Amelia's Point of View
I woke up to hushed whispering and forceful tapping.
" Aurora wake up she's coming" someone was whispering. But I did not mind, it was all a dream to me. I wanted sleep and that was what I did. I closed my eyes, basking in the sweet sensation of sleep when I felt liquid splash all over me, waking me up from my dream state.
I opened my eyes, my bed was drenched with water, basically dripping down onto the floor. The other girls were in a straight line, all still in their night gowns as they looked at me with pity in their eyes.
The perpetrator of this act was a lady, a tall woman with blonde hair. She stood there with a bucket of water in her hand and an angry look on my face.
" Never in my life have I seen a lady sleep with so much gusto like a man. A lady that can't wake up early to prepare for the morning? This generation is really made of lazy bones." She said.
I was confused, who was she? She was definitely not a member of the pack. How many people joined the pack for the short time that I was away?
That was not my major problem. I was boiling with anger at the fact that she had actually dumped a whole bucket of water all over me in my sleep.
" I expect every servant in this house to be up by four. You sleep till five is a luxury, and you simpletons are not subjected to such luxury. Get up right now or you would be spending three days with the rats in the dungeon" she said, her voice sharp and demeaning.
Swallowing my annoyance and the urge to mark her face with my fist, I got up slowly, getting into like with the other maids.
The sheer force and brutality of it all was astonishing. Waking up four? Even I did not wake up four when I worked in this pack. Who was this woman?
She turned around and walked away, the girls following her in a single file.
"That is madam B. She was hired by the Luna to "teach"her servants some manners. It's been horrible working under her. She is so brutal and her methods are very extreme..I heard she used to train me on the battle field." Natasha muttered to me as I walked with her.
" Where are we going?" I asked.
She smiled at me.
" To eat" she said.
The table was already set by the kitchen staff when we came in. The portions already shared.
It was just dry bread and a little fruit juice.
I looked around, watching the girls all eat it.
" Newcomer, you look too chubby. Seems like this food is not meant for you. You can skip breakfast and lose some weight. At this rate people would be confused as to who is the Luna and who is the servant." She said.
With that, she yanked me up from my seat and made me stand beside her, watching the others eat the ridiculously small portions of food.
It finally became clear to me. Gina hired someone to specially train her maids to be inferior to her.
It was a daring move. Considering the maids were a member of the pack too.
After breakfast, she led us straight to the wash room. We all stripped like slaves, washing our bodies together and putting on a fresh white gown.
The day was getting brighter by now. As we walked towards the Luna chambers, I could feel my chest beating. The happening of the day before still fresh in my mind.
I nudged Natasha discreetly, a maid I had made friends with.
She turned to look at me. Her eyes asking what the matter was.
"Are we going to meet the Luna now?" I asked.
She looked at me like I had asked an obvious question.
" The Luna doesn't wake up until it's past noon. We just do her laundry and clean up her room silently before she wakes up. Rinse and repeat" she said.
I made the oh sound with my mouth. So she was also lazy. Well, I did not expect anything better. It seemed like every time she did something that proved my point of what a bad leader she was.
When Natasha had said we had to clean the room, I thought she meant picking up clothes here and there and tidying up the bathroom. I was wrong.
The whole room looked like a tornado had dropped in to say hi.
Clothes scattered about, shoes and bedspreads all over the place including on the gigantic bed that she laid on, snoring without a car in the world.
Madam B looked around the room and gestured with her hands for us to start. With that, she left the room. It was like risky mission. Cleaning up a room that dirty while trying not to wake her up.
Three girls instinctively went into the toilet, starting their jobs there. I just stood there, at a loss of what precisely I was expected to do.
Natasha grabbed my hand softly, as we crossed the massive room to her wardrobe.
She gestured to me to start picking up the clothes and I nodded to her, getting to work immediately.
I packed the clothes into a laundry basket, wondering how someone could scatter a room so much in not less than 24 hours.
It had to be some sort of skill.
She turned slowly, enjoying the massive bed as she drooled on. I envied her. Here I was waking up by four to pick up after someone who could sleep till the world ended for all anybody cared.
Her makeup table was filled to the brim with various make up tools, ranging from mascara to dogggereng shades of foundation.
I always knew she was someone who took making up seriously. Some of the stuff looked very expensive I was scared I might break one by just looking at it.
I shook myself off from my awe and picked up the laundry basket.
" I'm going to get this to the laundry ladies" I whispered to Natasha. She smiled kindly, nodding with her head.
As I left the room, I felt as though I could finally breathe. Like the air of silence was lifted off and I could shout and jump if I wanted.
I made my way to the laundry place, humming a slow tune as my mood suddenly lifted.
" Hey newbie" a sick voice that I could never forget called.
I turned around to see the beta, the man who abused me both mentally and physically.