“Night, Levi.” Harper calls out from the narrow hallway. How I kept it together through dinner I have no fucking idea. I rake my hands through my dark hair then reach for the band on my wrist and tie it up into my usual man-bun. Her voice is as sweet as honey and the way her ass moves as she walks to the door is not leaving much to my imagination, nor as those Daisy Duke shorts she’s wearing, if she were to bend down I’d be able to see the color of her damn panties. My dick hurts.
“Night, Sunflower, take care of your mom when you get in and try get the bottle away from her. Hopefully with some food inside her she might get a good night’s sleep.”
“Doubt it but I’ll try. You know what she can be like. She’s testy at the best of times.” Don’t I know it. I’ve had Harper’s mom shut the door on my face one too many times and Lilly, God rest her soul tried hard with Harper’s mom too.
“She’s so cool, right, Dad?” I hear Dylan say as I shout out bye to Harper having given her a casserole dish to take home for her mother.
“Cool, yes I guess so.” I turn away from Dylan because he knows when I am lying, I go red as a beet, and I do not want him seeing that I have anything to hide. Fucking hell, I am in so deep and in so much fucking trouble.
“You want a hand with dishes, Dad?” He asks as he brings the last of the plates to the sink.
“No, Son. I’m good why don’t you go finish studying the for night and try get yourself an early evening.”
“Sure, by the way Harper and I are going out to a friend’s house party tomorrow night, so I’ll probably be in early Saturday morning around one or something.”
“You will be in by midnight, Dylan you know curfew in this house.”
“Dad be serious, you’re not being real right now. I am twenty, Harper is right, we’re not kids anymore. You have to let go at some point.”
“That’s a tough one, Son, I love you like crazy, bat shit crazy your my kid. Okay, I relent. But before two you still need to get rested and we’re going out on the bike on Saturday remember. I promised your aunt Rose I’d swing by with you.”
Aunt Rose is Lilly’s only sister, she’s a couple years older than me with three of her own kids. When Lilly passed away, Rose was so good to Dylan and I. She told me that no matter what she would always regard herself as my sister-in-law, even if I were to go on and get married one day. Only that is never going to happen. Losing Lilly was bad enough, she was the love of my life, I adored her. We’d grown up in the same town, the same town Dylan and I live in now. We dated right through school, High School and through college. Lilly studied to be a vet and I studied mechanics before I set up my own motorcycle business, my passion.
“Sure, I’d like that.” He leaves me to the dishes which I end up stacking in the dishwasher because my need to go masturbate and get Sunflower out of my system is over-riding anything else.
I lock my bedroom door and slide my shoes off then begin to strip. My cock is already bulging in my pants and aching like it wants to explode like some kind of fucking teenager. I slip my black jeans and boxer shorts down my legs and step out of them, then pull up my black T-shirt and lay on the bed cupping my tight balls in one hand and my throbbing cock in the other. All I can think about is Harper’s full, swollen lips wrapped around my aching cock, how it would feel if I were in her warm mouth as she sucked on me and ran her tongue up and down my shaft. I stroke myself nice and slow, my grip tight thinking about every which way I’d like to fuck her. On her knees with her cute, tight ass up high in the air giving me a good thrusting position, on her back with her legs wrapped tightly around my waist so I could see her tits bouncing up and down and what I can only imagine her pink budded nipples that I want to suck on and bite.
My strokes become faster, my breath hitches and my mouth goes dry as I feel the familiar sensation of tingling in my balls, that bone aching sensation in my lower spine knowing I am so damn close to erupting my cum all over my flat stomach ripped with abs. I imagine Harper licking my cum off my stomach and teasing me with those corn flower blue eyes of hers. I fuck my hand faster and faster as I feel the release coming up from my balls, thinking of plunging deeper and deeper into her tight wet pussy. My cum lands all over my stomach as I exhale and lay a hand across my face.
Fucking girl is killing me and the thought of me fantasizing about my kid’s ex-girlfriend is enough to send me over the fucking edge.
What the hell am I going to do?