Monday came round way too soon for my liking, I spent most of the weekend daydreaming about Levi and wishing I was living with him instead of being at home trying to take care of my mother and my sister, Taylor.
The college classes start in thirty minutes, I’m out front with Dylan. “You done your assignment?” he asks me, his brows furrowed.
“Yeah, got it done, I think I’ll get a good grade. You?”
“Same, it wasn’t a walk in the park though. Hey, wait I’ll catch up with you later, I spot Lacey I want to go talk with her.” Do I think it’s weird that my ex has a thing for my bestie? No, not really of course not, I mean I have the hots for his dad and then some. I swear, however, if Dylan found out, he’d probably not stay friends with me.
I spot Tillie and Mylee two of my other close friends coming towards me, today they’re sporting skinny jeans and matching sweaters, cute. They often dress alike, don’t ask me why but it’s their thing and their clothes sure are cute. Their folks have money, not like billionaire or millionaire type money but you know both their folks work and have real jobs, unlike my mother.
“Hi,” Mylee says swinging her high, blonde ponytail.
“Did you have color put in your hair?” I ask her noticing some strands of caramel and honey. “It looks pretty.”
“Yes, I had them done on Saturday. I think it looks warmer, right?”
“Oh, for sure. What about you Tillie are you going to do the same?” Tillie isn’t a natural blonde like Mylee but has died her auburn hair, so they are the same shade.
“My mom says she’d prefer if it I didn’t but I have a girl coming over to the house when mom and dad go to the theatre tonight. She’s going to do it then.”
“Cool. Ready for Mrs Brewster?” I ask them, we all know our business lecturer is brutal - she fires questions off randomly, asks some challenging questions and always gives us a pile of reading and assignments to get through. I knew college wouldn’t be easy but this year, our third year here is a tough one. Still, only one year to go and then I’ll be free.
Dylan comes to us with Lacey, their hands almost touching, she looks kinda shy. I guess she feels a bit uncomfortable still being my bestie in the whole wide world, even though I have reassured her multiple times not to worry about it.
Sure, Dylan and I had a thing for a few years, but we just realized that it wasn’t mean to be. There were no real sparks flying or connection, not like in the movies or in books. According to my little sister who thinks she knows everything, that’s because it doesn’t happen in real life. Of course, my folks being separated and all, means she has a low opinion on any kind of relationship. I on the other hand, don’t. I want to be in a relationship with a guy one day, and of course I want it to be Levi only he’s older than me and only sees me as Dylan’s ex girlfriend.
Trust me, I am working on changing his mind about that. I know he frequents Mick’s bar on a Tuesday night, and I have every intention of being there tomorrow evening. On my own, not Dylan to catch me trying to work my female ways on his daddy.
“Hey, talking to you.” He nudges me.
“Huh, what did you say?”
“We gotta go in otherwise Brewster will blow a gasket, you know how she is when anyone is late.”
Don’t we just, she tried to ban a kid from her class once because they were late, I mean how conceited and arrogant is that? She’s one of those women in her forties, no kids, no husband and I bet no boyfriend. She wears those flat lace up shoes, skirts to her mid-calf and looks like a woman thirty years older than she actually is.
I hear his deep voice before I even turn around, causing my whole body to zing and a warmth to creep up from my core. “Dylan, Son you forgot your folder.” Dylan turns to see his father coming through the college iron gates.
“Shit, thanks Dad. I hope I didn’t put you out. I need that for my first class, it’s got my assignment in it.”
“Oh, hey Levi.” I say, so not cool, I sound like a forlorn groupie or something. He smiles at me showcasing his brilliant white, perfect teeth.
“Hi, Harper,” then turning to Dylan he hands the green folder. “Saw it on the island as I was picking my keys up. You gotta be more focused, Son.” As he glances from Dylan to Lacey, yeah, I’m guessing Dylan had his mind on other things too.
Lacey blushes and let’s go of Dylan’s hand and smiles tentatively at Levi. I could watch Levi forever, the way his shoulders look even broader in his motorcycle jacket, and those thighs of his in his super-tight denims. He’s making me all swoony, his eyes flicker briefly over me and I am pretty damn sure I saw something just pass over them. He coughs, “right, I gotta shoot, stuff to do. Busy day. Have a great day kids.” He’s gone in a shot back through the gates.
Kids? Did he just call us kids? Fuck, that’s all he sees me as is some kid. I need to change that. Tomorrow night, I’ll show him just how much of a woman I really am.
We make our way inside the large doors leading to the main reception area and take a right down the first corridor that leads to Brewster’s class. Lacey slides up beside me. “You sure you’re okay with Dylan and I seeing each other, only I still feel weird about it?”
“Hey, don’t be daft. Stop already. I like that he’s dating you, if there was anyone I’d want him to see, it would be you I’d choose for him. You both love the same music, bands, movies and you’re both dopey and weird.”
“I’m not weird,” she smiles a goofy grin and pushes her tortoiseshell glasses up her cute, button nose.
“Sure you are, you are a book geek and live in the library most of the time.”
“So do you, that makes you weird too.”
“Yeah, maybe, but who gives a fuck. Did you finish your assignment?”
“Just about. I kinda got distracted with Dylan over some of the weekend, but you guys studied together the other night, right?”
“Yes, I had to get out from the house, mom was out of it again and Taylor had her own shit to do. Sometimes I just need to be out of there, you know what I mean?” I am white lying, we all know the reason I was over at Dylan’s. I would literally do anything if it mean I got to see his daddy.
Lacey links arms with me. “I don’t but I get it. I don’t know how you cope with looking after your mom and your kid sister, honestly, Harper you are amazing. You’re going to pass your courses with high grades and go on and get that job you’ve always wanted and get out of town and live in the big city. Those dreams of yours will come true.”
“Maybe, who knows.” Only, the only dream I have right now is to be underneath Dylan’s daddy, fuck I want Levi so badly it makes me ache, it’s like an itch you wanna scratch but you just can’t get to it. And I’m desperate to tell Lacey but I know I can’t. This has to be my secret.
“Hush down everyone, take your seats and open your books at page one-hundred and eleven. We’re talking about the elasticity of demand today, on a higher level and deep diving into some data. I want your assignments left on my desk as you leave. I’ll be grading tonight so when you all return on Wednesday you’ll know if you have to do another assignment.” God, I can’t stand this woman, she is my least favorite tutor, what someone needs to do is buy her a fucking dildo and show her how to use it.
She drones on and on as I only half listen, I could pass this with my eyes closed. Dylan nudges me from the side, I give him a smile and roll my eyes. He chuckles. Then I allow myself to go into my dream land fantasizing about Levi and his tongue in my mouth. I wonder how he’d taste, maybe of beer, coffee or something sweet. I bet his tongue sure would know how to work my clit and make me feel soooo good.