What came next was therefore inevitable. She went first, ripping his shirt open, reaffirming her desire to play as she sent buttons flying to the floor. He pulled her out of her chair and spun her around. His hands went up her dress, expertly drawing her panties down her thighs.
He'd gotten them down to her knees when she turned around and threw him down into her chair. Lust mixed with the hate in his eyes as he watched the panties drop down to her ankles. She stepped out of them and kicked them over to his feet.
He brought his pants down to his ankles, but stayed seated. His eyes met hers, inviting her back to him. A little flicker of hesitance twinkled in her too dark eyes. Aaron smirked. That little spark was his favorite part. Unlike with most women he bedded, it was gone just as quickly as it came.
When next he knew it, she was on top of him, straddling him. It happened all at once then. She stuck her tongue in his mouth. While he was still processing this new development, he felt himself slip into her. Once, twice, so many times he felt the weight of her lift and drop right back into his lap. Steadying himself, reminding himself of where they were, he grabbed onto her ass. Clawed his way to wrapping his arms around her waist.
Her turn to be startled as he ripped through the v-neck of her dress and pulled it down to her waist. In the moment it took her to respond, he took hold of her. She recovered quickly, ice cold eyes boring into his as he brought her body down onto his. Switched tactics. Raised his hips, making their bodies crash into each other's midair.
He wanted so badly to see her flinch again, bring the spark back, see her eyes light up. So badly did he want to break this one, hear her screams, that he didn't realize when he himself let out a moan. When she took over again. When her hands had started pulling at his hair. When he succumbed to her.
It didn't last, of course. If there was one thing Aaron could always do, it was make them scream. Make their eyes light up. He picked her up and laid her out on the table before them, bumping the champagne bottle and the glasses off the table in the process.
"Pardon the intrusion, Your Highness," the waiter said nervously from the other side of the partition, having returned at the sound of breaking glass.
"Fuck off!" Aaron cursed impatiently.
Keira laughed a little, a killer smile left behind when it died down. True to her noble upbringing, Keira didn't do shit like this. As he stood towering over her spread legs, ready to keep pleasuring her despite the murmurs and whispers that came from the other side, she had no idea why that was.
Her eyes didn't warm to his touch as he slammed back into her, holding her in place as he did. Light, almost inaudible breaths were all that came out of her. She didn't moan his name or give him any of the usual gratifications women gave him for his efforts. Aaron couldn't keep his eyes off her though, because she did give him one thing. It was evident from the delirious look of satisfaction on her face, from the way her body pushed back up against his, that she enjoyed every second of watching him try to get her to cave.
Sheer willpower pushed him to the extremes that he went through for the next hour. He wasn't in love with her, didn't even like her, but as expected he couldn't get enough. The less her face gave away, the more he sought to change that.
"I'm not a complete asshole," he said, pulling his jacket over her shoulders when it was over.
They both looked down to the tear he'd made in her dress. She laughed.
"It's just a little tear, Ronnie. Barely even there," she mused, moving to return his jacket.
Instead of accepting it, he took her arms and slipped them into the sleeves. If a different woman was wearing that dress, it might have been imperceptible. There was, however, nothing average about her.
"Don't flatter yourself. I'm just doing damage control. They can't write about it if they can't prove it," he said, buttoning her up before fixing his hair and putting his cufflinks back on.