walked briskly towards our house.
‘’I just opened my mail and saw that I have been sent a query.’’ Nate sounded bothered. ‘’You just need to go to work and answer your query, and it'll be fine.’’ ‘’You don't understand— a lot of people has been laid off recently and I hope I have not been included to the list.’’ Nate said as he brought out the key to open the door. ‘’I am tired already and have had enough bad news for the day, No more bad news okay?’’ I said dolefully. ‘’Enough of the negative energy from you Nate. Just go and get a hot shower and sleep well. Tomorrow is going to be a great day.’’ Esther said cheerfully. ‘’Esther Darling, we hope mum wakes up tomorrow but pending the time she wakes up, we will be needing your help to help stay with her, because Andrew also needs to come home to rest— this is not to burden you in anyway.’’ I pleaded. ‘’Oh! come on, you know I'd love to stay with her as well, Sarah is not just your mum, I see her as mine too, so it's not a burden, I will remember her in my prayers tonight and I believe she will wake up soon.’’ I knew she wouldn't say No, but I still had to ask. She is a selfless human, and could even give you her eyes— all you have to do is ask. ‘’Okay then, Goodnight my dear friend, thanks for your words of encouragement.’’ I said as I switched off the lamp in my bedside I heard her mumbling some words and I knew she's definitely praying again. —------- Esther had offered to walk me down to the library before going to the hospital. She was in the bathroom while I was getting dressed when I suddenly received a call from Andrew. ‘’Hello! What's Up Andrew.’’ I said with anxiety hoping to receive a positive response. ‘’Mum is awake Victoria.’’ He responded excitedly. ‘’She is awake! I shouted with an intense feeling of excitement calling the attention of Esther and Nate as they both rushed into the room. ‘’Give her the phone let me speak with her.’’ ‘’I am currently outside the ward, The Nurses asked me to excuse them, you will just have tocome over as soon as you can.’’ Andrew said.
‘’Don't worry, Esther will join you soon. You know Nate and I will be going to work, but we will come over as soon as we return from work. ‘’No Problem.’’ Andrew said as he ended the call. ‘’Your prayers must have done wonders overnight.’’ I said to Esther. ‘’I am so happy right now but I have to leave you girls, I'm almost late for work.’’ Nate said as he walked briskly out of my room. ‘’I told you she will wake up today, didn't I?’’ Esther said smiling. ‘’So, what are you feeling like now? a soothsayer?’’ I grinned openly. ‘’No, not a soothsayer but a Prophet.’’ ‘’You wish.’’ I teased. ‘’I won't be able to follow you to the library anymore, I need to go to the Hospital.’’ ‘’Aww! Thanks a lot that's so thoughtful of you, I'm also running late.’’ I hugged her and bade her goodbye. It’s a bright and sunny day, I could feel the freshness of the day, vehicles honking and everyone's footsteps echoing over the pavements as they rushed to work— The news I have just received already confirmed that It’s going to be a great day indeed. ‘’You seem happy this morning.’’ Meg said smiling as I walked into the library. ‘’It's nothing serious dear, it's just that My mum slumped and was unconscious yesterday, but I received a call this morning telling me she's awake already, I can't wait to close from work and go over to the hospital.’’ I responded. ‘’That’s great news,I'm happy for you.’’ ‘’Thank you, so any major event today?’’ ‘’Yes! Mr Grey donated fifty thousand dollars worth of books to this library shortly before he died.’’‘’What kind of books?’’
‘’We are going to find out soon enough— his office just called that his son will be here to deliver them.’’ ‘’Fifty thousand dollars? That's huge! This Mr Grey must be a billionaire, but it's so painful that he is dead.’’ ‘’Why did you say so?’’ ‘’I would have loved to be the Billionaire's wife of course, if one is not born in a rich family one should do everything possible to be rich.’’ I said as we both chuckled. A fine young man walked into the library few hours later. ‘’Welcome, Mr Grey on behalf of the library we would like to express our sincere gratitude for your most generous gift appreciate your generosity.’’ Meg welcomed the visitor cheerfully. ‘’I left them in shipping and receiving but I'm sure they'll be right up.’’ His expression firm. There's something that seem so familiar about this man, he looked like the guy that proposed marriage to Esther but I doubt it, what would a rich person like this want with Esther, I thought to myself. ‘’If you don’t mind we would love to have your photograph while donating the books.’’ ‘’Just make it fast please I have other places to be.’’ ‘’Kindly sign these documents sir.’’ Meg handed him some documents. He signed them in a hurry, took the photographs and left. I didn't see him smile for once, but what do I care, that's his business, my phone screen flickered as a text message from Esther's name appeared on the screen. ‘’Please come to the hospital as soon as you can, We are all here waiting for you.’’ I read the message out loud. My mood changed, the excitement in me came to an abrupt end as I turned to Meg, Thank God it's closing time already. ‘’I have to go now, it's about my mum. Something has happened to her’’ I said to Meg as I rushed out of the library with my heart racing.