Morning came and deep down I prayed that we could stay like this forever because her sleep face is one of those face I don’t want to forget. She started wiggling in my arms ‘I think she’s about to wake up’ said my wolf ‘though her moving that much is t….’ I cut him off I know what he wants to say though he is right I am getting hard because she is busy brushing her ass next to my cock. “Don’t move” I said in my hoarse voice but it’s like she barely heard what I said I spoke again “Stop moving you won’t bare what I’ll do next” I spoke again trying to not sound seductive, she stopped and open her eyes wide.
I’m sure she can feel what’s going on under the blankets cause it’s poking her… “I’m sorry I’m really sorry alpha” she said while wiggling again.
‘fool is she doing this on purpose because I can’t hold on the urge of fucking her merciless in this hotel and hearing her screaming my name out of pleasure’ I spoke in my heard “Sweet mate if you could just stop doing that it will go down but the more you move you are making the situation worse” as if she understood she stopped moving until she couldn’t feel the poke.
“I’m sorry again I won’t do it again I promise” she said showing regret which annoyed me but I held my annoyance in. “Worry not love when the time is right you can wiggle all you want and I’ll poke you all day everyday” I said staring at her
She blushed and rushed out of the bed straight to the bathroom and locked it, I chuckled look at her acting all innocent yeah she understood what I meant.
My phone rang on the lamb stand, damn its Shaun. I hesitated for a second but answered.
“Yes Shaun, there better be a good reason for your morning call”.
“Indeed Alpha, we are needed back home there is an attack of rogues and it has been getting worse lately”
“An attack?”
“Luckily no one was hurt they only steal food, the one we’ve stored for winter”.
“inside job?”
“I believe so which is why we need to leave before sunset so that before dawn we will be entering our pack”.
“Very well, inform my mate’s mother and tell her we are leaving and she’s coming along”.
“Why is that?”
“In order for me to have my mate follow me is to take her mother too and besides I can’t leave her here in this stupid abusive pack to suffer I’ll be a terrible mate so do so we will meet you at the lobby with the mother”
“Very well alpha”
Just like that the call was ended. Why was my pack attacked while I have a strong third in command unless he is getting lazy to do his job?
Nina’s POV
‘After my daughter found her mate I was super excited when I found out and I am still happy for my daughter I fear that she will leave and it will take time for me to see her as long as she’s happy I will too. Now will be the perfect time for me to leave this pack too and wonder around to a safest place’ I thought to myself.
As I prepared my breakfast I knock was heard on the door, I panicked thinking that it might be that abusive damn alpha. I stood up slowly and went to open the door.
“Morning ma’am, apologies for disturbing you this early” spoke Shaun.
“No problem child, now who are you and why are you in my house this morning?” I asked looking nervous trying by all means to make myself look strong.
“Apologies, I am beta Shaun of the Blue Moon Park” he said.
“Blue moon pack?” I asked so confused “Why are you here?”
“I’m here because of Lola Blade jones” he spoke.
“Lola… my baby is she okay, what have you done to her pervert?” I asked crying, holding his clothes funny thing was that he was in a suit.
“Ma’am please, Lola is with her mate alpha Kyle I’m alpha Kyle’s beta” he said.
“Ohh sorry but again why are you here?” I asked opening the door for him to enter. We went straight to the dining room, I dished him some brown porridge.
“Sorry Shaun I don’t have much in my house so please have what I am having” I said while handing over the bowl. He accepted the bowl with the bow.
“Thank you Mrs Blade jones” he said.
“Now to explain why I am here because we don’t have enough time, Alpha Kyle has decided that you have to travel with us including Lola, Alpha Kyle, you and me to the Blue Moon Park to accommodate Lola for she won’t travel without you, if you are worried about a place to live worry not everything will be provided for you.” He said without taking a break then ate his porridge
“Why should I, her mate is there to accommodate my daughter so why am I going there?”
“Ma’am it is very important that you go with us because Lo…” I cut him off,
“what time are we living so that I can pack my belongings?” I spoke,
“In an hour so long you can pack and I’ll wait for you while eating this delicious brown porridge” he said with a smile.
“It is delicious, its Lola’s favourite breakfast but she shouldn’t eat it every day for it makes her gassy” we both laughed, we ate and I went upstairs to pack my belongings.
After thirty minutes I went down stairs with 4 suit cases and 2 bag packs including Lola’s belongings.
“I am done son; Lola’s clothes are here too so off we go” I spoke.
Just like that I left my crappy place that I lived in for years with my daughter. ‘Peter my love I tried and I am happy that our daughter has found her mate for she will be happy I believe I promise that if anything goes wrong I’ll protect her and die for so that she is safe, I love you Peter’ I thought to myself looking at the scenery in the window with one tear rolling down my chick “She will be fine peter” I whispered.
Shaun's POV
I arrived at Lola's house where she lived hoping that her mother will not skin me alive. I knocked with so much courage besides I am a strong warrior I can't just mess this up because the alpha will kill me cause without her mother she will not enter that plane no matter what so I asked that goddess to make things easy for me and it worked once I entered the house which was very tiny but liveable the lady agreed at first she was hesitant but ended up agreeing. which worked out for me thank the goddess.
I waited for her mother to pack while I ate the brown porridge which was Lola's favourite, after eating her mother appeared with suit cases and bag packs I happily assisted with bags and we left for the hotel I could hear whispers in the back but didn't want to interfere so I kept quiet and droved until we reached the hotel in an hour and thirty minutes.
Lola's POV
after I ran to the bathroom I waited there for some time because for someone who has never been intimate before it is embarrassing making a stranger whom is my mate hard and as for I am still accepting the fact that he is my mate.
I decided to take a shower probably after the warm shower I'll be better and won't be embarrassed anymore I need to find a way to not be embarrassed when I'm with him. After the morning routine I wrapped my body with a towel because I don't have any clean clothes and I can't wear my uniform so I left the bathroom with a towel around my body and walked out slowly
"Um...Alpha Kyle... uh... is it possible that we make a stop to my house for clean clothes because I don't have any apart from my school uniform so please" I asked but got no reply "Kyle are you listening to me and why are you looking at me like that?" I asked again and still got no reply.
"Forget it" I said while walking back to the bathroom while carrying my back pack that contains my uniform.
"Wait, I was and still am listening to you, why is your body wrapped with a towel?" he asked.
I looked at him confused what do you mean "I wrapped myself because I have nothing to wear so I would just wear my uniform, and save you time".
Before I turned he held my wrist and spoke “I am listening to you it’s just that I find it difficult to concentrate seeing you like this but it’s okay I have clothes for you”.
He turned and gave the clothes that were folded on the bed then said “next time don’t come out like that unless you are ready and can take what comes next” with that my cheeks turned red and I left without hesitation.
Kyle’s POV
After she left to take a shower, I made a few calls to prepare for our journey which they will be ready in an hour.
Later on while I was on my phone communicating with my third in command my mate came out of the bathroom truly speaking I was excited to see her again but I contained my excitement even though my wolf was too much and annoying I controlled myself.
She spoke about making a stop at her house to get clean clothes ‘I would love to see her in my clothes, and I bet she will be sexier’ I thought to myself
Then she spoke again asking if I’m listening and I kept quiet not saying a word I kept my head low staring at my phone not even paying attention to it I just kept on day dreaming about her and everything. ‘I know I sound weird but when you in love and find your soul mate it’s difficult not think about her and everything that will make her cuter’
When she was about to give I looked up and spoke “Wait, I was and still am listening to you, why is your body wrapped with a towel?"
He looked at me confused and answered me, I already know that my question was rhetorical but I still asked ‘stupid, stupid’ her answer was so simple that she ended up giving up. And I’ve already taken out clothes for her. While I was thinking I gave her the pervert look and I’m pretty sure I looked like one.
Before she could turn away from me I held her wrist and spoke “I am listening to you it’s just that I find it difficult to concentrate seeing you like this but it’s okay I have clothes for you” just like that I let go of her wrist to fetch the clothes “Next time don’t come out like that unless you are ready and can take what comes next” what happened next made me chuckle I made her blush without trying too hard before I spoke she ran to the bathroom and locked the door. I chuckled again and went to the bathroom door.
“Lola you need to hurry I need to talk to you about our travels” I said then went back to the bed. In five minutes she came out and sat next to me.
I looked up at her “You look lovely in my clothes”.
“I look like a man in your clothes” she said while checking out her outfit.
“Well no man will bother you and besides you are my man if that’s what you are worried about,” I said “okay listen Lola, today we are going home”.
“Home? I’m already home” she said,
“Love this isn’t my home but you are my home, the dark moon pack is your new home and we travel at Sunset we will make it there at dawn”.
“What about Nina? I can’t leave my mother behind Kyle she is my everything so I can’t leave Crusaders pack.” She said.
I looked at her is she serious “I can’t leave you behind, worry not mate your mother will be joining us on our travels in that you don’t have to worry about Nina is that okay?”
"..." Lola.
She didn’t say a word or even nod she just looked at me then climbed the bed and spoke “Can we at least have food I’m starving” I looked at her and nodded “What would you like to have?” I said.
She turned around and said “Anything” I nodded and called room service.