I looked in the mirror for the thousandth time, not liking what I was seeing there. I wasn’t used to that kind of outfit, so I understood all my clumsiness, even if I felt sexy.
"You look beautiful, now excuse me and let me finish getting ready, or we’ll just get there tomorrow."
Alice banged her hip into mine, pushing me away from the mirror.
Unlike me she wore a red dress, which did not reach the half of her thighs, matching high heels and blonde hair, almost platinum, descended in layers wavy her back.
I was wearing dark denim shorts, so short that they showed the pulp of my ass, and a black tank top, which show my strappy bra. Which was the only thing I was wearing that belonged to me, everything else had ripped from Alice’s wardrobe.
"Are you sure I need to wear these heels? I’m sure I’ll twist my foot before I even enter the club." I grumbled staring at the black heels she had separated for me. "Speaking of, you didn’t tell me the name of the place.
"You ask too many questions, Bri!" she snorted away from the mirror, now with her face beautifully made up. "Yes, you have to wear the heels! You want to get the attention of a hot man, don’t you? 'Cause that you’re gonna wear the heels, to get taller and not look so... you."
I could be offended by the comment, but I had asked for exactly that when we started to get ready. I wanted to look like someone else, a confident, empowered woman, not the young woman who just turned twenty.
"I just hope have fun before I break my face in those heels!"
"You’ll see, this will be our night!"
We arrived at the LYNC nightclub almost midnight, the line to get in was still long, but thanks to the colorful bracelets that Alice had gotten somewhere, we did not have to wait for anything.
The tall and strong security guard gave us a suspicious look when she reached out her hand showing the bracelet to be scanned. He looked more like a closet dressed in a sleeveless vest, which further evidenced his muscles and a huge tattoo covering his tan shoulder.
When his brown eyes, focused on mine I could swear I felt a shiver go up my spine, concentrating on my neck. I took a deep breath, trying to look as calm as possible and extended my wrist, I thought the man would hold my wrist as he did with Alice, but all he did was walk away, keeping his eyes on me and giving me passage, without even passing the machine on the bracelet.
"Come Bri!" she cried making me look away from the man and let me be dragged by her into the place.
The loud and sensual music invaded my ears as soon as the red lights hit me. The warm and cozy air cheered me up, taking away the strangeness of the security guard at the entrance, now I was focused on the bodies screwing around the place, dancing excited.
The bar was full and I saw that it might be difficult to get drinks tonight. Alice dragged me straight there, pushing people in her way without bothering to apologize, that was my friend, a blonde hurricane.
"What will you have?"
"Anything with alcohol." I wanted to have fun, do everything I ever wanted, but this time without guilt.
I turned to people as she tried to gain the waiter’s attention, people were dancing squeezing on the dance floor, in front of the DJ’s stage. I couldn’t help but notice the pole-dancing poles, where some women came up and vied for space, dancing and rolling looking up at the floor.
The VIP area was taken by men, but not those men in suits I used to hear about. They were too beautiful men, but a wild beauty, strong as well as security, some with big hair, messy, wearing jeans and leather jackets. They reminded me of bikers, but I hadn’t seen any bikes in the driveway.
"Here!" Alice screamed beside me, handing me a glass with glowing blue liquid. "Our night!"
"Our night!" we toasted laughing and took the glass to the mouth. The sweet taste invaded my mouth and I took a bigger sip than I intended. "What is this? I think I can take that all night."
"I don’t doubt that I can, but I’m already warning you two glasses of this and you’ll be drunk."
I didn’t find it difficult, but I still couldn’t drink slowly. I danced with Alice, following her footsteps to the sound of the sensual beat, turning her body against mine, passing my hands through her body in the same way she did with me.
We laughed like two crazy on the dance floor, not caring about anything or anyone, with the glasses up we shook the body in the loud beat that seemed to reverberate in my chest.
"I need to go to the bathroom!" I screamed trying to be heard despite the music.
"Let’s go!"
She grabbed my right hand and started pulling me through the crowd. Alice did the same thing as before, pushing people out of her way, but I was too focused on not falling with those shoes in the crowd, to care now.
"Hey!" a deep voice sounded in front of us making me look up.
A tall, strong man stood in our way, his arms crossed making him even more intimidating, his brown hair was beating at the height of his waist and I saw two braids dangling between the strands, which looked too silky.
"Hi handsome!" Alice said in a sly voice that didn’t suit her.
Her free hand went up the arm of the unknown and he opened a sexy smile towards her, almost making me feel butterflies in the womb and it was not even for me.
"I’m going to the bathroom." I muttered to her ear and left before the two of them began to kissing with me hand in hand with her.
It wouldn’t have been the first time.
By a miracle the bathroom was not crowded, I tripped in my heels entering the blessed cabin and held myself on the walls, doing the greatest juggling to be able to use the bathroom without touching the toilet.
When I left I stared at the wide mirror in front of the sinks, my cheeks were red by alcohol and all the dancing, my light lipstick was still intact, but I retouched the mascara and threw some water on my cheeks and neck, trying to erase some of that heat.
After all, red was enough for my hair.
But before I left the bathroom the lights blinked, making me close my eyes and in this second I saw those flames. The fire consuming the wood, reaching the woman, who instead of screaming kept the green eyes stuck in me.
I opened my eyes, tapping my eyelashes quickly, to forget that disturbing image. I curled in the sink and threw more water on my face, not caring about the makeup, wet my neck until my hair was dripping.
It was my night! I wasn’t going to surrender those crazy visions and look like a crazy lunatic, not today!
I dried the excess water, checking my face one last time and left the bathroom determined to make that night worth every second.
Alice and the strong Greek god were at the door, at this point I could bet that she would be clinging to him as if her life depended on it, but the two were in a conversation that seemed very interesting.
"What happened?" she asked as soon as she spotted me, the two turned around looking worried, but I just gave her my brightest smile.
"Nothing happened and that’s just the problem!"
I did not wait for her, I ran in the middle of all those people and ordered another blue drink for the waiter, who soon handed me the colored glass.
I turned to the dance floor and started dancing, feeling the alcohol spreading through every bit of my body, consuming my thoughts, pushing away any bad memory, sending away those visions.
It didn’t take long for me to feel Alice touching me, pulling me close to her, gluing our bodies together again.
Before I knew it I was already in my fifth cup and leaning over the counter trying to get one more, when I felt hands grabbing my hip, but this time it was not as small as Alice’s, they were much larger.
I turned to face a tall blonde with a wide smile open towards me. He shook his hip dancing, getting closer and I let him.
"Hey! Redhead!" the waiter screamed and hit the counter, but I didn’t care.
I continued dancing with the unknown, his hands went up my hip and I wrapped my arms around his neck letting me lead. His head bowed, coming closer to mine and before I expected his lips were on mine.
His body held me against the counter as his tongue slid into mine, leaving me breathless. I closed my fists on his shirt, pulling him closer.
"You are very beautiful." he walked away, making me open my eyes and regain the air as he swerved to my neck.
His lips touched my skin and instantly my eyes met those of another man.
Staring at me with eyes that looked like two pools of gold, golden as the sun, hypnotizing me. One of the savages in the VIP area, his hair touching below his shoulders, the black jacket looked tight in his muscles, giving me just an idea of what was underneath it all. And even though he had a woman by his side, he seemed very interested in what we were doing down here.
I don’t know what took me, but I bit my lower lip, marking it as if I was really excited about the wet kisses on my neck, but I couldn’t be more oblivious to the man who was with me. My attention was all over the male who was watching me, now with his eyes half closed.
I raised my leg, rubbing myself even more on the blonde and took his hand to my naked thigh, the lips rose to my ear and the noise of his tongue could have made me drop it at the time, but the brunette watching me was what kept me there.
I opened my lips, simulating a groan and watched him support his arms on the parapet of the area, showing even more interest. Then taken by an insane fire I leaned on the shoulders of the man who was there and propelled myself to sit on the bar counter, his eyes shone in response and I let the other settle between my legs, sliding his hands by my thighs, caressing my uncovered skin.
"Wow, you really are a hurricane!"
Without averting my eyes from the two golden spheres, I laid my body on the counter, the man rose from the balcony looking fascinated. But the blond blocked my field of vision down his head towards my breasts.
I stood up the same minute, my eyes focused on the upstairs looking for my wild cat. But I couldn’t find it, I looked through every inch of the VIP, but I couldn’t find him anywhere.
"What happened beautiful?" the baboon asked and I tried to get his hands off my thighs. "Went crazy? Will not dismiss me, bitch!"
The white face suddenly turned blood red and his hand closed around my wrist, squeezing me tightly, in a way that would surely leave marks, I knew it well.
"Let me go! You’re hurting me stupid!"
I wasn’t going to show fear, he wasn’t scary at all and I knew how to handle it.
"I don’t think you understand, friend, she told you to let go of her arm." the bartender’s voice sounded behind me.
"Or you’ll leave without your hand!"
I raised my gaze with the last threat and saw the man who talked to Alice, the face now was few friends.
The asshole looked around, seeing that he would not stand a chance, one of them was already twice his, even worse against both. He raised his hands as a sign of redemption and walked away from us without saying a word.
"Are you all right, girl?" Alice asked stopping by my side, but the truth is that I didn’t want to think about it now, or I would surely ruin our night together.
"It’s our night and no one will spoil it!"
I took the forgotten glass from the counter and turned, feeling the taste now much weaker than the first time tonight.
Beyoncé’s voice exploded in my ears when she started singing Partition, the beat enveloped me and I pulled Alice to the bar counter. We fumbled, but quickly she was on top, in a jump we were standing rolling in the rhythm of the music, letting each sound dictate our steps.
I bent over to fish the bottle from the bar, making sure to stick my butt up, knowing that the shorts wouldn’t hide much. Alice laid her head on my breasts and I filled her mouth with the clear liquid, which I was pretty sure was tequila. She did the same to me and we danced again using the bottle as microphone.
I towed not caring about anything, I had the slight notion that we were giving a great show, but I was not calling for anything but having fun and forgetting all my problems.
I brought all this for you, follow my steps
Just tell me if it’s okay, baby
I rolled down, looked back sensualized to no one in particular, but there he was, his golden eyes. Not in the VIP area, now he was right there in the bar, watching me closely with the golden eyes stuck in every move of mine.
My moves became even more daring, I curled my ass, rolled my hip, felt like one of the professional dancers, sexy and powerful.
I do it all for you baby enjoy the view
And tell me if I’m okay, baby
I sang facing him, dancing with my hands sliding from my hair, to my breasts, down the waist, hips. He raised his eyebrow and for a minute I felt the heat spread through my body, even stronger.
One second, it was all I needed to lose balance and slip on the wet counter, going straight to the ground.
But before I hit the ground he was there, one second I was ready to find the ground and the next I was snuggled in his strong arms.
"I caught you, dangerous." the guttural voice sent a wave of chills through my body, putting my body on fire. "Now you don’t escape me!"