Kyle, the most powerful and feared Alpha in the realm of werewolves, has fought against countless battles and face count...
The Beginning
Once upon the time, life was super simple while one was attending high school, no long term problems because one knew that the family will bear all the problems for you as if they were magicians but growing up kind of felt like a ginormous slap in the face straight to reality and the slap left a big red mark. My name is Lola Blade jones the daughter of the late, stubborn Peter Blade Jones, I’m from the Crusaders Pack truly speaking we are not truly from this pack we are rogues and my father Peter Blade Jones got killed before I was born so my mother Nina Blade Jones got kicked off her pack because of my father’s disloyalty and being stubborn. Well from everything my mother told me I assumed that my dad got killed because he spoke too much and he was forever doubting the alpha’s word for no reason and judging from my talkativeness I believe I took my father’s side and my mother’s appearance.
I have long brown hair too bouncy which showed that I didn’t bother to trim my hair cause of financial issues that my mother and I are facing, I am 5 ft. 3 in height and I am what they call the weak little one of the pack and I am even used to being bullied by other pack members even the one I thought was my best friend but he changed once he heard the news of him soon becoming the alpha of the Crusaders Pack.
School day. The alarm ranged which showed that it was time for me to wake up and prepare myself for school, I woke up and prepared myself funny part is that in other household’s kids would look forward to waking up and smelling the refreshing smell of breakfast but what I smelled was the smell of brown porridge which is what we ate every day at my house. ‘OH you didn’t know we are poor and I work as a waitress at a diner to secure me and my mother and the restaurants are out of the pack’s territory they are placed in the human territory which was great especially since it needed transport to get from point A to B so I walk’.
As I descended the stairs I came across my mother who was in tears and tried her best to put herself together before I came in contact with her, as soon as I reached the last steps I went straight to her and engulfed her in a tight hug which she taught me that a tight hug kills all fears, anxiety and negativity and it calms you down so I did that to her and she sighed and finally spoke.
“Soon babe pie all shall be well all this suffering will end before you even you know it” she said “mother all in good time for now let’s appreciate what we already have and also each other, I’ll even ask Charlie’s mother to help us if she’s okay” I said.
Looking at my mother she only sighed and replied pulling away from my tight bear hug “Lola we can’t keep bothering Rose for food and money she also has her own daughter to feed and you are mine now worry not don’t ask for anything” she said outing a fake smile on her face.
Before I could reply a knock was heard on the door before I responded to the knocker the door opened and here appeared Charlie with plastic bags on her hand and behind her appeared Rose.
“Lola how are you dear, where is my best friend your mother?” she said I looked at her and point to the kitchen. I turned to my mother kissed her forehead and announced that we are now leaving for school me and Charlie, Rose gave me lunch money without asking. I thanked her and left the house.
“You okay, you look pale?” asked Charlie “did you even sleep?” she asked again.
Yeah I am okay I’m just a little worried about my mother you know plus our situation keeps getting worse but the tension goes down with you and your mother’s help” I said with tears threatening to leave my eyes.
She hugged me and we walked in silence for thirty minutes, we reached our destination which was the school. All classes were attended, and before I even got excited that my day will go well, well I lied to myself the “soon to be Alpha” approached and pushed me to the ground and spat on my direction “FILRTY ROGUE” he said kicking me in the stomach “I can’t believe I actually called you a friend, I guess I was blinded by friendship of lies” he said pushing me hard to the bin near the fountain tab he then laughed with his friends and walked away. I gathered all my shit and remembered that I have twenty minutes before school ends and I could just simply go to work and make extra cash so that I can buy something for me and Nina.
The bell rang and I ran out of the school yard straight to the bus stop trying by all means to avoid and run away from James the soon to be alpha because normally, well every day after school he would sit by the rock next to the school and beat the shit out of me for fun and try to impress his friends sometimes he would man handle me or try to have sex with me for the purpose of keeping my family here since the current king was planning to kick us out of the pack house these are jame’s words not mine.
Since that day I swore to never allow James to treat me like shit for Goddess sake I am a woman, sad thing is that he never cared even if I report him to his father.
I reached the diner which is called Greg’s Diner and started my shift immediately. While I was working my wolf felt very unsettle, sensing whatever she was sensing and believe me I tried to shake it off if I knew about the mate bond that much one was going to be excited but because I knew nothing and I wasn’t interested cause Nina barely talks about it I never bothered myself. I decided to take the menu for table 6 since every waitress was avoiding the few gentlemen over there wearing suits. I put on my naïve sweet girl smile on my face and left for table 6.
“Afternoon gentlemen my name is Lola and I will be serving you today, is there anything you would like to order” I said handing the four fine gentlemen the menu’s but one of the men looked at me as if he was staring deep into my soul which kind off freaked me out I mean who does that before I said something the other one quickly stared me and smacked my ass, which I tried to compose myself but I failed not realising that my boss was standing behind the counter. I do love my job but would never allow one to man handle me like James did to me.
I quickly acted on my feet and grabbed the weird man who smacked my ass with his tie and spat straight to him with anger showing through my voice “listen here old fool just because you are in a suit doesn’t mean you have a right to belittle me and never ever in your life dare to even touch me you hear your old pitiful fat fool now is there anything you would like to order” I said feeling offended and nervous at the same time. I was on the verge of crying but I held my tears back, I should be dead by now because the man I just spat too is an alpha and I just signed my death wish.
The old man in a suit just laughed and looked at me in the eyes “oh doll don’t you ever speak to me like that you hear, the little job you have will be the last you get and you should be on the menu I love feisty girls” he said while trying to look seductive and I’m pretty sure he was mocking because I’m poor. The tall strange man looked at me as if he was amused by my actions of standing up for myself or me making a fool out of myself plus all the men in this table reeked of power apart of the one who kept on looking at me he was different the power surrounding him was too strong one of the high rank Beta or alpha. I mean all were alphas just could get the couldn’t get the creepy one who kept on looking at me.
He looked at me still not saying a word and I looked at him confused before I could say a word my employer rushed down to table 6 and spoke to the four fine gentlemen “kindly excuse my waitress I’ll finds you another” Mr Gregory said “LOLA follow me and leave all these fine gentlemen alone” he then pulled me by my wrist roughly, his authority figure voice of annoyance didn’t go unnoticed by everyone on the table.
The man who stares a lot, Okay, I’m just going to called him dude because I don’t know his name and he is quite scary and I don’t want to be on his bad side he looks like he will crush me within a second.
The scary dude finally spoke,” kind Sir you will let her serve us just like she said and besides all your stuff is terrified of us so how will they serve us if they fear us, they took more than thirty minutes to attend us so Allow LOLA to serve us just like she promised” just like that he spoke in his deep commanding voice without hesitation I know who he is, an Alpha. I then bowed and looked at the little booklet I had in my left arm while Mr Gregory let go of my wrist. I then forced a smile and looked at them in the eyes and finally spoke “Kind gentlemen what can I get for you?” I said with the smile I forced after being man handled by a fool with no morals.
They all looked at me in the eyes and ordered whatever they wanted and delivered what they ordered luckily not dropping the tray cause I’m known as the clumpiest person ever. I went back to the counter and I can assure you that the stinky eye I got from Mr Gregory didn’t go unnoticed by the scary dude or anyone for that matter. Cause if they could burn a hole in a wall they could have killed me a minute I protected myself.
After an entire hour of watering the entire place it was almost eight thirty and the place closes at eight o clock but because they all wearing suits and all the stuff have left and I was the only stuff member left with Mr Gregory, I got called by the pervert dude who said I should be on the menu I left the counter and went to their table only to take another order, my eyes were already trying to fail me but I kept on holding on by this time I should be in bed cuddling my pillow but no I’m busy assisting these suit jerks as if he knew what I was thinking the scary dude said “The bill please”.
With a smile “of course” I left to fetch the bill while I was busy on the counter gathering and calculating their cost the scary dude approached me “Mate” is what he said.
“Excuse me?” I said, he barely smiled and looked sternly with his expressionless face. “I’m almost done with the bill sir please I’ll bring it to the table” I said not looking at him. “Mate” was all he said again.
“You have to be kidding me, there is no way I am your mate plus I’m human” I said trying to match his look but he just scoffed “sweetheart you don’t have to lie to me, we both know that you are a werewolf and I love your scent” he said. “sorry sir here is your bill and stop scaring me” I said while handing him the bill and leaving the counter to go to Mr Gregory office to inform him that I was leaving and I’ll be taking a day off tomorrow due to examinations luckily he agreed.
“Before I forget, I’ve given the gentlemen in suits their bill which they will be settling to you cause my shift has ended thirty minutes ago” I said with a stern face showing no regret and no fear to it “very well Lola, travel safely” he said without looking at me. I take Mr Gregory as a father of mine but after what happened I believe he chose money over me which hurts my feelings but instead of speaking I nodded and left immediately.
After leaving my boss’s office I went to the locker room which wasn’t far from the counter after gathering my things which were not that much it was just my bag pack and uniform and my phone. I couldn’t stop thinking about what the scary dude said to me and at the same time I kept peeking at the door way checking if he has left but he was still there waiting I’m pretty sure was waiting for me to keep telling me the nonsense he whispered, if he truly is my mate then why aren’t I feeling the mate bond I’ll just ask Nina when I get home.
I left the locker room and he looked directly to me before he could utter a word I spoke “Goodbye kind sir it was a pleasure seeing you at the GREG’S DINER today” I said before I left. In my head I’m thinking about an hour of walking home and its dark, there are no buses. It was going to bed easy if James picked me up but just can’t deal with that perv, for a ride home I’m sure afterwards I’ll be riding him so pass I’ll walk home.
After entering the diner which was what my allies chose they kept on saying they serve the best food there, I was taken by the most refreshing scents ever couldn’t tell if it was the food or not, as soon as we were given a table, the problem is that the scent wasn’t that strong but it was toxicating that it drove my wolf crazy, I kept looking around as if I was not familiar with the diner and I was just looking for the toxicating scent that drove me insane. Insane that I mind linked my beta to be on a look-out of his Luna which I’ll give more information as soon as I find her, the only reply I got was a laugh then he agreed.
Alpha James finally spoke breaking the ice “alpha Kyle are you okay you look so alert?” he asked I turned to him but alpha Xander spoke “I know that look alpha Kyle, who is she?” he asked.
“I have no idea what you are talking about please let us start with what we have come here for, shall we?” I said and finally we started with pack business but the scent made it very hard for me to concentrate and hard to locate the owner and what angers me the most is that no one is attending us for like an entire thirty minutes what kind of a diner is this, this place should shut down.
Alpha Andrew the former alpha of the Crusaders pack was also in the meeting. “Andrew the diner in your territory Ain’t doing that much we’ve been here for like thirty minutes and no one attended us what the hell?” Alpha Xander said, I could sense the tension between Xander and Andrew and trying to be involved would be interfering and having these two idiots launching at me. So all we did was look at them argue like sixteen year olds.
Until a young fine lady came to us, I couldn’t stop staring at her she had long brown hair, green beautiful eyes, and she was about 5ft3 in height but skinny as if she wasn’t fed enough but she was the most beautiful creature I have ever seen in my life and she is my mate. ‘This is it, it’s her the refreshing scent of gardenia, jasmine I love it’ Ben said howling with joy.
She put on her naïve sweet girl smile on her face and headed straight to the table I was sited. “Afternoon gentlemen my name is Lola and I will be serving you today, is there anything you would like to order” she spoke, her sweet angelic voice rang in my head driving my wolf crazy.
She said while handing us the menu’s but I did the creepiest thing ever by staring at her right in her beautiful naïve soul. One of my allies smacked Lola’s ass, which I tried not to react and fight him and I didn’t. I froze for the first time someone touched my mate and I didn’t act. Ben howled and roared in my head but still didn’t allow me to stand. My chest was boiling and believe me I believe me I felt something rumbling in my chest.
She quickly acted on her feet and grabbed the weirdo who smacked her ass with his tie and spat straight to him with anger showing through her voice “listen here old fool just because you are in a suit doesn’t mean you have a right to belittle me and never ever in your life dare to even touch me you hear your old pitiful fat fool now is there anything you would like to order” she said feeling offended and nervous at the same time. And seeing her like that broke my heart I mean I love the beautiful flower of mine she is indeed my mate and I’m proud that she stood up for herself. The scent though is addictive.
The old man in a suit just laughed and looked at her in the eyes “oh doll don’t you ever speak to me like that you hear, the little job you have will be the last you get and you should be on the menu I love feisty girls” he said. The fool looked at her as if he was amused by how she acted at the same time my wolf was screaming kill him so viciously how wolves can get once they are pissed off.
The situation escalated quickly and I wanted to jump in so bad luckily the manager jumped in before I could because I would have killed that son of the bitch worse part is he is the one in need of my help from my park. What pissed me the most is that the manager wanted to remove Lola from our table to serve other not us due to the situation but I acted quickly to prevent that from happening. There is no way that she is serving others and not me, not in my present.
After an entire hour of being in this diner, it was almost 8h30 and the place closes at 8h00 from what I heard, I was surprised we weren’t kicked out properly it was because we were sitting with the owner of this diner. We asked for the bill please
With a smile “of course” she said and left to fetch the bill while she was busy on the counter gathering and calculating our cost I approached her and whispered “Mate” I know she heard me but she decided to play dumb with me but that’s okay playing hard to get I see “Mate” I said again.
“Excuse me?” she said, I barely smiled and I looked straight into her soul cause I can feel the connection the bond.
“You have to be kidding me, there is no way I am your mate plus I’m human” she said
“Sweetheart you don’t have to lie to me, we both know that you are a werewolf and I love your scent I know that was too much I mean why not act now I believe I won’t have regrets” I said. “Sorry sir here is your bill and stop scaring me” she said while handing me the bill and leaving the counter to go to the manager’s office.
Before I could handle the bill she left and went down the passage which I’m assuming it is the locker room and I kept seeing her peeking at me which I find very amusing because I’ve have never been attracted by a she-wolf like this besides she is my mate. It felt like we were playing hide and seek, it felt like we were Nick and Gina from Big Mouth but without the sex and boob part.
She came out and before I could utter a word she said “Goodbye kind sir it was a pleasure seeing you at the GREG’S DINER today”.
Just like that she left and I couldn’t do anything to stop her so I handled the bill with the manager and went to the three alphas sitting by the table and bid my goodbye without hesitation they didn’t fight or argue with me which I’m assuming that they already know why I’m acting weird. Xander knew and bet he will be calling me to ensure I got my mate or not.
I left the diner and mind linked my Beta Shaun and informed him about some maiden whom I want him to follow and gather information about her.
“Shaun made no mistake,she is my mate your Luna”.
“Very well alpha” he said.