I woke up from a sleep with strange dreams, it was nothing new, it was also nothing new that I was in the flower room at Grandma Blanca’s house.
Lately I had been dreaming of babies with golden eyes and fire hair like mine, or with my green eyes and tanned skin and father’s long brown hair.
But it was even understandable to dream about it, because since I discovered pregnancy I have spent all my time thinking about it, thinking about this life that is growing in my belly.
I needed to take action, I had to go after arrangements, decide how I would take care of this child, whether to tell the father or not. There were so many doubts and everything only increased with my confinement.
I was forbidden to leave the room, should not leave there for nothing, because according to Agnes, Will could come back and attack me. On the other side Alice insisted that we should go after Parker, tell him the truth and ask for shelter. She was confident that he would take care of me and the child. I no longer knew what to think, there were so many worries.
I rose from the bed and surprised that Flora was not here, she had turned my shadow, when she was not behind me with some tea, was humming songs in a language I did not know.
The only sound that was heard was of the birds, the trees and flowers shaking. I turned to the door and walked slowly, did not want to attract anyone there, if they left me alone probably had something serious to solve, because in all these days they never left me unsupervised.
I decided to get out of there, hoping not to find any of them and maybe take a walk in the garden. When I crossed the corridor, I heard the voices coming from downstairs, altered whispers.
I went down the first step, hoping that the old wood would not creak under my feet, handing me over before I could understand what they were talking about.
"She needs to know!" I heard Alice say, sounding dissatisfied with something.
"Keep your voice down! Do you want to wake her?" was Agnes' voice that I heard scolding her daughter. " It’s been hard enough keeping her sleepy all the time to keep her from leaving the room."
What? I startled the air with her words, but restrained myself not to give my location. Were they doping me?
"I’ve already said that this is dangerous, you can’t keep the girl trapped in sleep all the time, it will mess with her head." It was easy to recognize Flora’s sweet voice after every day together. "Why don’t you take her to the Alpha at once? He’ll know how to take care of her."
"You’re not sure about that, as far as we know Quanah never wanted to fulfill his function in ending the curse!"
"No matter what he wants, we all need to fulfill our role now, the child has already been conceived, the Lycans and us witches, we have already been freed from the curse!" Alice came back to rave. She seemed more determined to convince everyone that going to Quanah was the best thing.
I swallowed hard and closed my eyes. I was stuck in another crazy dream, but what would I do to wake up?
I took a few more steps, now not caring more if it would make noise or not, it was just a dream would have no problem, nothing would happen.
"Still Alice, Quanah can reject her and her son..."
"He would never do that!" Flora intervened and I finally reached the last step. "He knows it would be an offense against our customs, he may not want Bridget as a mate, but his son he would never reject."
From where I was I could see them talking around the table. Blanca stood around the table without saying anything, it seemed that the conversation was actually a clash, one side Alice and Flora and the other Agnes.
"Honey, we know you came just because Peta sent you, he just wanted to make sure that his nephew would be okay." Blanca finally spoke out. "From the beginning he has been more Alpha than his brother, if it were not for him and Alice none of this would happen, they would never have met and there would be no child. What do you think’s gonna happen when Quanah Parker finds out it’s all just a trap?"
Quanah Parker? The same Parker I... they were saying they set us up? Couldn’t be I needed to wake up, I needed urgent! It was getting crazier every day and maybe even more real.
"Bri is guarded by the people, it is not only Peta who was tired of waiting for this prophecy to be fulfilled and the curse to be broken." Alice seemed furious and I almost believed in the whole circus, this was the most convincing dream I’ve ever had in my entire life. "All the wolves are on her side, as are the witches and wizards!"
"How do I wake up!" I screamed and everyone looked at me scared. "I shouldn’t be able to Yell into a dream. Shit gets weirder and weirder."
"Bri dear, how long have you been listening?" Agnes showed concern and approached me.
"I just want to wake up, this whole wolf and witch thing, damn it, I don’t remember reading or watching something like that before bed." I passed Agnes ignoring her touch and went straight to the kitchen door.
I saw the sunset painting the sky of an orange shade, it seemed so real that I could feel warm my skin, as well as the smell of flowers and pollen in the air, nothing there seemed a dream.
"Alice, you need to sit down and talk."
"No mom, no more trying to postpone the situation! She needs to know!"
I needed to wake up, every second got even stranger. A pinch should fix it, right? I pinched my arm and nothing happened, I just felt the pain, but I didn’t wake up.
"Bri, what are you doing?"
I hit my face hard and it was the same. Was it possible that I didn’t wake up? Was I in a coma? Everything could be a dream, all these weeks lying in that bed, I could be in an intubated hospital right now.
"Bri, sit here and let’s talk!" Flora asked in her sweet voice and looking at her I could only think of the words I heard a little while ago.
"I just need to wake up!" I cried and turned and stared at the looks judging me, feeling sorry for myself. I wasn’t crazy, I couldn’t be. "Witches, wolves and curses, I just need to wake up!" I saw a knife on the table and in an act of desperation I grabbed it and rolled it on my arm.
The pain spread through my body, but I was too shocked to react, scream or cry with the pain, I just watched the blood drip hot and drip on the floor.
Alice ran with a cloth, tying it to my forearm and lifted it up to prevent it from gushing still blood.
"Did you see what you did to her? You have driven this girl’s head crazy!" Flora arrived and ran around the kitchen, taking herbs and putting them in a pot of stone.
"It’s for her sake, we didn’t mean it." Blanca approached and I heard a growling take the kitchen and a second later Flora was beside me.
with one hand she held the pot with herbs and with the other she pushed Blanca away. She was in front of me like a shield and Alice was beside me.
"Don’t you dare touch her again! You’ve been messing with her head putting her to sleep all this time."
"You are not in charge here, young lady, you may be a healing wolf, but you are in my house and you will obey me." I faced Blanca stand up and speak with an authoritative voice I’d never heard before.
"Enough! Flora’s right, we insisted on telling the truth from day one, but we kept accepting your will and let it go too far." Alice pulled up a chair and helped me sit. "Flora will take care of your wound and we’ll tell you the whole truth."