“What’s got you this morning?” Daryl asks me as he lays on the floor by a Harley and assesses what needs doing. He’s a lanky guy with carrot red hair, we grew up together and when he needed a job having been laid off by the big bike dealer here in town I gave him a job. He’s been a good worker for me for the last few years.
“Nothing, just stuff on my mind.” I tell him as I head over to the kettle on the workbench at the back of this unit. I’ve got several units here in town and in the next town too. My business does well as a repair shop for motorbikes of all description you name it we can fix it, my favorite is when I get a vintage classic come through the doors. We also tinker around fixing some old rust buckets up and sell them on. That’s where the real money is.
“You could have fooled me boss, you’re stomping around like a bear with a sore head. Don’t tell me there’s a woman involved.” He chuckles, I snort.
“A woman, behave Daryl since when do I date women? You know I’ve not dated a woman since,” I stumble just saying my late wife’s name kinda chokes me up.
“I know,” he saves me. “But actually, you know maybe it’s about time you did. You gotta get out there sometime. Lilly wouldn’t have wanted you to be moping around forever and it’s been a time.” Hell has it been. Two years, five months and four days. Every day is a killer, I see her everywhere she’s still all in the house. I’ve never redecorated, her clothes mostly still hang in her wardrobe, I haven’t had the heart to send them to the thrift store or donate any yet. Her playlists are still on my mobile, her corny romance movies are still on the Netflix Watchlist, hell I haven’t done anything. I can’t face losing anymore of Lilly. My heart clenches like someone’s gotta hold of it.
“I’ll have a coffee if you’re making one, Boss.”
“Sure, no problem. As for the dating thing, you know, it just doesn’t seem right is all.”
“I get that.” Only he doesn’t as his wife, Billie is still alive and kicking and with a baby in her belly, their second child is firmly on its way. I kick a bit of pipe rubber away from my foot and busy myself with fixing us some nice strong coffee.
The real reason I’m in such a bad mood is Harper. I just can’t get that long-legged girl off my mind, and I know I ought to. She’s way too young for me, she’s Dylan’s ex-girlfriend for fuck’s sake. I’ve got no business whatsoever thinking about Harper the way I did last night when I took my raging hard-on in my hand and fucked my hand thinking of her. Not only is it wrong, but it made me feel guilty as sin. Guilty towards me wife that passed away, guilty for being thirty-eight and fantasizing over a young girl of twenty and her fantastic, hot body. Imagining how she’d feel under neath me, her legs twined around my torso as I move my cock in and out of her no doubt, tight, wet pussy. I groan.
“What’s that, Boss?” Daryl asks looking up from the bike.
“Ah, nothing just ignore me. I’ll drink this and take my bike out for a spin. It usually does the trick. Maybe I slept on the wrong side of the bed or something.” There’s no way I can tell him my dirty secret about having the hots for young Harper and God what would she even think if she knew some horny man was lusting after her incredible body? She’d probably call me some old pervert. And boy do I feel old today, having worked my hand on my cock last night, showered and laid back on the bed, sleep eluded me. All I did was toss and turn for most of the night, my mind wandering between Harper, guilt of fucking my hand and memories of my beautiful Lilly, the way the sun would shine and make her golden hair look like spun gold, the freckles on the bridge of her nose, the way she’d call me Poppa Bear and how she loved our son, Dylan. It’s enough to make a grown man weep, which of course I did.
Yeah, I’m not too masculine or manly to admit I cry over losing Lilly. It hurts every day; they tell me that one day it’ll be easier and that time heals. Well, let me tell you something, I’m still waiting for that to happen. The way I see it, ain’t never gonna happen least ways, not anytime soon.
I hand Daryl his coffee, he thanks me, and I go drink mine in my office. I’ve got a whole load of expense receipts to load up to the system and send off to my accountant. Usually my assistant Lou-Rae helps me out, but she’s got a few days off for a family wedding. And boy do I miss her, she can talk the hind legs off a donkey that’s for sure, but her heart is in the right place, and she makes a mean lemon pie. Lou-Rae has worked for me for five years, she’s in her forties, has three kids all in college now and loves working here at the garage being my assistant. She’s a wise old one that one, always telling me I need to get out more and meddlesome is her middle name. The dates she’s tried to set me up on, and the extensive amount of family she has is, well, let’s just say I think half the young women she introduces me to; cannot possibly all be her cousins.
My expenses are done, I grab my bike jacket from the vintage coat stand in the corner of my small office, I have a glass window that looks out to the garage where my desk is positioned under, behind me are double doors that lead to a small deck are with views of the forest and the mountains. I don’t have much in my office, we used to have filing cabinets, folders, the whole lot until Lou-Rae came in and got her hands on everything. Now everything is stored on our computer and backed up, she’s a whizz with all this stuff. I’m not dumb by any stretch but me, I’d rather be getting grease on my hands.
My Harley-Davidson Road Glide3 stands out front and boy is that a machine. It cost me a pretty dollar or two but she’s worth it, I call her Gilda, I just love her sharknose fairing not to mention the fact that she has a Milwaukee-Eight 114 engine that roars, it hums under me when I turn her on. “Catch you later,” Daryl shouts out. I’m never long but he knows me from old and that the best thing when I’m down or in a mood, is to get on Gilda take her for a spin and blow the cobwebs away. Some people go shoot pool, some folk read, some listen to music, for me it’s all about the freedom of being on Gilda, the air around me, that adrenaline rush when I climb the mountain road. There’s nothing that compares to it.
Just as I swing my bike out of the car park and take a right, I see Harper coming towards me. Her long, lean legs are poking out from her denim shorts that need a good few inches of denim sewing to them, what is her mother thinking letting her go out like this? Hell, if she were my daughter I’d lock her in her room and throw away the key. And wait, shouldn’t she be in class or something? Her and Dylan go to the local college, he didn’t want to leave town even though he received phenomenal grades.
I wait for her to pass so I can pull off without knocking her over, only she doesn’t go past me, no instead Harper stops gives me a beaming smile, I notice how white her perfect teeth are and lays a hand on Gilda’s screen. “Where you going, Levi?”
“Nowhere, shouldn’t you be studying or in college or something?”
“Oh, never mind about that, in any case it’s a free period for two hours. I was just going to grab some food from Izzy-McDizzies diner. You want to join me.”
I almost choke on my own saliva. Is she asking me to accompany her to the diner? Hells bells. “Nah, can’t this morning, I’m going to take Gilda here for a spin before catching up on some work.”
“Now I’d like to feel her between my legs.” She says acting all coy and innocent, but damn if it doesn’t give a red-hot signal to my cock which starts to tingle and grow. Fuck. She plays with a strand of her blonde hair; I swear she knows exactly what she’s doing.
“I’m sure you would, Sunflower.”
“Can’t I ride on you, I mean, er with you?” Now was that an intentional slip of the tongue or not? The thing is with Harper I don’t quite know.
Is she hitting on me?