There were two things she liked to do to cheer herself up. One, to compose songs. Second, play with the pups. Since she was not inspired enough to write a new song, she chose the latter.
Everyone was busy this afternoon. Including the servants. She volunteered to babysit and went ahead to inform the nannies.
Apparently, Alexander called for a meeting with very important people in the library. Even Anna Marie and Alexie were attending together with their mates.
She had toyed with the idea of visiting Indali and rejected it right away. Her new friend was always perceptive and will know that something was bothering her as soon as she saw her. Maybe later. When she was more relaxed.
Nodding at her security team, they followed her outside the newly installed outdoors playground.
Anna and Alexie had designed the area, specifically to make sure the babes' excessive energy will lessen before returning to their nurseries.
Annalisa, Mikhail, and Lucian were growing fast. The nannies almost couldn't keep up with them. Thank Goddess the grassy area was boxed in. Else they would be climbing trees.
She has Annalisa between her legs while she made her daisy chains and hummed her favorite lullaby.
"Mey...ish," Her cute brows furrowed. Mish smiled. The adorable pup was trying to say her name.
"Yes, love. I'm your Aunt Mish." She squealed and said her name again. "Good girl." She cooed. Baby Lisa got it right.
She clapped her hands and got up on wobbly chubby legs to join the two other pups. Mish can hear her saying her aunt's name to Mikhail. Teaching.
She smiled wistfully. Soon, Rie will also marry and she will have her own family. Her own kids to take care of.
And she was guessing Anna will have more pups soon. She and Xander were so much in love that it was a guarantee.
What will become of her? She didn't know the answer to her own question.
These dreams plaguing her was taking so much of her personality. She doesn't even know herself anymore.
What she remembered was she was so sick when Anna and Alexander got to them. They saved her from dying just in time and flew them, Rie and her, to New York City via a private jet with a medical team right away. They told her she was heavily drugged at that time.
When she woke up, days later, she had a new life. Grand and rich. That was two years ago. She asked her sisters and they filled her in on what happened during those days she couldn't remember anything.
From the corner of her eye, the ring she wore on her ring finger glinted --making her focus her attention on it. Why does the jewelry look too familiar? Its weigh. Its touch. Its glimmer --like she had it on her finger before. Impossible. She was imagining things again.
What would she do with her life? What was her purpose? She sighed.
Maybe she should jumpstart her career and produce her own music. Her family will be delighted. Their support will never be in question. And money was never an issue. Maestro Roberto will assist her. He was rather fond of her.
What about the man in her dreams? Was she seriously considering giving him up?
She should. She must. He was not real.
The skin on her neck throb once more, she had it concealed with makeup, so no one would notice.
It was definitely real and she noticed. It was her body wearing his mark. His bite.
Mikhail interrupted her musings. He wrapped his chubby arms on her thigh. Her chest felt tight. She would have loved to have kids one day. That will not be possible now. She could never love another man let alone welcome his touch.
She gave her heart to her Prince Charming a long time ago. Her lips twisted deprecatingly. He corrected her during one of her dreams.
"Not a Prince Charming. I am your king. And will be my queen, my beloved." She blinked back her tears. That was a long time ago.
Closing her eyes briefly, she shook her head to dispel the painful memories of her dreams.
"" Mikhail whispered.
Mish gave her attention to her nephew.
"Yes, baby?" She smiled at his vibrant grayish-amber eyes.
"Hommm," He said more firmly.
"You want to go home?" He nodded and wrapped his arms around her neck.
Laughing delightedly, she hugged him to her chest at the same time stood up gracefully from the soft earth. The nannies have the other pups as well.
"Reyy," her precious bundle pointed behind her. She grinned and twirled to face his sister. Mikhail gurgled his laughter.
The meeting must be over. They were excited to play some more with their parents.
Barefoot and in her cut-off jeans, she walked fast, almost ran to reach Anna Marie --who was joined by Anna-- right away.
Men in black suits emerged. And a lady of ethereal beauty with glowing pale blond hair and the creamiest white skin she had ever seen, followed behind them. Wow. Stunning. She remembered her.
-I think.- The thought came out of nowhere.
Mish kept her eyes on her. Amazed at such beauty. She must be a fairy. Conscious that she might look like a creep, peeling her star-struck gaze from the lady.
Then what happened next was like a movie on slow motion. The man of her dreams followed close on her heels. He was everything she expected and more. Burnished gold blond hair and cold ice-blue eyes and a lean defined body clothed in the most expensive suit money could buy. A woman and another man flanked him. Oliver and Sofia. Did they know her beloved?
Her feet were frozen on the spot. Forgetting everything around her. She stared unabated. Her eyes couldn't be removed from such perfection.
There was a buzzing in her ears and her heart was thudding loudly. She couldn't believe this was happening.
-Please look at me. Please. You must know me.-
"Beloved," she whispered and willed him to look at her. He was speaking to Alexander and Michael. Then he gave his attention to the most beautiful woman she had ever seen. Well, second to her sister, Anna.
She was barely aware of her sister retrieving Mikhail from her lax arms.
Damn it! He wouldn't look at her. But why would he look at her? He doesn't even know she existed. He doesn't know her.
He bid everyone farewell without looking their way. The same woman and buff man followed him. They ignored her, too. Why?
The man she had called her beloved went straight to the Mercedes Benz waiting at the curb --a guy opened the door for him-- and he went inside.
Her chest felt tight and her heart was painfully squeezing, her guts churning. She watched his car until it disappeared from sight. Tears blurred her vision.
She wondered how many times her heart could break until she was no more. Breathing had become almost impossible.
"He was the man in my dreams," she muttered through her clogged throat.
Anna and Rie were saying something to get her attention. Their words won't register. She can't. Not now. She couldn't face anyone right now.
"I...ah...I have to finish something," Ducking her head so they wouldn't see her tears, she excused herself and ran away from her sisters. She needed to be alone.
She just couldn't believe how stupidly naive she was believing in her dreams.
She was a damn fool to cherish them. To believe in them.
Look at her now. Broken. Drained.
Her cherished dreams had become nightmares.
Sleeping could bring back those dreams, she feared them now. She didn't want them anymore and she doesn't want to see him anymore.
After the disastrous afternoon, she locked herself in her music room. It was located at the back of the house, overlooking the dense forest.
Sobbing, she screamed her heart out until she felt depleted and wearied. Until she had no more to give.
She didn't care if anyone heard her. She snorted. Who was she kidding? There was no if. This was a lycan pack. Everyone must have heard her.
Still, she was grateful for her sisters and Alexie respected her privacy and left her alone.
Not exactly alone. She was comfortably sitting on her companion. An antique Steinway grand piano. A gift.
The time had come and gone and it must be almost dawn. Or midnight.
Who cares? She felt desolate. Bleak and deserted. How does she go on from here?
The answer may not come tonight.
She ran her fingers on the perfectly tuned keys. With no inspiration, she doesn't think she could sing again let alone compose music.
But she wanted to sing tonight. One last time. Then she was giving up on her dreams.
"Say something..." She cleared her throat. Too dry from crying. A glass of water would be nice and maybe a plate of food. Her stomach churned. She doesn't need sustenance. She needed a note. A key. Maybe a C. She tried once more. "Say something, I'm giving up on you."
The chords came easily after that, the words came naturally. Phrases became stanzas. From her broken heart. "I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you. Say something, I'm giving up on you. Anywhere, I would have followed you."
Too true. She would have followed her beloved anywhere. Even if it meant she wouldn't wake up anymore. She would have, without second thoughts.
"And I will swallow my pride. You're the one that I love and I'm saying goodbye." Yes. She was saying goodbye. "Say something, I'm giving up on you."
Mish had given up. This was the last time she will ever sing.
"Fuck you, Xavier! You make this right or we go to fucking war. I swear to all the Gods and Goddesses..." He paused, hearing his explanation and the remorse from his strained voice. "You made my queen cry."
He glanced at his Anna. Her eyes were swollen and her skin was blotchy from crying. His chest tightened and he suppressed a savage growl. Xavier was one of his trusted friends. They treated each other like brothers. They fought and bled together. That was the only reason he was keeping it together.
With one hand on his cellphone, he pinched the bridge of his nose. The vampire king was still speaking on the other line. "Ok. When?" His plan might work.
"Ok. I will help you but you better fucking promise me you will not fuck this up. Or I will let Alexie and Rie cut your balls off. I'm pretty sure Sofia will join in the fun too." He gave a sigh of relief. Xavier spoke some more and outlined his plans, then apologized.
"I'm sorry too, my friend. See you soon." Pressing the call end button, he tossed the phone to the nearest chair and walked to his mate.
Gathering her in his arms, he let her rest her head on his chest. They couldn't sleep after what they heard earlier tonight.
Mish sobbing and screaming her misery affected them all. Everyone was subdued. And when she played and sang her heart out with a sad love song, his Anna and Alexie burst into tears.
Michael and Alexander could have throttled Xavier then and there.
"Xander?" His mate queried. Her voice was muffled on his shirt.
"He has a plan, mio amore. Don't worry anymore. He will make everything right but we will need to help him." He reassured her. Alexis, his sister, scowled.
"Help him, how?" She asked.
"He will discuss the how tomorrow. We will meet at The Mark."
"He better makes this right or else..." His queen grumbled. He tightened his hold on her.
"He will, baby girl." She humphed and settled more comfortably on his lap.
He hoped Xavier won't fail them.
Whew! An emotional chapter.
I really don't know what Xavier will do to make everything right.
I'm actually pissed at him.
Let's check the reasons for his actions in the next chapter, eh?
Love you all, babies!