Amelia's Point of View
She looked at him for a while then smiled like she was fine with it.
" Okay baby, be quick, I would be waiting for you." She said. With that, she leaned in and licked his lips slowly.
I cringed in disgust. Now I had to add that to the list of things I wish to unsee.
She shook her hips, swang them from side to side as she walked away, sending a sharp glare towards my direction.
She pushed past me, making me nearly lose my footing. I took in a shaky breath. I shouldn't be like this. Why was i scared of her? I was supposed to be formidable and not timid. What happened to the determined girl that came back to the pack?
" What were you doing on our pack borders rogue?" He asked suddenly.
The question took me by surprise, me a rogue Wolf?
"Open your eyes Alpha, I was supposed to be your Luna" I said inwardly
" What?" I asked unconsciously.
He looked up, his eye brows raised.
" I don't like repeating myself twice. What were you doing on the pack borders? Were you sent by the full moon pack? Are you some sort of spy?" He asked.
My eyes widened.
" No of course not, I was not sent by any pack. I don't even know which pack bears the name full moon. I had no idea I was on your pack borders and I really appreciate you taking me in" I said, trying to sound as firm and respectful as I could.
It seemed to work because he looked up at me with an amused look.
" Then what pack are you from?" He asked, his eyes still holding distrust.
I swallowed. From a young age I had always been a pathetic liar. And although I knew I had to lie, I was unsure just how much of the lies he would buy. Quickly, my brain formulated a story.
" I'm a werewolf but my parents had lived among the humans ever since I was born. My mum told me stories about werewolves but I knew none and we were the only kind among humans. However they died and living became very hard. I ran into the woods when I got into a big fight with some humans. I had no idea I was trespassing. I'm very sorry" I said, feigning tears.
He looked at me for a while.
" I'm willing to take you into my wings and make you one of the pack members. But, you will and must pledge your allegiance to this pack and you would report to me and me alone." He said.
" Okay alpha. Does that mean I won't work with the Luna any longer?" I asked, a small joy bubbling in my insides.
" No, you will continue to work with the Luna as her maid, but you will always report to me" he said.
I looked at him in confusion. Why was he so adamant on keeping me close. I hated this idea. It would probably blow up in my face and distrupt my laid out plans. But I knew I couldn't argue with him.
I smiled softly and nodded.
He stared at me for a while, looking at me with suspicion.
" There is something about you that I just can't place. You feel so familiar. Have we met?" He asked.
I froze, my tongue sticking to my throat.
" I don't believe we have" I said, controlling myself from stammering and giving him something to go on and on about.
He looked at me for a while now, before nodding his head and gesturing for me to leave.
I walked out quickly, my legs barely touching the ground as I closed his door. Finally, I let out the breath i had been holding since he mentioned knowing me.
I breathed deeply. It was all right. All i had to do was figure out what the woman in my dreams meant when she said my destiny was in this pack.
As I turned the corner, I slipped, falling and hitting my head hard on the floor.
A pair of shoes stood, looking down at me with a smile on her face.
The smile quickly turned to a frown on disgust as her eyes met mine.
" Get up" The Luna said, hovering above me.
I whimpered softly, not wanting her to see how much pain I was in.
I got up, my legs shaking as I stood in front of her.
"Luna, I did not see you there" I said, bowing down, trying desperately to not look her in the eye.
" What's your deal?" She asked, her hands folded across her chest.
" Ma?" I asked pretending not to understand what she meant.
" Are you deaf? I'm asking what precisely you want." She said shoving me into a corner.
" I just want a roof over my head Luna" I said, making my voice sound pathetic.
I knew just how much people like her loved watching other grovel and beg. I was at her mercy now, but it won't be for long.
" Really? You show up and start trying to kiss up to the feet of the alpha? Now I don't know who you are or who sent you, but darling, I would have you know that he is mine and mine alone. And if you think you can waltz in here and shake your pretty head to get what I worked for, you best be ready for it to bite you in the cheek " she said.
I nearly snickered. It was laughable because she thought i was interested in Cida?
I wanted to tell her how much I wanted to shove a knife deep into his stomach and watch him cough out blood. I bet her face would be hilarious if I did. This made me smile.
She looked at me in anger.
" You think it's funny huh?" She asked. With that, she slammed my head into the wall, over and over.
I bit my lips and and reined my wolf in. I wanted nothing but to pin her to the floor and dish out blows into her perfect little face.
She finally stopped, looking at me.
" Know your place. Or I would teach you how to know it" she said, stepping past me as she walked away.