Victoria lives with her mother and two of her brothers Nate and Andrew.
She is off duty today and lucky for me I will have plenty of time to spend with my friend and her
When Victoria is not working she loves to play poker with her family, it's her favorite game.
‘’You wish to watch?’’ Nate made room for me on the bench.
‘’I'd like to play— but I don't have any money.’’
‘’You can play poker?’’ Andrew asked.
I smiled and nodded. ‘’It's amazing what you learn when you are waiting backstage between
‘’I will lend you some money.’’ Nate pushed some coins towards me.
‘’But I can't pay you back if I lose.’’
‘’Maybe you'll be lucky.’’ He shrugged
I was dealt in and I noticed that Nate and I were playing with Swedish coins, Andrew with
Australia and Victoria and her mum with British, but there was no bother about exchange rates
— they just tossed the coins in the kitty.
I enjoyed playing cards and I had learnt to watch people's faces when they played to read their
body language so that I could often tell when someone was bluffing.
I noticed Victoria's Mum always rubs her nose if she has a good hand and Andrew always gives
himself away by making his face go blank. Victoria and Nate however are more seasoned
players and it was difficult to tell with them.
The stakes were very low but I gradually began to win and I eventually had quite a pile of money
in front of me, over and above what Andrew had lent me.
Not that it mattered though, because I couldn't possibly take their money and intended to give it
back at the end of the game.
‘’You really are lucky!’’ Andrew exclaimed after I had outbluffed him again. ‘’That's the fourth
time you have done that.’’
‘’Not really. It's because you always…’’ My voice died as I noticed that Victoria's phone has
been ringing incessantly.
‘’Vicky your phone is ringing,’’ I called her attention to it.
‘’Oh! that, It's one hot guy I just met, don't worry about him, you know how I roll, I'm playing hard
to get for now, I'll call him when I am in the mood to.’’ we all chuckled.
I went to finish what I had been going to say to tell Andrew how he gave himself away.
‘’I need to up my game if so and I think I have found my teacher already.’’
Andrew said as we all laughed and dispersed.
Nate is the oldest in the house and works with a construction firm. I like him a lot, maybe a little
too much, but he sees me as his sister and is always protective of me. He is a slim figure man
of a little above average height in his late twenties. A lock of light brown hair fell over his high
forehead, his hazel eyes were watchful, his mouth firm and full, but frugal with its smiles. his
appearance is attractive and he always dresses impeccably.
Since we finished the game I have been trying to avoid his gaze. I didn't want him to talk about
my break up with Matthew, but he was smart enough to notice.
‘’Esther, If I don’t know better I will say you are avoiding me—Are you avoiding me?’’ he asked
in a soft tone.
‘’Oh! No, I have no reason to.’’ I felt my cheeks colored.
‘’Is it about the break up with Matthew?’’ He asked in a calm tone now holding my hand.
‘’Victoria cannot keep a secret, I'm sure she must have told you about that.’’ I smiled.
‘’You deserve better than that guy, I always tell you but you just didn't listen.’’
‘’I know right! But it's not just about Matthew, it's about me, I'm so confused and don't even
know where to start from.’’
I said feeling downcast.
‘’You know what? You are going to be fine, I strongly believe that.’’ He squeezed my hand and
patted my back.
‘’Hey! There you are.’’ Victoria walked towards the living room where I was seated with Nate.
‘’Yes dear but I will soon be heading out as I need to be on the Site by twelve pm. I got a text
from one of the Engineers asking me to come over and that it's urgent.’’
‘’You had better get going This is 11 O'Clock already,’’ Victoria said looking at her wristwatch.
‘’You know we need the money and we can't afford to do anything that will make you lose that
Job.’’ Victoria reminded him
‘’I know Sis, just take care of yourself and take good care of Esther— we will continue our
discussion when I return.’’ He said with an open grin as he hurried to his room.
I smiled and could feel myself blushing, in a moment I imagined myself as his girlfriend and
wondered how it would feel, Nate is so caring and…
‘’You still haven't gotten over your likeness for Nate.’’ She snapped her fingers, jerking me back
to reality.
‘’Oh! Victoria, Nate is a handsome and caring man, it's normal to like him. If he was not your
brother, I am sure you would have been dating him by now.’’ I chuckled.
‘’Dating who? Nate! Phew! He is not my type.’’
‘’Of course, he can't be your type, he is your brother.’’ We both laughed.
‘’What are you girls talking about? You know I'm a girl too and I can be included in your
conversation.’’ Victoria's mum said, smiling, as she walked into the living room with a glass of
juice in her hand.
‘’Mummy you are old,’’ Victoria said, rolling her eyes.
‘’Esther, do you agree with her?’’
‘’Of course not, you are the youngest…’’
Before I completed my statement, I noticed Sarah clutching her abdomen.
‘’Are you alright?'’ I asked in fear.
‘’I'm fine, it's just that, my vision is blurry and it is… it's like the room is spinning…’’
In that instance, Sarah ‘Victoria's Mum’ stumbled backward, and knocked over a chair before
collapsing to the ground with a loud thud.
‘’Mom? Mom! Andrew! Nate! Victoria began shouting as panic surged through her.
Nate ‘already dressed up for his outing’ rushed down the stairs only to see his mother lying
unconscious on the floor, Andrew also rushed out of his room and was shocked to see the sight
of his unconscious mother.
‘’What happened?’’ Nate asked looking at me and Victoria.
‘’She just fell.’’ I answered him.
He brought out his phone and dialed 911, within minutes the paramedics arrived, their faces
calm and reassuring as they assessed her condition and placed her on the stretcher.
We all offered to go with Sarah but we were told that only two family members could go in the
bus with them, so Nate and Victoria went with the paramedics to the hospital asking Andrew
and I to join them as soon as we can.
At the hospital, the emergency room was filled with activities, the smell of antiseptic filled the air,
Doctors and nurses were moving around performing tests and scans to determine the reason
for Sarah's Collapse.
We were now all waiting at the hospital nervously for the news, Victoria was crying while I was
petting her, Andrew was pacing around and Nate's leg was bouncing nervously as he awaited
the Doctor's arrival with the News.
After what felt like an eternity, a Doctor approached us, his expression stern but compassionate.
‘’Nate, I need to talk to you about your mother's condition.’’
‘’Talk to all of us, will she make it or not?.’’ Victoria pleaded with the Doctor.
‘’The tests and scans have revealed a mass on her adrenal gland and we believe she has
adrenal cortical carcinoma, a rare but aggressive form of cancer.’’
The words hit Nate like a moving vehicle and he whispered ‘’Cancer?’’ his voice trembling, ‘’Is
she going to be okay?’’
‘’Will my mother make it? Andrew asked.
‘’Doctor please don't lie to us,’’ Victoria said with her voice shaking.
‘’We will do everything we can, but your mother needs more tests and a treatment plan, since
we have caught it early you need not worry. We will fight it together.’’
The Doctor placed a reassuring hand on Victoria.
Nate nodded and tears welled up in his eyes as he knew further tests and treatment plans
meant they had to start planning on how to get money — a lot of money at that.