Kate's POV
I woke up in the morning more tired than I was when I went to bed, I got out of bed and looked in the mirror. I looked like a Zombie! I ran into the bathroom and turned the shower on, I took all my clothes off and hopped into the shower.
I washed my hair with that new shampoo that's supposed to make your hair stronger. Well so far for me it wasn't working, I conditioned my hair and quickly shaved my legs. I got out of the shower and put on some random clothes; I didn't feel like doing anything special with my look today.
I blow dried my hair until it was still slightly damp, then I grabbed my school bag and trotted down the stairs. When I reached the bottom I stopped, why did I smell dog? I took a better whiff and I realized he was here.
I let out a silent moan as I stepped into the lounge, Ashley and Wade were talking but when I walked in, they stopped. "What are you doing here?" I asked him and he frowned. "I stayed the night to make sure you're okay" He replied, and I nodded.
"I'm fine, you can leave now" I snapped at him and he had a sad expression. Ashley walked over to me and watched me as I made breakfast. "You don't need to be mean to him" She told me, and I smiled. Wade walked out the front door and was waiting outside, I turned my focus back onto Ashley.
"I know that it's just he can't expect us to be all lovey dovey just because I had another freak attack!" I yelled in frustration, I cursed under my breath as I grabbed my toast out of the toaster. "I know he treated you like his phone the other day at the cafeteria, but he does care about you Kate" She told me, and I chuckled.
"Is that what he told you?" I asked avoiding eye contact as I buttered my toast. "He didn't have to; I knew by the way he barged in here last night. I didn't even let him in, but he didn't care" She replied, and I smiled.
"Did he really do that?" I whispered allowing a small smile to reveal itself, Ashley smiled and nodded her head. "Yes, he did, at least give him a shot" She asked me, and I nodded. "I'll try but it's not going to work" I replied, and she frowned.
"Why not?" She asked and I sighed. "He's a wolf and I'm a vampire, there's no way his pack or his parents would accept me or trust me! He'll want to have pups to make his life complete, to feel the accomplishment of being a dad and you know how rare it is for a vampire to get pregnant" I reminded her, and she nodded.
"Those may be true, but I'm sure you can get them to trust you and you are never now maybe the devil will bliss you with a child?" She guessed and I laughed. "Come on Ashley really? He's only done that 45 times in the last 2 million years and why would be do it to me?" I asked humoured.
"You've been through a lot, so many things have happened to you that many others would've think would happen and plus all who he had blessed had been red haired or black haired?" She added and I nodded.
"I hope so, I want to make him happy" I replied letting a real genuine smile form on my lips. "Were your parents red headed?" I asked and she smiled, her mother was blessed with the child that is Ashley today. "My mum had black hair" She replied, and I nodded.
"Okay let's go" I said grabbing my school bag and walking out the front door. I walked over to Wade and wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him. He seemed surprised at first but then he wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me back.
"I'm sorry for being a bitch" I apologized, and he chuckled, he let go off me and I stepped back. "It's fine, I completely understand but the question is, are you ready for me be in your life?" He asked with a hopeful smile, I nodded my head and smiled.
"Yes Wade" He smiled at me so brightly, I squealed as he scoped me up and spun me around in circles, then he put me down and hugged me tightly. "Thank you, you won't regret it" He replied, and I smiled. "I hope I won't" I joked, and he laughed.
"Come on let's go to school" He said pointing behind him at his car. "No way, we're going in my car" I stated crossing my arms across my chest. "Okay, okay" He gave up putting his hand up in surrender.
"Good now come and met my baby" I said grabbing his hand and dragging him to my V8 Mustang where Ashley was waiting in the back seat. "Can I drive?" He asked raising an eyebrow. I laughed hard out "I like you Wade, but no one is driving my baby" I told him, and he chuckled sitting in the passenger seat.
I turned the car on and drove to school, I watched Wade in amusement as he admired my car, what should I say my car is freaking awesome. When we finally pulled up into the school car park, I parked the car and Wade opened my door for me. I blushed my perfect gentlemen.
We linked our hands as we walked into the school, almost every single pair of eyes were staring our way. Vampires were hissing, wolfs where growling none of them seemed happy with Wade and my relationship.
Well they all will just have to suck it up, I'm not planning to get rid of him anytime soon. Ashley was walking on my left and we were walking about random stuff on the way into B block. "Um Kate I forgot to mention its parent teacher interviews" She announced, and I frowned.
For centuries I've had Ashley's parent show up to my teacher interviews, they were the closet thing I had to parents. My parents were long dead by now, and the last time I saw them they kicked me out because of that bastard!
"Okay so your parents are coming to school today or tomorrow?" I asked, "Tomorrow but they start today, which means we get to go home 2 hours earlier" She added liking the idea of leaving school early and plus I have math and Calculus so hey I can miss school!
We walked down the halls and stopped at our lockers, Ashley's locker was just down the hall to mine, but Wade's is in A block. I opened the locker and was putting in all the books I didn't need and grabbing the ones I needed.
"Okay I got to go to my locker see you at break" Wade said kissing the top of my forehead, I froze startled he's never done that before. Yeah, we've hugged before, but he never kissed me, I blushed at my reaction when he sent shivers down my spine.
Once I was done getting my books sorted, I walked 10 metres down the hall where Ashley was in her locker. "I hate my locker!" She moaned and I chuckled, "What's wrong with it?" I asked and she opened her mouth like a fish.
"What do you mean what's wrong with it? The hinges are broken!" She replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Just tell the janitor then" I suggested, and she pouted "I don't like him, he smells funny" She replied, and I chuckled.
"I'm sure he doesn’t like you either Ashley" I replied with a chuckle and she frowned. "Everyone likes me" She replied clearly confident in herself. "Every werewolf in existence except for 2 like you" I pointed out and she hit me in the arm.
"Hey that hurts" I whined and she just grinned, evil Ashley. The bell rang so we started making our way to our first class together, English which was first which is why I'm in a good mood. Our school population was 60% werewolf 30% human and 10% vampire, most vampires don't bother in school so the wolfs think they dominate the school.
Which leaves the vampires that do want to go to school outcasts, rejected from society which meant Ashley and I sit at the very back away from the windows. Even at this new school, we were already beginning to be faded out.
Class went by in a flash, since we joined this school at the very end of the term everyone else was just finishing off unfinished work, which meant us newbies had free time. Ashley and I spent the hour chatting away about boys, but surprisingly not about Wade.
Ashley had a thing for Richard, which explains why she let us makes friends with him so easily. She's the oldest out of us two so I usually follow her lead when it comes to most things, when the bell rang, we grabbed our bags and walked off to History.
The hour seemed to drag on for hours, when it finally ended, I was glad to get out of there. Ashley and I walked into the cafeteria and Wade found us fairly quickly and we linked hands, I looked around the room for a place to sit.
"Hey, let's sit with Richard" Ashley had to be the one to suggest it, I smiled but didn't say anything. We walked over to the table and sat down, "Hey girls what's up" Richard asked welcoming him, Ashley and I sat on either side of him and Wade sat on my right.
The other wolfs were staring at Wade and I in disbelief, last time we were in the same room together I made fun of him and now were together, a huge shocker for them. Wade seemed tense and on edge about something, and the other wolfs had that I-know-something-you-don't face on which made me curious.
"Hold onto your knickers boys it's about to get interesting" Richard grinned; okay they definitely know something I don't. Everyone's eyes stared at this wolf that was walking towards us, he had black hair and hazel eyes and he had a food tray in his hands.
I'm not sure why his presence made me on edge but something about him wanted me to run for the hills. I turned to face Wade when I felt him grab onto my hand and gave it a possessive squeeze, okay someone please tell me what's going on!
The guy came closer to our table and was about to sit down but he hesitated, his face went from sweet and welcoming, to cold and threatening. He sniffed the air and his face turned sour; Wade's grip tightened on my hand.
Is he trying to cut off the circulation to my fingers! The guy turned to face Ashley and I, he looked angry if he were a cartoon steam would be pouring out of his ears. I loud deafening growl erupted from his chest, I jumped back in my seat and he chuckled.
Then he turned his head at one of the other wolfs, "Why are they here?" He asked him and the poor guy looked nervous. "Lucas they aren’t causing any trouble, their friends of mine" Richard explained causing him to look back at us, I could tell by his smell he's the future Alpha? Okay that explained a lot more, great now he'll hate me!
"I understand but they’re not my friends, I have no reason to trust them and are you so sure you can trust them" He asked in a harsh tone, before Richard could reply I stood up getting the Alpha's full attention.
"Hi, I'm Kate and this is my stepsister Ashley" I introduced us, and he stared at me. He shook my hand and I sat back down in my seat, he cautiously sat down as well at the table. We continued on with our morning tea, but the future alpha didn't take his eyes off us, me in particular.
"Should we tell him?" Wade whispered in my ear, and I shook my head, "I'll get him to like me first" I replied, and he nodded in agreement, see I have a brain and I could use it. The school bell rang, and I had class with Wade, he went to hold my hand and I slapped it away.
"Not here if Lucas sees he'll attack you and me" I hissed at him and he backed away...