coming?" Sophia asks me as I pull my shirt off and then climb in next to Nora.
"If he gets over the getting caught talk," I smirk, pulling the covers up to my chest.
Nora snuggles into my body, not afraid to touch me anymore. She was always shy when she touched my penis by accident and I felt weird to touch her boobs or butt, but now we made a huge step in our relationship and even though Nora promised her mom she wouldn't have sex in the camp, she did. At least I brought some condoms just in case. Or well... My dad stuffed them into my hands, telling me that he doesn't care what I say, but I have to bring them.
"Feeling any better?" I whisper, spooning her. She's only sleeping in my shirt and her panties, my arms under her shirt against her skin, thumbs stroking her stomach softly.
"A little," she says back quietly. She aches. When she sat down at the lunch table, she winced in pain and her hand took mine immediately, not to start crying. I feel bad for hurting her, but also feel so good for doing it with her.
I'm also happy to be sleeping here now. The first 3 nights of the camp I was in my own room. And now we kind of without words decided that we can't stay away from one another anymore. That's why I'm here for the night.
I lean over her shoulder and she smiles at me, turning her head as much as she can to look at me. I smile back at her and kiss her lips gently before kissing her jawline and then popping back down on the pillow, hiding my face into the back of her neck.
"I love you," I mumble.
"Love you too," she whispers and I leave a kiss lingering on her neck just before we both fall asleep, exhausted.