Aerasume POV
The walk back to the palace was quiet.
The king is deep in thought and I'm too nervous to talk or keep apologizing. We made it in sight of the palace and my tongue loosen itself.
I sob. "Your majesty please don't lock me in the dungeon. I can do so much good here. I can help people and I can change to your ways. I just don't know what I'm doing with you sexually, perhaps there is a hologram I can watch and can teach me."
"Aerasume, stop your prattling and listen. I was caught off guard. I never really kissed before. I didn't know I had to protect myself against the act but I guess I do."
"Oh no you don't your majesty, it will not happen again."
"Come it's almost time for sup."
I stood there shocked, "you're forgiven me." I find that goes against everything I've learned about him so far.
"There's nothing to forgive, you were aroused," he said then smiled.
It was a beautiful sight to behold. The color of his eyes are a deep maroon/reddish color. As quickly as it came it left.
He tapped a couple buttons on his communicator and then we were off. We received weird looks from the palace servants when we made it back.
"My lord why are they staring at us."
He shrugged.
"They haven't seen me talk to many people, especially females. I only talk to Cain."
"Why not."
"Women I know tend to ask for something or angered by a rule that my father put in place. I don't care about women owning their own booths or making their own coin." He shrugged again. "But I guess my father did."
"So why don't you change it."
"Why would I do that." He looks confused.
"Because it will make half of your subject happy, plus you are letting me run my own booth."
"You are new to our ways. I was trying to make your stay here pleasant."
"Really!," I said thinking about all the pain he has heaped upon me.
"If you want to be ungrateful and unappreciative I can take the fucking thing back."
"Oh no my lord! you misunderstand. I am very grateful. I'm sure your female subject will be grateful, then you'll have gratitude and happiness everywhere," I said happily.
"Maybe I will."
The servants all stop pretending to work and listen in. He glared at them and they all got back to work.
"Come, I want to have you before sup."
I become scared. I'm mostly healed, but if he keeps rutting on my like before the damage will be irreparable.
"Your majesty can we please..."
"No," he cuts me off. For the rest of the walk I have my head down, not wanting to meet anyone's eyes because they will all soon hear my screams.
When we made it back to my quarters he said, " remove the suit."
Tears come to my eyes as I remove the suit. Soon he's on me. He picks me up and throws me on the bed.
I cry out, "my lord slow down please.!"
He's being so ruthless, he attacks me, he leans down and sucks on my breast. My cry turns into a moan, "oh your majesty." He goes lower with his kisses, he kisses my vagina, then he pulls and tug on it. I feel his warm wet tongue on my love bud. My body starts to heat up. I run my fingers over his head and through his hair. His hair is shaved on both sides and the back and is white with maroon streaks. My legs start to tingle and shake.
He suddenly stops and states, "you're aroused."
"Yes," I breathe out.
"Good," he suddenly flips me over on all fours and ram his member into me.
I screamed. All signs of arousal gone.
I look behind me and his eyes are unfocused like he's not in his body right now. What the devil is that all about? I scream, "my lord!!," but it seems he can't hear me. He grabbed the back of my neck and pound so hard. I screamed again and passed out from the pain.
When I came to it was dark outside and I looked next to me and saw the king was in bed with me. From what I heard of mistresses this is not done. The mistress never sleeps in the same bed as her lord. I shake him awake then wince at the pain between my legs.
His eyes snap open and he leaps from the bed. Suddenly there is a ball of fire that he's conjured up in the palm of his hand.
"My lord it's only me."
"What did you do to me," he walked up to me and struck me in the face, I cried out. I fall back and land on the bed while holding my face. Tears want to come but I hold them back. He grabbed my throat and started choking me.
"My lord I did nothing, I only fainted because of your rough treatment," I said a little testy. I'm tired of him being cruel to me.
He let me go and took a deep breath, "I fainted also."
"I don't know, maybe I was channeling your emotions."
We both laid in bed naked and thinking. "Are you hungry."
"Yes, can I have some pig meat."
"You mean bacon."
"It will be fitting since we slept the night away. Dawn should be approaching soon so yes let's have breakfast." He pressed a couple of buttons on his comm. He dropped his head back on the pillow and signed.
"I have to figure this out, the king can't be in a faint. What if war breaks out and the king can't be found because he's passed out."
"Is it my fault my lord?."
"I'll soon find out."
I stay silent not wanting to provoke his temper or his cruel side. We eat in silence. He seemed deep in thought.
"Your majesty, what are your thoughts.?"
"I'm thinking a lot of strange things have happened since you came here. I can't even bed you properly without something happening. Maybe I need to get rid of you."
"You'll send me back home", I said hopefully.
"No," he growled like that idea angered him.
"You have seen my kingdom. Most don't know the extent of our powers and I like to keep it that way. We are far more advanced than some and I don't want a war on my hands because you blabbed about what you've seen."
"But won't the other species talk."
"No they are mated to elves."
"So I'm the only other species here that is not mated."
"In a sense, yes."
"So you don't trust me with your secrets that's why I can't leave."
"But I won't tell anyone, honest."
"You're not leaving here," he growls.
"Yes your majesty," I said appeasing.
Someone comes to the door and announces that the food is here. As we sit down to eat
I say, "I'm excited to work in my booth this morning my lord, you have my thanks."
"My lord why are you spending so much time with me, not that I'm complaining but the councilmen in my village that have mistresses don't sleep with them in the bed or converse with them."
"I don't know, I feel a lot of strange things with you, I'll have to talk to my father."
"Your father is here and still alive," I asked surprised.
"Then how are you king."
"He got bored with the kingdom and wanted to travel the galaxy so he gave it all to me and left.
We are long lived. I imagine I will grow bored and do the same with my son."
"Long lived, how long?"
"I am 300 years old. I lived in the old world that was rendered uninhabitable because of inclement weather and war. It's barely hanging in the galaxy now. We elves and the vampires who I think you call pyre grabbed who and what we could and relocated here. The vampires have one side of the planet and we have the other."
"What was the other world called."
"Earth. The inhabitants killed it. That's why most choose to live a lifestyle like the old world before technology ruined it. It was called the medieval days where horses was the only transportation and workers tended the fields manually without high tech equipment. Sort of like your village."
"But won't your advancement do the same with this planet."
"No, we mostly use solar. We don't use much oil. We don't pollute the skies. My father was afraid to pollute the air that he put in place a lot of strict laws here."
"If you are so long lived what happens to your mate if they have short lifespan."
"Mates lives as long as their elves mates, a bonding ceremony takes place and they become one."
"Are you immortal?."
"No, we can be killed."
"Why should I tell you, you might try to plot my demise."
"My lord,!!" I gasp. "I would never do such a thing. I really enjoy our conversations, but I really want to bathe and get to my booth," I said bouncing happily.
His eyes narrowed.
I start mumbling out an apology. "Your majesty I didn't mean for it to sound like I don't want to be here with you. I'm just so anxious to meet your subjects and help with ailments."
"I suppose you are correct, I'll leave you to it."
As soon as he left through the adjoining doors I bolted from my seat and ran to the lavatory and hop in the tub. I can't do anything with my hair so I moisturize it and comb it out and push it back. After I get dressed in another smart suit. I grab some things I'll need and I dash off. I'm so excited to start helping.