Aaron Condor finds himself at a crossroads when his assassin ex saves him from her twin, only to kidnap him and force hi...
Allies and enemies pt 1
2020, August 23rd
(Imperium, Warlanda)
Two days after her mother’s death the sharks were already circling.
Not to go against Keira. Rather to poke holes in the way she did things in the wake of Madz's death in the hopes of someone else doing the challenging for them.
Madz's death had created a void, caused unrest, even stirred rumours of war. The entitled imbeciles were getting themselves riled up. Not because they lamented the loss of her mother. As they stood rubbing shoulders in her drawing room, lords and ladies whispered their concerns that they might be next. Keira had better things to do than pacify these idiots.
Like finding Kate to discover the depth of her involvement in the matter. Was it just a coincidence that the murder happened while she was attempting her stupid, little coup?
“Our condolences for Madz to The House of Dormer,” said Troy, stepping forward to offer Keira his hand.
Nathan took his hand in her stead.
“Thank you, Your Majesty,” said Nathan, giving King Troy’s hand a firm shake.
Keira swirled the Rum in her glass round and round. She wasn't much different to them. After all, Madz's death didn't make her sad. At least not for her. Keira stood in the center of the room, a long line behind Troy and Aria, all eyes on her. The new Archduchess of Imperium/Queen of Assassins. Keira was more pissed off at the old lady for getting shot than anything else.
She’d finally gotten out, really out this time. Mommy dearest wasn’t happy about it, but there were few people dumb enough to come after Keira on purpose. So what could Madz do about it but die? It was finally okay to play, have fun, and be happy. Not anymore. Not with all this shit going on around her.
Aaron wouldn’t survive in Imperium. He couldn’t exist here. Why had she brought him back to Warlanda at all? There were millions of other places they could have gone to to continue the party.
Leaving had been hard. The things she had to say to him to be here today, living this life again. Keira never wanted that for him. She wouldn’t allow him to stay with her though, even if he could somehow get past her being Queen of Assassins. She wouldn't lose another one to Warlanda's politics. There was nothing else to do. She had to send him home.
“Why do you keep accepting these condolences like you give a shit whether she lived or died? She sure as shit didn’t care about us that way. We were tools, weapons to be deployed, not her fucking family,” said Keira.
Yes, Keira’s heart was breaking, but not for Madeline Dormer. Keira made peace with losing her mother a long time ago. It was the promise of Aaron Condor that she couldn’t quite let go of. The man her mother took from her from beyond the grave. She had had just about enough of everyone and their damn condolences.
“Just playing the part. Someone has to and it certainly isn’t about to be you while you’re still sulking about me sending your boyfriend home,” Nathan shrugged, raising his glass at her.
Nathan and Keira exchanged heated glares at his allusion to Aaron.
“Loss is loss Keira,” said Queen Aria, putting her arms around an indifferent Keira.
It was true that Keira had been by their side during some of the most difficult days of their existence. King Troy Pierce and Queen Aria Pierce came to Imperium to return the favor.
“Outside, five minutes. Bring a girl a drink Troy,” said Keira, discreetly exiting the room, warning Nathan not to follow with her eyes.
Troy did as he was told, showing up next to Keira exactly five minutes later with two glasses of Rum in hand.
“I always wanted to be on the other side of this question. Why are you here Troy? What do you want? Are you going to put a bullet in me because I put one in Dean? You’d be doing me a favor,” said Keira, taking the Rum he offered her.
“You did what you had to do, like you always do. I don’t blame you for putting a bullet in Dean. You protected my family and for that, you’ll always have me on your side. Besides, I’m not about to let Imperium’s new archduchess go out like the last one did. Warlanda still has a long way to go as far as setting things right with the rest of the world goes and I can’t do it without Warlanda’s city of power, without you Keira.”
“Ever the flatterer, Your Majesty. What about Diane and the bullet I put in her?”
Heavy is the head that sits at the head of her table. Keira was not doing as well as she might like people to believe. Madz’s death was messing with her head. Who knew better than Troy about how complicated it was when you lost someone you had a love/hate relationship with? Troy didn’t come to Imperium as a king. He came to protect his friend.
“You and I both know that wasn’t your fault, Keira. You and I are allies for life, whether you like it or not. I can’t promise not to put a bullet in Kate if I should get the chance, but I am forever in your debt and will stand with you like you stood with me.”
She looked up at him and he gave her a nod. Keira smiled her killer smile. Only Troy Pierce could somehow make her find a silver lining in the misery that was this day.
“Fair enough,” she said, giving him a nod back.
“What’s the play? Any suspects?”
“Only the entire table. It could literally be anyone.”
“Including Nathan and Kate, I hope.”
Troy knew he was overstepping, felt her killer eyes on him as he said the words. Dormers were off limits to everyone except other Dormers. That was a House of Assassins rule. She’d already let the Kate comment slide, but Nathan was something else. As the youngest of them, Nathan was both Kate and Keira's little pet. To go after him is to sign your own death certificate.
“Don’t you worry about my siblings. If either of them are involved, I’ll handle it personally.”