Aerasume POV
Why do I feel comfortable with him? Yesterday I was terrified. He caused me physical pain during coitus and he made me feel aroused. My aunt said that the dark ones women are not easily aroused, that's the drawback of having the kind of skin we have, you have to do a lot of work to feel the sensations, but with the king I felt so sensitive and so many sensations. I wish I had a mother to talk to.
Jai comes back in and asks am I ready to go.
"Sure," I grab my herbs seeds and roots and follow her.
After walking many halls and corridors we finally made it to the back door of the palace. We walk out and my eyes widen in horror.
"What the devil is this."
"This is the garden," said Jai.
"The devil it is, this is no such thing, this is a nightmare." The weeds and thorns are choking each other and it's higher than my head.
"Whatever items they're bringing send it back and bring something bigger."
I can't believe someone let it get like this. How do they season meat without a herb garden?
Minutes later a male elf comes with a tool. He pointed towards the bush, a red laser came from the tool and the weeds and thorns all turned to ash in seconds. He incinerated it.
"You're welcome. I'm Thai, the cook and Jai's brother. I haven't had time to come do this. It really needs to be done over."
"No worries, I will plant some herbs and spices you can use. I'm Aerasume by the way."
He nods, "nice to meet you, I'll let you get to it."
"Aerasume, do you need anything else before I go," said Jai.
"No Jai that will be all thank you."
I pull out my special dirt. A small sprinkle of this will have everything growing in days. I started digging and sowing until my arms hurt.
"Well if it isn't Aeason’s little mistress."
I turn at the sound of her voice. "Hello Akee."
"Don't address me you peasant," she spat.
"Why do you not like me, I had no choice in the matter, I'm here because of the king. I was hoping you and I could be friends."
"Friends," she laughed, "I will never be friends with the likes of you," she said then pushed me down on the ground. "There, that's where you belong, you filthy peasant."
I stand back up getting irritated. I glared at her. She continued to laugh so I pushed her down on the ground with all the strength I had. She screamed, toppled and rolled dramatically. She screamed so loud that it brought the palace guards.
"Guards, arrest her and take her down to the dungeons. Make sure she's never heard from or seen again."
"Milady we were ordered not to touch the mistress."
"I don't care," she screeched so loud, " grab her or I'll make your life hell."
"What is going on here."
Oh thank goddess I thought to myself.
"Cain this peasant just pushed the future queen to the ground."
"Uh huh, what did you do to her Akee."
"What!! it doesn't matter, she needs to be arrested!."
"Well the king superseded anything you say and he said no one touches her, so you are committing treason if you've touched her.
"Why doesn't he want her touched, what's so special about her."
"I don't know. I listen to my king."
"No the hell you don't, you defy him at every turn. I will have your head for the disrespect."
"Akee my family outrank yours, we're the second most powerful family in this kingdom. Furthermore the king barely tolerates you, the only reason he's going through with this wedding is because you had his mother fooled, goddess rest her soul, so did you commit treason Akee.?"
"No," said Akee. "It was just harmless banter."
Cain turned to me, "is she telling the truth Aerasume."
I drop my head not really wanting to lie, but I don't want to make enemies here.
"It happened as she said my lord."
"Aerasume you can call me Cain. We'll leave you to whatever it is that you were doing." He glared at Akee until she walked away.
He walked up to me and grabbed my communicator. "I have my number programmed under 2, if you have any problems just press it."
"Cain, why do you help me."
"You remind me of my little sister that ran away because of the ways here, you probably haven't noticed but women don't have many rights here."
"You look at me as your family," I said happily.
"Sure," he kissed my forehead and walked off.
I finished what I was doing and decided to walk to the stream. On my way there I passed the practice field. Elves and other species were practicing with swords and laser weapons. Some are practicing hand to hand combat.
One elf throat chopped another species and he went down while holding his throat.
Oh my! I would love to learn how to do that. I stand a little while longer until they start to notice me then I move on. I make my way to the stream. I run through the woods fast, laughing the whole time, my people are fast runners. I make it there In no time. It's so beautiful and colorful. I see purple and blue leaves and orange blooms. Fleekopolis has two suns and two moons. Everything grows fast here and even at night it's never really dark because of the two moons.
The stream is connected to a waterfall that runs into a lake. I take my clothes off and dive in. The water is so clean, crisp and refreshing. When I come up for air my communicator beeps. I press the green button.
"Where are you," the king growls.
"Hello your majesty, I'm at the waterfall and it's wonderful, I love it here."
"Did I say that you can go that far from the palace," he yells.
"Yes, his majesty said it at dinner," I say quickly. I see there are two sides to him. The calm side and the cruel side that he brings out without a moment's notice.
He became quiet and that didn't bode well for me.
"Your majesty please. I will come back to the palace, I'm so very sorry." I said trying to appease him. I run from the lake and grab my things quickly. I'm moving so fast that I don't pay attention to my surroundings because I run into a big hard chest and fall down. I look up into the king maroon eyes and they are alight, but not with anger.
"Oh your majesty I'm sorry, I was moving as quickly as I can," I said standing to my feet.
"You have defied me."
Heat overtakes my body with fear, I start to cry, " your majesty I apologize if the information got mixed up somehow. I thought you said I can come here in my free time." I bowed my head now realizing that I'm naked, usually I have no problem being naked, my village performs rituals that require us to get naked. I barely resist covering myself in his presence though.
I try to put my clothes back on, but he stops me with a hand, I look into his face and see lust and become scared, "your majesty will you swim with me."
"Swim?," he said it like it was unusual.
"Yes, you do know how to swim don't you."
"Of course, I am the king, I know how to do everything."
I almost roll my eyes at that, but stop myself.
I take his clothes off avoiding the threatening member between his legs.
I grab his hand in mine and run and jump into the lake. We even climb on top of the waterfall and jump over it down into the lake. I come up spluttering and laughing. Jai will scold me for wetting my hair, but I'll gladly take it.
He pulled me to him and kissed my neck then licked it.
I moan, that feels nice, It all changes when he sticks a big finger in my sore vagina. I back away and he growls.
"My lord can we maybe go slow. Can you be gentle with me? I have no experience with this, but I feel so much pain when we have coitus, please."
"So are you denying me, should I just take it then."
I start backing up to the bank of the lake and get out. He follows me. I get dressed as fast as I can. "No my lord. I don't want you to force me, I just want to slow down. I step up to him and rub his chest like I saw my aunt do to my uncle when she wants something.
"My lord can you kiss me." I have seen many in my village do this, I'm sure I can too.
"Kiss?." Another thing that sounds unusual for him. It's unusual for me to. I don't know how to kiss, but I saw it done.
He leans down and presses his lips to mine. For a couple of seconds we both stand there, then we move our lips. My eyes open in surprise because I'm feeling aroused. My vagina is tingling and throbbing. I rub my body against his, not knowing what else to do. I moan again and he growls. My gums start to itch and tingle and suddenly I bite his lip and start sucking it.
He snatched from me and backhand me to the ground and touched the blood on his lip and said, " you dare assault me and draw blood."
Oh the horror, I crawl away from him, "your majesty please it was an accident, I didn't try to, I didn't know what I was doing."
He's going to order my death I just know it, stupid, stupid, I mentally beat myself up.
He lifted me from the ground by my throat, "open your mouth, how were you able to bite me."
I opened my mouth as much as I could with his hand wrapped around my throat. I start feeling faint with the pressure he has on my windpipe. He suddenly drops me and I fall to the ground and apologize again. I can't believe I made him bleed. "Forgive me your majesty, don't have me killed, I was aroused and then my mouth started feeling funny and I lost control, I'm just so lost on how to couple with someone."
He cut me off, "you were aroused when you bit me?,"
"Let's go," he said and grabbed my arm leading me from the stream.
I'm dead, I just know it.