The evening air was cold and windy, I zipped up my jacket trying to trap in the heat. I walked down the street listening to music, my hands in my pockets, my iPod in my back pocket and my headphones in my ears.
My head bobbed slightly along to the thyme of the beat; I heard a loud chuckle from somewhere. I took the headphones out of my ear and looked around in every direction for the origin of the chuckle. "Look here boys we have a blonde" I turned around to see a small group of boys come out from nowhere.
They had tattoo's all up their arms, they wore identical jackets with some logo on the back. Most of them had a cigarette in their mouths, I had a bad feeling about this. I slowly turned away from them and walked down the street.
A rough pair of arms wrapped around my waist and dragged me back into the centre of the circle of boys. They all looked at me in disturbing ways, and I didn't like it one bit. "I want to hear her die" One said to the group and I swallowed quietly, things were heading somewhere bad and fast.
"No, she's too pretty to die, let's not kill her let's ruin her life" One of them said stepping into the circle closer to me. He nodded at the others and they nodded back, probably agreeing what to do to me. He stepped closer to me and I cowered back and whimpered when he reached out to touch me.
He pushed my hair behind my ear, and he grinned at me, I froze in fear as his fangs extract. I screamed loudly taking a step back only to bump into the barrier of men. He ran over to me with inhuman speed, he placed his hands on either side of my face holding me still.
He opened his mouth and licked his lips, revealing his fangs to me once again.
"NO DON'T TO THIS TO ME!" I cried out in desperation, but it didn't stop him. I started struggling against his grip then he tore his teeth into the flesh in my neck. I let out a weak scream being too much in shock and pain to do anything else, he pulled away from me and I fell to the ground.
The venom was horrifying as it sourced through my veins, the jerks just walked away leaving me to turn into the monster they are. I felt the venom take over I let out a painful scream "WHY ME!" I shouted out before I fell unconscious...
"Wake up Kate!" My eyelids burst open and I quickly sat up in bed, covered in sweat and panting. Ashley was sitting on my bed next to me with a worried expression, but she was used to this. Once a week, every week since I was turned centuries ago, I would have the same nightmare of that horrible day.
Ashley sent me apologetic look; she didn't know my pain. She was born a monster unlike me; she had no idea how painful how mentally insane it made me. I'm not crazy or insane, just it's like a nightmare but instead it's a memory that never left my sleep.
"It's time to get ready for school, I've made breakfast downstairs" She told me handing me a glass of water from my nightstand, I always have water there in case I have another night terror. "Thanks, I'll be down soon" I said taking a sip from the glass then I jumped out of bed and walked into my closet.
I grabbed my black and white New York City basketball shirt I got from my first game I went to see, my dad bought it for me. Pushing back memories of my parents I grabbed my skinny jeans from Jeans West, and I grabbed some under garments.
I brought my clothes into the bathroom and put my clothes on, I brushed my red hair and put it up in a messy ponytail. OK before you ask me why is your hair red? I thought it was blonde. Well it's quite rare for a vampire to be bitten into this world.
Yes, families do turn their young once they turn 18, but no one ever turns a complete stranger into such a monster. That happened to me was illegal, unfair, and downright cruel and after I was turned my hair turned red to represent the cruelty of my turning.
Vampires that are born vampires have blonde hair, like Ashley does. Vampires that were turned by family members have brunette hair. Vampires that were turned for a punishment have black hair, but those innocents few who were turned cruelly have red hair.
So basically, I'm messed up, I was treated unfairly and was turned by force. Then after I became what I am my own parents kicked me out because they were terrified of me. Call me a freak, call me strange, call me whatever you want. But your words no longer hurt me, my heart is already numb to the pain of name calling.
I applied some light make up and some eye liner before grabbing my bag and running down the stairs into the kitchen. Ashley shook her head at me when she saw me walk in "What?" I defended myself and she frowned.
"You took too long upstairs, now were late here" She chucked some plain toast at me and I caught it as I ran out of the house after her. This was my first day at this school, you see we previously graduated in the Oklahoma high school and now we're restarting as seniors.
In human years I'm 17 but Ashley's 18 and that's the age I've been for 62 years. Ashley was born a vampire, but she matured when she was 18, which means she was fully grown at 18 and will never grow any taller.
We ran into the garage and hopped into our baby, when you've worked for around 60 years you get enough money to buy the flashiest cars out. Ashley and I own a V8 Mustang, that's right I have a Mustang!
I called shot gun, so Ashley slid into the driving seat and I sat passenger. She chucked her bag in the back seat before putting the car into the car and driving out of our property. I turned the radio onto my favourite radio studio 'Hits' (shout out to the HITS radio station you guys rock!) and started swaying to the beat.
I started breaking out some random moves and Ashley just laughed at me, "Sorry to be a party pooper but we're here" She laughed, and I stopped dancing as we pulled up in the school car park. We grabbed our bags and got out of the car, our flash car and our good looks caused a lot of attention toward us (did I mention Ashley and I are the hottest girls I've ever met, no joke!).
We walked through the school gates, ignoring the stares from girls and the whistles from desperate boys. I heard Ashley chuckle quietly shaking her head, I looked at her curious. "What's so funny?" I asked and she turned to face me with a smile.
"There's dogs at this school" She chuckled, and I rolled my eyes at her and laughed along with her. We call werewolf dogs or pups which just makes them mad, which is why we do it. We walked up to the office and a middle aged woman smiled at us.
"Hello girls how can I help you?" She asked politely. "Um we're Kate and Ashley Kristine" I replied, after my parents kicked me out Ashley's parents became my legal guardians, so I took Ashley's last name and it's pretty ironic we're already like sisters.
"OK here are your schedules girls, have a good first day" She said giving us our papers "Thanks" I said before we walked off down the corridor, we were looking at each other’s schedules. "We have 1st, 2nd and 4th period together" Ashley told me handing me back my schedule, I folded it up roughly and stashed it in my pocket.
The bell rang loudly through the school and I moaned. "Do you happen to know where our science class is?" I asked probably already knowing he answer. "I'll show you" Ashley and I turned around to see a dog standing in the hallway.
I hissed at him fiercely and he chuckled, "Hey do you want help or not?" He asked and I turned to Ashley. "Fine" Ashley hissed out in reply clearly not happy a pup was going to help us. He turned around and walked away, Ashley and I walked cautiously followed behind him.
On the way to science we got to know him better, his name was Richard, he was the best tracker from Blood-moon pack, and he was pretty nice wolf. By the time we arrived at science my fangs were hidden away, and smiles were revealed, "Thanks for helping us Richard, sorry for making you late" I apologised, and he grinned.
"No problem girls, I like you guys if you ever want to hang let me know?" He said before walking away to his class. We walked into the room and sat down at the table at the back, I was surprised Ashley allowed me to be friends with a dog, she's always hated their guts but now it's like she has a soft spot for them.
Class started and I was board out of my FUCKING mind! Hello MR, WHO CARES why are we learning the particle arrangement of a FUCKING ELEMENT! My patience was wearing thin with this teacher and if he ever dares give me homework, I might just kill him!
The bell rang and I was relieved I could escape from this horrible class! Ashley and I went through another horrible hour of class and it was the mother of all horrible classes MATHS! Doesn’t the teacher know Maths is Mental Abuse To Humans, it's in the name!
I honestly think school is dumb, math we have calculators, social studies we have the news and atlas's, PE we walk around school every day. Every class I can think of has an alternative, English is the only important class, I need to read and write to get a job!
When class was over, we walked into the cafeteria and got lost in the crowd. "Where should we sit?" Ashley asked me and I shrugged. "Wherever we fit" I replied shrugging. "Hey guys" I smiled when the familiar Richard walked up to us.
"Hey Richard" I replied, and he smiled. "You want to sit with me and my friends?" He asked pointing towards the table he was sitting at. The dogs there didn't look like they appreciated us talking to their precious tracker, but he's our friend too they just need to learn to share.
"Sure, that'll be cool" Ashley said with a smile, here's the Ashley I know the one that likes making trouble. "Cool follow me" He replied walking off, we followed along beside him. He sat down at the table and we sat either side of them.
The wolfs growled at our presence and it only made me smirk. "Calm your canines" Ashley said calmly as if what she should wasn't insulting. She took a bite out of her cheeseburger and more growls were directed towards us.
"I love your friends Richard, so friendly" I whispered sarcastically, and he chuckled, thanks to the dogs advanced hearing, everyone at the table would've heard my amazing comment. "Richard what are they doing here?" A dude asked empathizing the word they.
"Chill dudes, these chicks are cool" Richard explained wrapping his arm around my shoulder and gave me a lite squeeze. I wasn't uncomfortable by his gesture, I actually found it quite amusing, but obviously someone didn't like the gesture because I heard a loud angry growl.
I looked at the dogs at the table and none of them looked angry, but they were all staring at something behind me. I slowly turned my head behind me and Ashley did the same, there in all its glory was another wolf.
Why did they hate me so much!? He had a furious expression on his face and his breaths were heavy and fast, it looked like he could explode or have a heart attack right in the middle of school. His eyes were black meaning his wolf could pop out of nowhere and scare the living shit out of the humans.
He stared at me and Richard, his eyes never left us and that started to scare me a bit. Why so much anger? Richard slowly removed his arm from around my shoulder while still watching the guy behind us, I'm guessing he mind linked Richard or something.
I was pissed off with wolfs today and the only one I like gets growled at by some psychopath. "What's your problem?" I asked in a rude tone, my confidence radiating off my body. He sent me a glare then softened his facials as if he were surprised, I spoke up.
"Do you know who I am?" He asked trying to look intimidating. "Some crazy wolf that hates my guts because of who I am and not my personality" I replied in a calm tone and some wolfs sitting at the table chuckled.
I heard him chuckled and he took a deep breath, inhaling through his nose smelling the air. Something startled him, I could tell because his face softened and he stared at me in a weird way, not the I'm-going-to-kill you way but the Oh My Gosh way.
I could seriously make a hilarious movie of just his facials; hell are they hilarious! He continued to stare at me as if he were trying to convince himself of something. "I know I'm hot but stop staring you freak" I shouted, and he narrowed his eyes at me.
Ashley chuckled at my sudden outburst and I felt proud of my comment. The guy said something quietly and it came out in mainly a growl, everyone at the table gasped and stared at me in disbelief. I stared at Ashley "Hey Ash what the hell did he just say?" I asked and she shrugged.
"I didn't hear him" She replied turning back to look at the freak behind me. "Mate" He replied loud enough that I could hear this time, a smile came across my face then I broke up laughing. "Oh My gosh I almost believed you for a moment there" I laughed out holding my chest controlling my breathing.
"No joke" He replied, and I froze...