Richard's POV
OH MY FUCKING GOD! I can't believe she just told me about all Kate's shit! Omg I feel really bad now, I always assumed vampires were heartless monsters, who are anything but obedient. But they have emotions feelings and problems.
I can't believe how messed up she was, she also must be the strongest girl I know. She's a total bad ass, with a fucked up life and she still stands tall like she owns the place, which obviously isn't hers.
The whole time during Social Studies I kept thinking about her, I felt like grabbing her and hugging her till all the nightmares have banished from her mind. Curing her of her weaknesses and fears. I knew Wade would've ran off to shift in the woods so he's probably at home right now.
As soon as the bell rang I burst out of my seat and ran down B block corridors, I ran to my car and put the car into gear. I speed out of the car pack, I probably looked like a crazy guy, a man with a mission. But that didn't matter, I had information to tell.
I arrived to his house in record time, I parked the car and sprinted up his very, very long driveway. By the time I got there Wade was standing at his front door looking confused. I put my hand up indicating to give me a moment to catch my breath. I was extremely fit, but I sprinted hard out to get here.
Wade's POV
I was in my office trying to figure out what I should do with a certain vampire, she was in my mind and I didn't even know her name. All I know that she was a beautiful bad ass vampire, no rules and no expectations.
She's most likely to reject me, what vampire wants to change her whole life around to be bossed around and follow countless rules. I know she dosn't have a clan, as the future Beta I've learned about the enemies, a shiver ran down my spine is she my enemy now?
The smell of Richard's presence on my land interrupted my thought I peaked out the widow and chuckled at what I saw, Richard had just parked his car and was sprinting towards my house as if his car was about to explode.
When he got closer to the house I walked down stairs and waited by the door for him. When he finally arrived me was breathless, which was pretty hilarious. He asked me to give him a minute to take a breath, I looked at him curiously.
When he finally managed to breath normally he turned to face me "We need to talk" He stated and I raised my eye brow. "What about?" I asked and he frowned. "Kate" He replied and I was confused. "Who's Kate?" I asked and he grinned.
"Oh yeah I guess she didn't introduce herself to you, she's your mate the one you chased into the girls bathroom" He laughed clearly amused at what I did. I was now worried about what he had been so desperate to tell me.
"We'll talk in my room" I said and he nodded following behind me, when we arrived to my room on the second floor we took a seat on my desk chair. "Spill" I demanded and he nodded. "Ashley, Kate's friend told me something about Kate today that you'll need to know" He said and I became really worried now.
"I'm not sure how to say this, but here go on your computer and search up vampires with red hair" He told me pointing at my laptop, did he really come here to talk about her hair!? But I was still curious so I searched it up on the vampire bat abase.
Vampire Hair
Blonde: Born a vampire
Brown: Turned traditionally at age 18 by their parents
Black: Turned into a vampire as a punishment.
Red: Red hair represents the cruelty in the vampires past, red means she/he was turned by force by vampire rogues. This vampires are usually mentally unstable for the rest of their un dead lives.
I reread the page so many times into what it said was clear to me. "So she's mental?" I asked and Richard shock his head. "You don't understand Wade, she's not crazy just depressed. She has night terrors, she takes counseling, she has emotional break downs, she had one today even" He replied with sadness in his voice.
"She's messed up Wade" He replied and I growled quietly at him, I don't need him insulting her. "Why did she tell you this?" I asked furious why she told my best friend not me. "Because Ashley knows her more than anyone else, she asked me to tell you to back off" He told me and I shoved him across the room.
"How am I supposed to stay away!" I yelled at him and he cowered back. "She needs time Wade, she had a break down in the bathroom for heavens sake, you stressed her out!" He yelled back at me and I froze.
I made her cry? I made her upset? "I'm sorry Richard" I said and he frowned. "It's fine you were mad" He replied and I nodded. I needed her and she needed me more than ever, but right now she needed time to pull herself together.
Ashley's POV
After school Kate and I drove home in complete silence. When we got home, she grabbed a bag of her favourite ab negative blood and walked upstairs. I could tell she wasn't in the mood to talk or eat which is surprising, that girl loves food.
Hours had passed and she remained locked up in her room, it was dead silent. I was making dinner, I wasn't sure if she would join me or not. I was making wraps, with fried chicken, shredded lettuce, grated cheese, mayonnaise sauce and diced tomatoes.
It was our favourite meal, which is why I decided to make it, to try and cheer her up. I've lived with this chick for for 57 years, for day one she had her nightmares but now it's getting worse and I'm worried.
She used to have one every week, now it's like every day. She seems a lot more stressed and emotional as well. Even having a mate is a bad thing, yeah he can comfort her through her rough patches but at the moment she wouldn't be able to handle a fight between them.
I sprinkled the toppings onto the Tortilla bread and folded it up completing the dish. "Kate dinners ready" I yelled out for her to come done. I didn't hear a reply, something must be up that girl loves food.
I left the food on the bench and walked slowly up the stairs. I walked into her room and saw her past out on the bed, her breathing was slow and relaxed proving that she was asleep. I noticed the empty blood bag lying on the floor, at least she drunk something.
I watched in sadness as her figure started thrashing around, another night terror. I listened to her cries in shook, this dream was different from the ones she's always had.
Kate's POV
I walked down the empty school halls, it looked like a ghost town. No one was here and I was here along. It didn't take long to realize this was a dream, but it was an unfamiliar dream and it scared me of the countless possibilities of would happen.
"Hello?" I called out but I got no reply, I jumped high in the air when a loud chuckle erupted through the empty halls. A tear dropped down my check, I know that chuckle far to well it's been in my nightmares for 69 years!
I tuned around and watched a tall figure walk out of the shadow revealing himself to me, it was definitely him, the man that haunted my dreams, the one that turned me. "Hello sweetheart remember me?" He asked with a smirk.
"How could.. I for..get" I stuttered out and he chuckled. "Yeah how could you forget the day I saved your life" He replied and I had a face of pure shock. "Saved my life? You think you saved me!?" I spat out angrily and he frowned.
"Well yeah technically yes, I could have let them kill you" He replied with confidence coating his voice, he did have a point but it didn't make up for what he did. "What do you want?" I hissed out flaring my fangs. "You're a feisty one, but I'll get to the point my mate died last year" He announced and I frowned.
"I'm sorry she died, but what does that have to do with me?" I asked in a sympathetic tone. "I want you to be mine" He demanded with a look of pure desire. "Absolutely not 1. I hate your guts and 2. I have found my mate" I told him and he grinned.
"I can change that, don't worry babe I'll get rid of him" He replied and I laughed in his face. "Good luck with that and don't call me babe. Even if you tried this is just a dream" I reminded him and he shook his head and had an amused expression on his face.
"It's not a dream, it a vision of your future" He announced and I froze. "No! NO DON'T TOUCH HIM YOU FREAK!" I yelled at him.
Ashley's POV
I listened to her yelling at someone in her sleep, I got worried when some of her words were desperate and sad. I was really worried, I listened to her whole dream and then it like started from the beginning again.
I could tell because she said the same things over and over again, as if a dvd was put on replay. I was worried as hell, I walked over to her and shook her arm but she didn't wake up, she just continued yelling.
I shook her again, except this time more rough and desperate. But she still didn't respond to my frantic touches, "Kate wake up!" I yelled at her but she didn't flinch she continued to yell and thrash around angrily.
With no idea what to do, I grabbed my phone and texted Richard.
Richard! Kate's not waking up, she's having another night terror but it's different this time! Can you please get Wade! I don't have his number! She'd probably hate me later for calling Wade over, but I'm panicking.
Yeah I just called him, he's coming now! Tell me when she's ok? He asked me and I nodded, not like he could see me.
Of course thanks Richard, I'll call you later bye
bye He replied and I put my phone away and started shaking her again but still she remained unaffected by my touch. I watched in sadness as her nightmare repeated itself over and over again.
Wade's POV
It was getting late and not one second I hadn't stopped thinking about Kate. Her red hair told a sad story but it was beautiful in every single way. Her skin looked flawless as if she was a new born baby and her smile could give me a heart attack.
She didn't deserve what was happening to her, but there was nothing I could do to change her past. It would only change the beautiful strong women she is now. I heard my phone vibrate in my pocket, and I tried to ignore it.
It stopped ringing, but then it started buzzing again. Annoyed I pulled it out of my pocket and answered it without checking caller ID. "Hello?" I asked. "Wade you need to go to Kate's house now!" He demanded through the phone.
My blood spiked and I was on edge with the urgency of his voice. "What's wrong?" I asked fiercely. "I'm not sure exactly, Ashley text-ed me and said she was having a nightmare and she wasn't waking up" He replied and that was all I needed to hear before bursting out of my room and sprinting down stairs.
I jumped into my car and slammed the door closed. "What's her address?" I asked him. "14 Black-wood lane" He replied and I put the car into gear and sped out of my property. I hang up on Richard and started driving over the speed limit towards her house.
It would have been a 10 minute drive but I made it a 6 minute drive. I parked my car randomly on the drive way and ran up to the front door and pounded my fist hard on it. Ashley opened the door and before she could speak I had pushed past her and followed Kate's scent up stairs.
When I got upstairs, she was lying on her bed yelling at someone, she sounded pissed an worried at the same time. I was about to go reach her but Ashley pulled me back. I stared at her weirdly. "Before you go over there, I think you should listen" She told me and I nodded.
"Hello?" She whispered quietly.
"How could... I for...get?" She said
"Saved my life? You think you saved me!?" She spat out fiercely.
"What do you want?" She hissed out in a threatening tone.
"I'm sorry she died, but what does that have to do with me?" She asked in a sincere tone.
"Absolutely not 1. I hate your guts and 2. I have found my mate" She stated and that made me really curious. "She's arguing over me?" I whispered to Ashley. She nodded "I think she's talking to the guy that turned her" She added and I stiffened, if I ever saw him I'm gonna kill him.
"Good luck with that and don't call me babe. Even if you tried this is just a dream" She said in a mocking tone, at least she knows it's a dream.
"No! NO DON'T TOUCH HIM YOU FREAK!" I really wanted to know what the other guy was saying about me, whatever he said she wasn't happy about it.
"I can't stand this anymore" I told Ashley and I walked over to the bed where Kate was sleeping. As soon as I reached out and touched her arm, her eyes flashed upon and she sat up in bed really fast, as if she woke up in shock.
She looked breathless and sweat poured down her face, I sat on the bed and hugged her close to my chest. "What are you doing here?" She asked and I frowned. "You wern't waking up and Ashley got worried" I replied and she nodded rested her head on my shoulder.
"Can you tell me what happened in your nightmare?" I asked and a look of fear flashed across her face for a second but then she hid it away.
"The guy from all my other dreams was there alone with me in the school corridors, he told me that he thought he saved my life. Then he told me that his mate died a year ago. Then he said he wanted me to replace her, he acted as if I owned him one for not letting them kill me. I told him about you and then he..." She stopped herself, a tear fell down her cheek.
"Shh it's OK don't cry what did he say" I asked wiping away her tears, Ashley walked out of the room leaving us alone. "After I told him about you, he said he would get rid of you" She replied in a sad voice, it was quiet enough to show her sadness but loud enough for me to hear.
"Don't worry it was just a dream" I whispered moving her hair behind her ear. "No you're wrong, I told him it was a dream but then he said it wasn't a dream, it was a vision" She said it in such a way I could tell she really believed what he had said.
"Don't worry I won't let him come any where near you or me" I reassured her and she nodded snuggling closer to my body, the sound of her slow breathing told me she was asleep. I carefully and quietly slipped away from her grasp and placed her down on the bed.
I walked out of the room and walked down the stairs and joined Ashley in the lounge. "How is she?" She asked me. "She's fine now, she's gone back to sleep, do you mind if I crash on the couch for the night?" I asked and she nodded her head.
"You should call Richard" She told me and I frowned in confusion. "He wanted to know when she woke up" She added and I nodded in understanding, Richard was a nice guy it was expected of him to care about Kate.
I grabbed out my phone and walked outside to take the call. It was late at night, so the night air was chili and it bite at my bare arms making goosebumps appear. I dialed Richard's number and it rung two times, before he picked up.
"Hello?" He asked in a sleepy tone, I guess I woke her up from his precious beauty sleep. "Hey Richard it's me" I replied and he chuckled. "Wade when someone says it's me, it dosn't really clarify who it is" He commented and I chuckled.
"Hey I called to tell you that Kate woke up, she's fine now" I replied and I heard him sigh in relief. "That's good what happened?" He asked and I frowned. "The guy that turned her got into her mind and was communicating with her through a dream, it was weird as soon as I touched her she woke up" I replied and he was silent.
"What did he talk to her about?" He asked and I took a deep breath. "He lost his mate a year ago and he wanted her to replace his mate, he also threatened to come after me" I replied and he sighed.
"Don't worry he won't touch you" He replied and I smiled. "Yeah I agree, he's not fucking getting any where near her" I replied before hanging up. I was getting really furious with this situation and more importantly I wanted to kill that bastard so much...