Aerasume POV
When I come to, Jai is staring at me sadly. "We heard you all the way down the hall. I'm sorry mistress. Here, let me change the sheets and run you a hot bath."
I look down. There's blood on the linen. I start to sob and wail. "Jai what am I going to do, he's going to kill me."
"Shh shh he's in the adjoining room."
I become silent with fear.
"Come, let's talk more in the lavatory."
I get up and stand on my legs and wince, I feel so much pain down there and around my neck. I caught a sob that wanted to come out. He might hear me and want to couple again and I just can't take it.
Jai starts to run water and climb in and when I touch the water I moan.
"Thank you Jai this feels wonderful, if you don't mind could you look into that cabinet there and pass me my herbs please." After she brought them to me I put them in the water to speed up the healing. I put my head back, close my eyes and try to relax.
Why is the king so cruel and horrible to me? Does he treat me like this because I'm not an elf. Because I'm an outsider. I've seen many different species here so maybe that's not it.
My aunt once told me that the dark ones were gossiped about because of our primitive ways. I'll change, I'll talk like them and do modern stuff. If that is what it takes for him to like me.
"Jai you are dismissed," said a threatening voice.
My eyes pop open at that voice. I curse then ask the goddess to forgive me.
I don't want him to see me in this vulnerable position. My eyes widen as he starts taking off his robe.
"My lord what are you doing!!."
"I'm disrobing so I can bathe with you."
"My lord I can handle.." I didn't finish, one look from him silenced me.
I ball up into the corner while he walks down the three steps into the tub. I get a glimpse of his member and my eyes widen in surprise. I didn't get a good look at it at the festivities nor during our coupling. No wonder I was in pain. It looks to be the same size as an arroch, it's so big, long and pale white. He sits down in the water and stares me down.
"You will not faint again, I feel robbed of the sexual pleasure that I was receiving from your body."
I keep my head down, "of course my lord, sorry my lord."
How do I not faint anymore. As long as he continues to cause me severe pain then I see no other way.
My head stays down as I say, "will my lord please consider going easier next time."
"Why would I do that."
I look up at that statement, "so that I will not faint, the pain and the memories was too much my lord."
"What memories?!, you were thinking of someone else while I fuck you," he growls. .
"Oh no your majesty!," I say before he becomes violent. "The memories of my force coupling came over me for some reason because that was how it happened, the same way and I became overheated."
"That is how mating takes place among elves."
"Well do you think an elf is the one that accosted me?"
"I doubt it, he could've used that position so you wouldn't see his face."
"Can we try it another way then."
"But that's my favorite one."
"My lord please, I'm new to this, I didn't know what a mistress was when I agreed to it."
"We will talk no more on the matter, get over here and bathe me."
"Yes my lord," I said sadly because I've gotten nowhere and I know there will be more pain in my future.
I grab a washcloth and soap and bathe him. He's so big with muscle everywhere bulging and jumping.
"I have a booth set up for you outside the palace in the city."
"Oh your majesty that's great news but I think I will spend today planting my herbs roots. I'm almost out of certain ones. Is there a place maybe behind the palace that I can plant," I say massaging his scalp.
This action put my breast in his face, he put his mouth on my nipple and I jumped back fast and looked into his face. His Maroon eyes are alight with lust and I'm afraid he'll want to copulate again.
"My lord please, I need to heal, there was blood."
"I know, I had some on my dick, you bleed like a virgin and tight like one."
I changed the subject, "your majesty do you think I can have some gardening utensils."
"I will have some sent to you, and don't try and change the subject, I will have you tonight. Now let's get out so we can have breakfast."
He gets out and drys off and puts his robe back on. I quickly get out and grab something to cover up with. I'm afraid he'll want me again. I'm a fast healer, but I still need time.
We sit down to eat. "My lord why are you not breaking your fast in the dining room."
"Here we say breakfast, break your fast is a primitive way of saying that."
Tears filled my eyes, "I'm sorry my lord, I will try to understand your modern language and ways."
He ignored my tears and answered my question, "I don't like sitting in the dining hall, too many ass kissers."
I didn't get the meaning of all that but I'm guessing it's unpleasant for him.
"Do you think," I stop and swallow hard and continue," that you can grow to like me and be nice to me especially when we copulate."
"I haven't decided yet, and don't think I'm like this with only you. I'm like this with everybody and don't feel like changing that right now."
"But you let people into your kingdom, you're open to offworlders."
"Everyone serves a purpose here. We're very big on mates, when an elf meets their mates I respect that and let their mate stay here with them."
"Is Akee your mate?"
"Hell no. I barely tolerate her. My mother did that damn crazy deed. Before she died she betrothed me to that bitch. I've been trying to find a way out of it."
I blushed, "my lord that's a lot of profanity, you should ask the goddess to forgive you."
He shrugged his shoulders.
"My lord what is this," I said, holding up something on my trencher.
"That's bacon from a pig."
"Oh!! this is good," I ate that one and the other two on my plate.
I look over at the bacon on his plate.
"Will you be eating yours," I ask.
He smiled a real smile, "no you can have it."
He looks over on the bed and sees what Jai has left out for me.
"What the hell is that."
I shrug my shoulders, "It's better than wearing a dress, I don't like dresses. Jai said it will keep me cool in the heat, it's a smart suite."
"I know what a smart suit is Aerasume. It's really tight. I don't want you showing your body off to every male in the kingdom."
"My lord, what does that mean."
"It means you will not entertain any advances from males, you are mine and mine alone, go try it on."
I got up and pulled my towel off and pulled the suit on, at first it was big then it adjusted and regulated my body temperature.
"Wow!, my lord did you see that."
"I see your breast hanging out, zip the middle all the way up," he growled.
I zip it up and it is tight, you can see my navel imprint. The suit is black and gold. It's beautiful. It even covers my feet.
Aeason stands and walks around me. "I can see the split in your ass crack for goddess sakes."
He grabbed my chin roughly and I cried out, what happened to the humble king that I was talking to a minute ago.
I grab his arms trying to pry him off, but he just tightens his grip harder.
"Cry for me."
On command tears come, "my lord what have I done."
"Nothing yet, understand this. You will not have sex with other males and if I see you ever flirting with one the consequences will be severe, do you hear me."
"Of course my lord, I will not."
"Good, now I will see you later. Before I forget, here," he said and pulled something from his robe.
"What is it?"
"It's a communicator, I will call it when I want you, press the green button and you will be able to hear me."
"What if I wanted to dial you."
"Then you press 1. Jai will show you how to program, 2,3 and so forth."
"My lord do you dislike me because I'm not modern like everyone else."
"Aerasume I don't dislike you. You are different, there is nothing wrong with being different. Haven't you noticed I'm different from other elves. I can do things a lot of them can't even imagine. Even though elves have always been magical, but not my kind of magical and they shun me for it. They respect me out of fear."
"But you take care of them and protect them."
"We take care of each other, we have farmers here, builders, engineers and architects. We have a medic bay that you might want to corroborate with, now if you're done asking a thousand questions Jai will show you your gardening space goodbye," he said and walked out.